"Importance of Morphemic Awareness to Reading Achievement..."

what? now are you trolling us?

do you know why my credibility holds very high among ADers no matter how much I pissed off people with my strong view? It's because I know how to admit my mistakes and not dance around.

forget it. I've already moved on and you're still at starting line. :roll:

You have high credibility here?!


I kid.. I kid..... ;)
How do you think deaf people learned to read and write English for over a hundred years?

Or me? My first language is English, I didn't need SEE to understand such concepts. I learned just like any other kid learning English grammar and I didn't even have ASL as my base.

Same here though I would amend that to I had to be taught formally the basic of English as I could not pick it up the way the hearing can.