Is deafness a disability?

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Disability is KNOWING that you can't fly planes by yourself because you can't man the radios by yourself. There's a reason they have voice recorders... You need to be able to focus on the flying, especially when you're in trouble. You don't have time to text back and forth in busy airports.

Disability is knowing that you are a danger to police SWAT teams because you can't hear people scuttling across walkways above you to either side on another floor or trying to angle for a line of sight shot at you in a staircase.

Disability is knowing that you are a danger to yourself in tornado country because you can't hear the dang things in the middle of the night where there are no lights.

Disability is knowing that you can't serve in the military because you have to be able to communicate in all situations, especially under fire.

Face it, people. There are a lot of jobs you can't have or do. You ARE disabled, period. It is very frustrating at times, because there have been a LOT of things I wanted to do, but was denied the opportunity to do them because of my deafness, even though I am able-bodied, otherwise.

You just have to suck it up and find something else equally exciting to do. That's what I've had to do. I've done a lot of things out of the ordinary. I have traveled western Europe as a high school orchestra percussionist twice. I'm now learning didgeridoo and want to go busking in the future. I have my masters degree behind me, and have for a long time. I have built and installed stereo systems, made plastic didgeridoos, reloaded ammunition, done underground financial research, started to learn a few languages (though slowly), built PCs and run linux/Unix on them. I've driven trucks and tractors. I have done a lot of things in my lifetime.

I accept that I have a disability, but I don't let it keep me from doing things I am able to do in the meantime.


AND if we all did was to suck it up, Nothing would have changed since 1950's,deaf schools hard oralism, no signing allowed, no political rights, Nothing!!

you wouldnt be living in the way as you do today...but even that so,...we're still a long way of from being emanicipated to be equal in society on grounds of equity.
Define disabilty. It is NOT a disabilty in the way profound or severe mental retardation is, or in the way quadupelgia is... or even severe Asperger's. i knew a kid with severe Asperger's....and he wasn't just a Sheldon, but he was indeed impaired. He thought if you talked with him once or twice you were automaticly friends with him, his preoccupation was with the skin on his arms being streatchy and he was just completely and totally impaired... HE was indeed disabled. Heck, it depends on your attitude. I know wheelchair users who are Disabilty Rights wheelies, who argue that they're not disabled...its enviromental barriers and social attitudes that create the barriers. then again I know a helpless wittle learned retarded (like he really has no real mental disabilty but acts helpless and doesn't use his brain) guy in a wheelchair who whines about how using a wheelchair makes him "wheelchair bound"

WRONG WRONG WRONG on All counts.
and you are really saying disabled people just pretends to be disabled!?

How dare you write this !!!!
You have No place to write or say about disability m even Deafness for that i know you can't even decide what's your position, for all i can see, is you always try play "the professor" you cant know everything and do this by agreeing on everything, thats' a serious flawed logic, its just Terrible.
I know deaf people that can communicate with people who don't know sign language. Yes, they are oral deaf (even though they know and use sign language as well) but even those who are not oral can communicate through writing things down, texting, etc. It is not impossible. I believe it is wrong that you were unable to be a Marine, a cop, or a federal agent. This is not because of your deafness, but because of people's ignorance regarding deafness, and I'm sorry that that ignorance affected you. I know my opinion doesn't change the "rules" that some ignorant hearing people created, but ignorance should be blamed for those things, not deafness itself.

The problem with being deaf and being those positions is risky and can put people's lives in danger if someone takes advantage of the deaf person, knowing they are deaf. More importantly, the deaf person can become a liability if they put someone else in danger.

Did you read about the Deaf cop from Alaska who got shot?
Fatal Alaska ambush witnessed by one cop's family

The killer who shot him already knew he was a Deaf cop, and targeted him specifically for him being Deaf. He got shot and never knew what was coming. His partner had time to react, but then got shot right after.

This is why it can be dangerous to put a deaf person in a position of power (power as involving weapons), the same for the military positions. If it were all a fair world and everyone was deaf, then it would be different. But because we are all deaf, it can be used as a disadvantage against us.

Don't get me wrong, as I would not have anything against being an FBI agent even though I may be deaf - but I can understand why they do not want us in those positions because we can be a liability to others due to being deaf. Personally, I would be fine just to get into jobs in those areas that do not involve using 'hearing' as an important factor.
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People need to be honest about their limitations. Naisho is right. There are certain jobs or situations that could put a person in danger, and even the people around him or her because of a particular disability hampering and endangering a situation.
^^whatever... you CAN still be...there just in administrational work as an non-sworn staff...
^^^That's fine yet Naisho makes a salient point.
^^^ it wasn't directed to you...sorry story up higher lol
^^whatever... you CAN still be...there just in administrational work as an non-sworn staff...

I think being in office/admin/technician position is fine. There are ways around instead of having to be in the front line position.

You can be an Investigative Assistant. Support Technician. Forensic Technician. Blood spatter analyst. Staff advisor. Research and development. Etc, it does not have to be limited to one area. Sometimes I wouldn't mind being in a front line position as a personal opinion, I would prefer to do my work alone (assuming military) but I know it doesn't work this way in real life.
of course... but the disability factor still holds fast, i mean they would insist on a hearing impaired over Deaf..for mainly the convenience for the hearing...there's a long of greys..and darker shades of greys which seem to go unnoticed..
wrong, disabilty is the condition brought on by society, not disable as in body, that's impairment!!

Then how do you explain terms like "disability pension", for instance?
also as "disability brought on by society"?

Sorry, no. There is disability and disability, depends from what (philosophical) angle you discuss (look) at it.
Dis-ability means precisely a lack of yeah -impairment of something, in our case- a lack or impairment of hearing sense.
It can also mean a lack of any part of body, lack of body movement,
etc etc, the list can go on.

Of course going into your line of reasoning,
disability can also be stretched into an emotional/metaphorical spectrum.

yes, it can define how society disables otherwise disabled but able people
AND this has nothing to do with their true abilities - but this is an entirely different meaning of the word "disability".

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Then how do you explain terms like "disability pension", for instance?
also as "disability brought on by society"?

Sorry, no. There is disability and disability, depends from what (philosophical) angle you discuss (look) at it.
Dis-ability means precisely a lack of yeas-impairment of something, in our case- a lack or impairment of hearing sense.
It can also mean a lack of any part of body, lack of body movement,
etc etc, the list can go on.

Of course going into your line of reasoning,
disability can also be stretched into an emotional/metaphorical spectrum.

yes, it can define how society disables otherwise disabled but able people
AND this has nothing to do with their true abilities - but this is an entirely different meaning of the word "disability".


that's an easy one

disability is a phemonena, and indeed it not only limits the ranges of occupation, lifestyle choices, limit a range of socialisation (due to stigmatisation), emotional what? OF course it affects people!!
metaphorical - what? - you're silly!, disability isnt based on a novel, or some abstracts, it is REAL, as real as you and I are, as real as the existence of the internet. If anythin 'metaphorical' as you say, you might be thinking "intangible"...well in that case, its manifested in policies, and it cant be 'metaphorical' since its written on papers - governments and corporates policies in their head offices...
sorry i dont buy your 'metaphorical/emotional' bullshit...because unfortunately it doesnt stack up well with REAL Disability matters..try telling this to people who uses wheelchairs, or protheses or who have CP...they's tell you right off the bat, metaphorical is like "poem", they'd be so fucking angry with you, i know it cus I have read in some depth about Disabled peoples' involvement in the DRM...
Disability | Define Disability at

dis·a·bil·i·ty   [dis-uh-bil-i-tee] Show IPA
noun, plural dis·a·bil·i·ties for 2.
lack of adequate power, strength, or physical or mental ability; incapacity.
a physical or mental handicap, especially one that prevents a person from living a full, normal life or from holding a gainful job.
anything that disables or puts one at a disadvantage: His mere six-foot height will be a disability in professional basketball.
the state or condition of being disabled.
legal incapacity; legal disqualification.
1570–80; dis-1 + ability

1. disqualification, incompetence, incapability, impotence. Disability, inability imply a lack of power or ability. A disability is some disqualifying deprivation or loss of power, physical or other: excused because of a physical disability; a temporary disability. Inability is a lack of ability, usually because of an inherent lack of talent, power, etc.: inability to talk, to do well in higher mathematics.

1. ability, capacity.
that's an easy one

disability is a phemonena, and indeed it not only limits the ranges of occupation, lifestyle choices, limit a range of socialisation (due to stigmatisation), emotional what? OF course it affects people!!
metaphorical - what? - you're silly!, disability isnt based on a novel, or some abstracts, it is REAL, as real as you and I are, as real as the existence of the internet. If anythin 'metaphorical' as you say, you might be thinking "intangible"...well in that case, its manifested in policies, and it cant be 'metaphorical' since its written on papers - governments and corporates policies in their head offices...
sorry i dont buy your 'metaphorical/emotional' bullshit...because unfortunately it doesnt stack up well with REAL Disability matters..try telling this to people who uses wheelchairs, or protheses or who have CP...they's tell you right off the bat, metaphorical is like "poem", they'd be so fucking angry with you, i know it cus I have read in some depth about Disabled peoples' involvement in the DRM...

I am sorry, I am afraid you completely but completely missed my point.
because you basically agree with ME!

Also, you don't know the meaning of the word metaphorical.
of course I didn't meant 'its' based on a "novel"' or "it's a poem" :roll:

I am sorry, I am afraid you completely but completely missed my point.
because you basically agree with ME!

Also, you don't know the meaning of the word metaphorical.
of course I didn't meant 'its' based on a "novel"' or "it's a poem" :roll:


I DO NOT agree with you, metaphorically it is NOT a phemonena if thats what you're thinking.

I DO KNOW WHAT IS a metaphor is, and what is Metaphorically or even metaphorically-speaking is. DONT YOUR FUCKING DARE SAY I DONT KNOW the meaning of it

A metaphor is used to describe a subject by stating a similarity but using a comparison, at some point, to which is the same as another otherwise unrelated object. OBject might be something you can 'see' or some kind of consequence of when an object reacts, or say, when the wild water runs down the river fast it wears out the rock to have a smooth surface...this in some way, describes the pressure, the rush, the busy-ness, or the effort makes the rock (smooth and refined), the rock could be anything as you which... people do this often to make a point, by using a comparison that is more easier to relate to. Concepts could be too elusive to grasp, so a metaphori may be used to convey a description of a 'new concept'.

so there, and :pissed: dont ever say i dont know what it is.
i did not even USE a wiki, dictionary, or google to phrase this out, and if you're in doubt by all mean go google it.


I DO NOT agree with you, metaphorically it is NOT a phemonena if thats what you're thinking.

I DO KNOW WHAT IS a metaphor is, and what is Metaphorically or even metaphorically-speaking is. DONT YOUR FUCKING DARE SAY I DONT KNOW the meaning of it

A metaphor is used to describe a subject by stating a similarity but using a comparison, at some point, to which is the same as another otherwise unrelated object. OBject might be something you can 'see' or some kind of consequence of when an object reacts, or say, when the wild water runs down the river fast it wears out the rock to have a smooth surface...this in some way, describes the pressure, the rush, the busy-ness, or the effort makes the rock (smooth and refined), the rock could be anything as you which... people do this often to make a point, by using a comparison that is more easier to relate to. Concepts could be too elusive to grasp, so a metaphori may be used to convey a description of a 'new concept'.

so there, and :pissed: dont ever say i dont know what it is.
i did not even USE a wiki, dictionary, or google to phrase this out, and if you're in doubt by all mean go google it.



Lets remember that this thread isn't meant to become an argument or a debate. People are just trying to explain to you what their opinions are, you don't have to take this into a big event. SO, just take a deep breath and just let it go.
I don't see it as a Disability but, it is disability in a category on its own because it doesn't limit anything physical. I can define as wearing glasses help you see but, your not blind. Deaf just means we cannot hear and in certain aspects such as things we could be put in danger or be a danger to someone else like flying a plane is where we are only disabled. Depends on situation. I suppose.
<-- look a smiley face :D yay!

If you feel it limits you and disables you, then yes, it's a disability. If you consider it a disability then it is one. It has a lot to do with attitude and perception, I feel. But there is a lot of stigma attached to disabilities so people don't like to consider themselves as having one a lot of times... it can make you feel like less of a human being, perhaps because that is how you view disabilities.

I don't feel I am disabled because I'm Deaf. I just feel Deaf. And a little hungry... :hmm:

I do feel it's wrong to project your identity (disabled or not disabled) on other people if they don't hold it. If a Deaf person feels they are disabled and has no problem with it, you can't force them to feel they aren't disabled. If they have a problem with it you can help remove the stigma. But if someone feels it isn't a disability and is happy, then why would force them to think otherwise? Who are they hurting?

So, yes and no. :)
I do know that my disability does limit me and thats fine. I can live wit dat. God created me. :) (no, im not religious)
If you feel it limits you and disables you, then yes, it's a disability. If you consider it a disability then it is one. It has a lot to do with attitude and perception, I feel. But there is a lot of stigma attached to disabilities so people don't like to consider themselves as having one a lot of times... it can make you feel like less of a human being, perhaps because that is how you view disabilities.

I don't feel I am disabled because I'm Deaf. I just feel Deaf. And a little hungry... :hmm:

I do feel it's wrong to project your identity (disabled or not disabled) on other people if they don't hold it. If a Deaf person feels they are disabled and has no problem with it, you can't force them to feel they aren't disabled. If they have a problem with it you can help remove the stigma. But if someone feels it isn't a disability and is happy, then why would force them to think otherwise? Who are they hurting?

So, yes and no. :)

for those who are deafened or acquire deafness it IS a disability, and has nothing to do with 'feeling', you just are disabled by it. Disability is defined in those terms as 'suffering sensory deprivation/loss after having hearing.' To write it off via culture is meaningless. Also coping with loss has nothing to do with zeroing it as a disability. Once you entertain THAT idea, then culture loses meaning too. Born deaf or those who from pre-school years had NO useful hearing cannot enter the debate. Ergo, they don't miss what they never had so it is a norm for THEM, for the rest it isn't, thus, a disablement.

It can be argued the considerable need for specialist education, interpreters, and disability welfare payments also recognise, even if 'Deaf' do not, they are disabled. They are relying on others for communication help. Empowerment is only true as is independent if you are NOT reliant on anyone else. I think basically 'Deaf' reject disability because of pride mostly. I don't think it really valid in practical terms, and certainly see no negativity in a disability label, without it few deaf in the western world would get any help.
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