Immunizations good or bad?

Magatsu said:
Never mind. I clearly didn't read your comments properly. Sorry about it.

haha, no problem buddy! :hug:
Cheri said:
I only had one flu shot all my life, and don't even get sick much either.. It depends on each person not because of flu shots.

yea that is true.. but it also helps.. cuz in the past i used to get the flu but then when i started getting the flu shots.. i NEVER ONCE got the flu.. so it is very beneficial for me in this case..
^Angel^ said:
.............I have nothing more to say on this topic, I no longer want to debate with this either because I have no problem with given my children vaccine shots!

Then I thank you for your input. I don't understand why you think I am "debating" you or anyone on this topic. I thought that by the title it would be plain that this was a friendly discussion, and not a debate. That is why I have not pasted long passeges of evidence one way or the other here, but a few links where information can be found for those who care to look at it. And I fail to see how a person can be offended by seeing their own state law on the matter, though I do find a lot of law offensive myself! Thanks, Angel for sharing your views and experiences with us!
Codger said:
When my daughter was born, I began to look into all the shots required to make her a healthy human being. .. Then I looked them up on the internet...
Sigh...we didn't have the internet when my daughter was born over 31 years ago. She did get all the vaccinations. Thankfully, no side effects or problems.
I probably had regular flu shots growing up but in the past 35 years I have had only one shot and that was about 10 years ago when it was chemical based, rather than germ/bacterial based.
Reba said:
Sigh...we didn't have the internet when my daughter was born over 31 years ago. She did get all the vaccinations. Thankfully, no side effects or problems.

No reason to sigh! You did the right thing according to the knowledge you had at the time. And when you are in the military, you don't get the choice no matter what. Some folks have had some real bad effects from the anthrax and other vaccines for exotic diseases the military people might be exposed to. Some have tried to refuse and had their career, sometimes life ruined.

In years gone by, we were taught to always trust the government, doctors, lawyers etc. I guess I wandered away from that when history came home to roost. But like I said, that is just me. No one reading this should do what I do, or think like I think on my say-so. Educate yourselves is all I ask, in all aspects of your life. We live in the information age, and it is so hard to keep up. What might be true today might not be tomorrow. When I cut my finger off in the 1950's, there was no way to reattach it. Now there is. My own dad had his cut of in the late eighties and it was successfuly reatached with full function.
Tousi said:
I probably had regular flu shots growing up but in the past 35 years I have had only one shot and that was about 10 years ago when it was chemical based, rather than germ/bacterial based.

Flu vaccine technology grows by leaps and bounds every year. Microbiologists are now working with every known flu virus, breaking down the DNA and deciphering what each component does. The very latest vaccines contain damaged viruses that the body can attack and kill easily. They have even dug up samples from the victims of the 1918 flue pandemic to study why it was so virulent. That is a bit scary when you consider that samples of the virus are sent around the world as a part of shared research materials.
Thankyou Magatsu. This closely mirrors the info I found years ago and studied. Folks Please read this. Just try to understand it. No one says you were wrong for taking or not taking vaccinations. No one is seeking to force you to believe anything. I'll have another related topic in the debate section soon.

I came to find out that immunizations are not very good.There are things it causes for me it caused me to loose my hearing. My sister on the other hand has no immunizations and she is the healthiest out of 6 kids.

There was a flu that was very bad it hit everyone for a month my baby brother almost got hospitalized and my sister was cranky for two days and then she was fine, and she has no immunizations and i hear how good they are for you i am 18 had asthma since i was 11 months old i have had all my shots and since i had my shots i have severe asthma.Most people dont know this but asthma is a automune dieases and if you dont believe me you can go get a book in walmart. its title is What doctors dont want you to know about immunizations.
hazelkat said:
I came to find out that immunizations are not very good.There are things it causes for me it caused me to loose my hearing. My sister on the other hand has no immunizations and she is the healthiest out of 6 kids.

There was a flu that was very bad it hit everyone for a month my baby brother almost got hospitalized and my sister was cranky for two days and then she was fine, and she has no immunizations and i hear how good they are for you i am 18 had asthma since i was 11 months old i have had all my shots and since i had my shots i have severe asthma.Most people dont know this but asthma is a automune dieases and if you dont believe me you can go get a book in walmart. its title is What doctors dont want you to know about immunizations.

I have the link here:

Vaccination Liberation
Interesting info on vaccinations. I can understand that there are pros and cons over the vaccines. Their decisions.

I remember when I was a kid, I had many immunizations. In my time (before 1980's) I had a scar patch hole on my upper arm like Reba said in previous thread. It didn't fade but can see it still as it is now. In a modern today, there is no scar after the shots anymore. I dunno why make it different on both.

I never had a flu shot in my lifetime. I had my chicken pox in my teenager. I was sick alot in my childhood. BTW, I remember I came to a public school and was told that I shouldn't came in due to immunization records form. I was puzzled at the school office clerk so they gave me the form and sent me home. I gave it to my mother. My mother looked at it and sighed and was upset for not having me in school for a day so she had to write it down on the form and brought it back to school.

One of my friend, she and her husband have children, have a good reason not to acquired the form to fill out so she signed on the special box for a regilious reasons-no immunizations required. They still go to schools. I respected them for their reasons.

From what I heard about the flu shot which has a raw egg (yoke, I think-maybe I'm wrong :) ) in it. If anyone is allergic to egg, don't take a flu shots for this.

Codgear and CyberRed has a good references on websites. That's alot of information though.
Last year, I took flu shot and caught sick several times through winter.. *mumbling* I'm sick of stupid flu shot.. I've made promised and refused take flu shot again next year.. 1 year later.. this year.. I'm not going take flu shot which have good reasons.. I had enuff w/this hell flu shot.

Espically My children's school must require flu shot..#%!@#%#$!% I wish school should have respect my wishes and want have my children no need flu shot but sadly requires it..
due school.
I wonder how many of you opposed to vaccination have any medical/ chemical/biological education.
because it is rather difficut to make educated decision on a subject one is really not familiar at all with.

It is very very different thing to know stuff from merely hearing about it from someone else's opinions (usually not very researched either) and be truly knowledgeable on the matter.

For example, how does a vaccine work, what is it made of, what prompted scientists to invent these.

The historical fact is, a lot of people in the past have died of various epidemics caused by contagious diseases in the past, the same diseases that we are not afraid of now because thanks to vaccinations they are either eradicated or we are immune to it because of being vaccinated.

Take POLIO -poliomyelitis:

""At the height of the polio epidemic in 1952, nearly 60,000 cases with more than 3,000 deaths were reported in the United States alone.""

(rubeola) MEASLES:
""Measles can lead to many different complications: croup, bronchitis, bronchiolitis, pneumonia, conjunctivitis, myocarditis, hepatitis, and encephalitis. Measles can also make the body more susceptible to ear infections or pneumonias caused by bacteria. Symptoms and complications of measles are usually most severe in adults.""

RUBELLA - German measles:
""When rubella occurs in a pregnant woman, it may cause congenital rubella syndrome, with potentially devastating consequences for the developing fetus. Children who are infected with rubella before birth are at risk for growth retardation; mental retardation; malformations of the heart and eyes; deafness; and liver, spleen, and bone marrow problems.""

""In 20 to 30 per cent of the cases of adult men with mumps, the disease infects the testicles (orchitis) causing swelling, pain, soreness and a higher temperature. This often occurs about a week after the disease has broken out, and is a serious infection that may cause sterility.
A less rare complication of mumps is meningitis, which may appear 3 to 10 days after the onset of mumps. This is an inflammation of the membranes of the brain or spinal cord. ""

""the potential risks associated with mumps disease are much greater than the potential risks associated with the mumps vaccine.""

"""There are two clinical forms of SMALLPOX.
Variola major is the severe and most common form of smallpox, with a more extensive rash and higher fever. There are four types of variola major smallpox: ordinary (the most frequent type, accounting for 90% or more of cases); modified (mild and occurring in previously vaccinated persons); flat; and hemorrhagic (both rare and very severe). Historically, variola major has an overall fatality rate of about 30%; however, flat and hemorrhagic smallpox usually are fatal. Variola minor is a less common presentation of smallpox, and a much less severe disease, with death rates historically of 1% or less.""

I do believe since one never knows when one can contract these diseases, it is still safer to be vaccinated than hoping that throughout your life you'll be lucky not to get anything.

and think about it:

""Smallpox is caused by the variola virus that emerged in human populations thousands of years ago. Except for laboratory stockpiles, the variola virus has been eliminated. However, in the aftermath of the events of September and October, 2001, there is heightened concern that the variola virus might be used as an agent of bioterrorism.""

if you are not immune to it, you're probably in trouble.

I was vaccinated and I did vaccinated my child.

However - flu - no, because I am not at a high risk group. I do not work in hospital, nursing home etc, also I am at rather very low risk of contracting hepatitis so no didn't get this vaccine either.
I did wanted my daughter to be vaccinated against it, unfortunately when she was supposed to have a second shot she refused.

There you go! I just entered another forum I visit, and right away stumbled upon this:

"""CONSTANTA, Romania (AP) - An outbreak of measles has infected more than 4,000 children in Romania, killing 10 of them, health officials said Monday.
He has said the outbreak appeared because some children had been missed by immunization campaigns. Also, in 2005 the measles, mumps and rubella vaccination schedules were disrupted by a shortage of vaccine."""
