"Importance of Morphemic Awareness to Reading Achievement..."

Good point! They can decode the words and have vocabulary, but doesn't mean they understand what it means when put together.

That is what our reading program strongly emphasizes on. We dont want our students just reading the book and be done. We expect a lot more from them. There is so much to Literacy than just reading. Even I am still learning new things about it.
Good point! They can decode the words and have vocabulary, but doesn't mean they understand what it means when put together.

This study adresses this. There is a difference being able to "read" a word, and decode a word, and comprehending the word in context.
"...profoundly deaf students representing SEE programs acquired significantly more (.05) English vocabulary and grammar than those enrolled in programs using Oral English, Cued Speech, MSS, SE, PSE or ASL." pg. 11
My son doesn't have language deficits, quite on the contrary. There are countless others who grew up with SEE who also didn't have language deficits. They demonstrate a solid command of English, and with reading comprehension. It's there. In the study I provided...and no one is discussing it...

This is EXACTLY the problem here. "Oh MY child does not have this problem"

Then that is spread across the globe because of one parent that thumps it everywhere they go. THEN other deaf people suffer.

Now you see why its a herd vs YOU.. it is because of the above. We, the deaf, want to correct this.
okie dokie.

CSign - you stated in other thread that you're working on from SEE to ASL. I asked if you have found ASL a lot simpler and easier to communicate with than SEE.

not sure if you missed this.
This is EXACTLY the problem here. "Oh MY child does not have this problem"

Then that is spread across the globe because of one parent that thumps it everywhere they go. THEN other deaf people suffer.

Now you see why its a herd vs YOU.. it is because of the above. We, the deaf, want to correct this.

And get banned for doing so. Makes you wonder.
This is EXACTLY the problem here. "Oh MY child does not have this problem"

Then that is spread across the globe because of one parent that thumps it everywhere they go. THEN other deaf people suffer.

Now you see why its a herd vs YOU.. it is because of the above. We, the deaf, want to correct this.

I'm speaking based upon my experiences with my son, what I've observed in others over the years, and providing documentation that supports my assertions. How often people have encountered hostility under the guise of "needing to correct" things. Some are so firm and extreme in their ways they refuse to see other possibilities.
I'm speaking based upon my experiences with my son, what I've observed in others over the years, and providing documentation that supports my assertions. How often people have encountered hostility under the guise of "needing to correct" things. Some are so firm and extreme in their ways they refuse to see other possibilities.

ok you are speaking as a PARENT.

We are speaking as children with parents like YOU. And we're telling YOU that its no bueno. We have 2-3 generations of experience here and you with what? few years.

Why don't you pipe down? This thread was a slap in our faces, ya know.
Wish all would just cool off. If only this thread could start fresh.

I'm just now reading the study, and it has some really interesting points, but I don't see how any productive discussion of what makes sense, what doesn't, and what are the implications for learning can happen in this environment.
It was a sarcastic response to the outrageous claim.

It is not an outrageous claim if you consistently ignore what we tell you and insist that your way is the right way, not ours.
Wish all would just cool off. If only this thread could start fresh.

I'm just now reading the study, and it has some really interesting points, but I don't see how any productive discussion of what makes sense, what doesn't, and what are the implications for learning can happen in this environment.

I've tried probably about 6 times to get this thread on topic. I can't force people to actually read and intelligently discuss it's findings. I just wish if a poster doesn't really have anything to contribute other than their hatred of SEE, they would just leave it alone.
I've tried probably about 6 times to get this thread on topic. I can't force people to actually read and intelligently discuss it's findings. I just wish if a poster doesn't really have anything to contribute other than their hatred of SEE, they would just leave it alone.

Allow me to put it in another perspective:

Economical power.

You have a research that backs that being white gives you more access to more money and power. Everything about it is factual. You then bring that to a forum composed of mostly African Americans and say "Lets intelligently discuss this"..

What happens?
I've tried probably about 6 times to get this thread on topic. I can't force people to actually read and intelligently discuss it's findings. I just wish if a poster doesn't really have anything to contribute other than their hatred of SEE, they would just leave it alone.

CSign - don't you think it's relevant that SEE seems to generate such negative responses from most of the Deaf here? There's a reason for it.
Wirelessly posted (droid)

Good thing there's a hearing person to "save" all of the deaf adults with literacy here.