I consider deafness as disability.
Lets is what Lissa label it.
I consider deafness as disability.
Lets is what Lissa label it.
I don't really like the word "disability" for deafness as it does not seem right at all, as the only thing we cannot do is hear/hear normally.
I don't really consider myself as disabled.
It is a disability....period.
Quite so. It is a disability but that's not the same thing as disabled. Not so. We're not disabled. Instead we're all able people and we acknowledge that we have a disability. We're not disabled but have a certain disability.
No big deal for me. I accepted my hearing loss ever since I was a young boy. I knew then I have a disability but sure as heck was a very able person.
Okay... so this is something that has really been a passion of mine in my field of psychology. To define the word is to give one a label that within itself is disabling. DeafDrummer strongly professes that his deafness is a disability be ranting on about things that a deaf individual could or could not do because they cannot HEAR with their EARS. Unfortunately, our bodies know how to compensate for DIFFERENCES" and we must be willing to rely on our other senses to fine tune our ability to do many things. To speak of things such as DeafDrummer spoke of is a bit far fetched, in my opinion; and I- in no way mean any disrespect - Disabled means to prohibit one from successfully accomplishing something. SOOOOO...
As I tell my clients (of many different needs and talents), you are only as disabled as you allow yourself to be. So who is STOPPING YOU
The disabled and disability are same definition.
Disabled is a much fickler term, disability is not so much. Evelyn Glennie has a disability and that is her inability to hear but not so much disabled at al because she is a professional percussionist.
The disabled and disability are same definition.
It isn't about agree or disagree.
It is fact about disability and disabled are same definition.
According to Merriam Webster.
a : the condition of being disabled
b : inability to pursue an occupation because of a physical or mental impairment; also : a program providing financial support to one affected by disability <went on disability after the injury>
incapacitated by illness or injury; also : physically or mentally impaired in a way that substantially limits activity especially in relation to employment or education
Source: Merriam Webster
As you quoted it, disability is a "condition" of disable. One has to have much more than just a disability to be disable.
Mimsy you really, really touch my heart. Thank you.
First, Mimsy agreed with me, also she made additional explanation.
You told me that you disagree with me but agree with Mimsy post. It looks like you are trolling me so I'm not playing game with you.
You need get real to understand.
You totally misunderstood my post. Mimsy had already seen my previous post that I disagree with you and she has the right to agree with you, a she posted. I did not have to tell her I disagree with her because that was already obvious. I was thanking her for the second part of her post. Did you read the second part? You should.