Immunizations good or bad?

When my daughter was born, I began to look into all the shots required to make her a healthy human being. Why all these shots? What I found astounded me. I began, before she was in kindergarten, to ask for the drug information sheets from the doctor or health department. Then I looked them up on the internet, and wrote letters to advocacy groups, and contacted well known medical professionals. I researched state immunization laws. I educated myself on the subject. I made what I feel is an informed rational decision based on my regard for the health of my daughter. Since then I have delt with the schools, health departments, and state officials in Arkansas, Florida, and Tennessee. Usually I have the ammo on hand that I need. Occasionally, I have had to resort to contacting a knowledgable pastor in another state who helps. I consider most vaccinations to be unneccesary, and a health risk in and of themselves. My choice. My decision. My daughter has never contracted one of these diseases in 13 years. She did have the first three sets of infant shots. And the polio vaccination. The worst that has happened is that every year I get a letter from her school demanding that I bring in health department records proving her vaccinations are up to date, including Hep B. I send them my exemption statement every year citing the law requiring and the clauses exempting. They respond by telling me that if there is a Hep B outbreak at her school, or any other major epidemic, I will have to keep her home. :doh: :giggle:

Here is an interview with a father whose child died as a result of being immunized, and the information he found out. I will find you more if you want from M.D.s and R.N.s. I will try to refrain from pasting them here though.
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Mags sez:

"That's why I have been steering clear from this subject to discuss with any deafies."

Why do I get the feeling that statement gives off an air of condescension?


Now you say you will discuss......either way your'e screwed. LOL!
Codger said:
When my daughter was born, I began to look into all the shots required to make her a healthy human being. Why all these shots? What I found astounded me. I began, before she was in kindergarten, to ask for the drug information sheets from the doctor or health department. Then I looked them up on the internet, and wrote letters to advocacy groups, and contacted well known medical professionals. I researched state immunization laws. I educated myself on the subject. I made what I feel is an informed rational decision based on my regard for the health of my daughter. Since then I have delt with the schools, health departments, and state officials in Arkansas, Florida, and Tennessee. Usually I have the ammo on hand that I need. Occasionally, I have had to resort to contacting a knowledgable pastor in another state who helps. I consider most vaccinations to be unneccesary, and a health risk in and of themselves. My choice. My decision. My daughter has never contracted one of these diseases in 13 years. She did have the first three sets of infant shots. And the polio vaccination. The worst that has happened is that every year I get a letter from her school demanding that I bring in health department records proving her vaccinations are up to date, including Hep B. I send them my exemption statement every year citing the law requiring and the clauses exempting. They respond by telling me that if there is a Hep B outbreak at her school, or any other major epidemic, I will have to keep her home. :doh: :giggle:

Here is an interview with a father whose child died as a result of being immunized, and the information he found out. I will find you more if you want from M.D.s and R.N.s. I will try to refrain from pasting them here though.

So, Your daughter never had her Vaccination?
Tousi said:
Mags sez:

"That's why I have been steering clear from this subject to discuss with any deafies."

Why do I get the feeling that statement gives off an air of condescension?
On the contrary, why do I get the feeling that you are giving off an thick air of condescension already?

And no, I am not so don't be assume anything but say whatever you want. I had that experience with parents who totally believes in immunization and had the long-heated debate with them, I had enough. It is ok to believe in whatever you want but it is not ok to be narrow-minded IMHO. Swedish kids totally opened my eyes. That's what I always will be thankful because of that.

But now you gave off that kind of attitude, I don't see any reason to discuss about immunization with you people any further. Thank you for giving me an such excuse/reason :roll:
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Cheri said:
So, Your daughter never had her Vaccination?

"She did have the first three sets of infant shots. And the polio vaccination."

She has also had tetnus shots when there was a need because of injuries. And yes, she does receive medical care. Just not the poison laden vaccines. In 4 1/2 years she will be 18 and she can make informed decisions herself about vaccines. Until then, I intend to do what I think is my duty as a parent and protect her from what I see as a dangerous thing.
Accord German law:

The children MUST have it done!

Kindergarten, School, Clubs,eg. demand children's vaccinated pass to check before accept them in.
I check my sons´s vaccinated pass and type the list what they had been received since babies.

Hep. B

I received a letter from Public Healthy Department ask me to bring my son´s vaccinated pass and also examine my children before goes their first school. They are strict about vaccination law to protect the children´s healthy.

The Healthy insurance cover everything to protect the children and adult except Hep. A and B.

Hep. A is suitable for travel oversea, that´s why Healthy insurance is not cover this cost.

Healthy insurance cover Hep. B shot only if people who work for hospitails, resturants, butcher, dentist, teeth maker, etc.

The Healthy insursance cover the cost for Hep.B on the children until 18 years old.
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Magatsu, I am sorry and surprised that you find reason not to share your knowledge and views on this subject. I respect your right to reserve your opinion, but I personally was looking forward to your insight. Your views add so much to many discussions here, as do intellegent rebuttals. Oh well, it is your freedom of choice :whistle:
Magatsu said:
On the contrary, why do I get the feeling that you are giving off an thick air of condescension already?

And no, I am not so don't be assume anything but say whatever you want. I had that experience with parents who totally believes in immunization and had the long-heated debate with them, I had enough. It is ok to believe in whatever you want but it is not ok to be narrow-minded IMHO. Swedish kids totally opened my eyes. That's what I always will be thankful because of that.

But now you gave off that kind of attitude, I don't see any reason to discuss about immunization with you people any further. Thank you for giving me an such excuse/reason :roll:

Don't worry about what Tousi says, He does the same thing with me in another forum Who cares. Just blow him off. :thumb: Remember not everyone will agree with each other. I believe in immunizations with my children and If you believe your children do not need it, Fine. That is your call as a parent. ;)
I have had my vaccinations and so for all my 3 children and we have never had any side effects after having vacination shots....

For myself as a parent, I will make sure all my children keep up with their vacination shots since it is important to them and also they will not be allow to attend public school without them either...

I have had my children to take flu shots because of so many children going to school being sick and not staying home when they are suppose to and it spreads to another child, but since my two children had shown side effects during the flu shots by getting sick from it so I no longer let them have their flu shot anymore, it depending what vaccination shots should be given since flu shots are just an option meaning you can take it or not same likewise goes for chicken pox and etc....
Cheri said:
Flu Shots for me no, I think it more needed for those the age of 65 and older or those who have medical issue problems.

Hepatitis Vaccine, Yes.

I agree with you on the flu shot. There is a criterior for getting the flu shot that I happen to fall under. I'm in the "chronically ill" category indicating that I should get a flu shot every year. But as I stated above, I got it once and I'm not likely to get it again.

And, I would definitely get vaccinated (if I haven' already been) for Hepatitis.

^Angel^ said:
I have had my vaccinations and so for all my 3 children and we have never had any side effects after having vacination shots....

For myself as a parent, I will make sure all my children keep up with their vacination shots since it is important to them and also they will not be allow to attend public school without them either...

I have had my children to take flu shots because of so many children going to school being sick and not staying home when they are suppose to and it spreads to another child, but since my two children had shown side effects during the flu shots by getting sick from it so I no longer let them have their flu shot anymore, it depending what vaccination shots should be given since flu shots are just an option meaning you can take it or not same likewise goes for chicken pox and etc....

:gpost: ^Angel^

I agree with you. You are also correct in saying that most, if not all, school districts require school children to be up to date with their vaccination schedules before they will allow them to enter school.
^Angel^ said:
.......... and also they will not be allow to attend public school without them either...

I respect your decision to get the vaccinations for your children based on your belief that it is what is best for them. But your information about Ohio immunization law is wrong. Nearly every state has exemptions to their immunization laws. The laws would be unconstitutional otherwise. They are not required to tell you the law. As an adult, it is understood that you have read and know the law. Here, read it.

[§ 3313.67.1] § 3313.671 Required immunizations; exceptions.
Oceanbreeze said:
:gpost: ^Angel^

I agree with you. You are also correct in saying that most, if not all, school districts require school children to be up to date with their vaccination schedules before they will allow them to enter school.

They are required to ASK you for proof. They are not required to show you the law or break the law by excluding your child if you submit a properly prepared exemption claim.
Codger said:
They are required to ASK you for proof. They are not required to show you the law or break the law by excluding your child if you submit a properly prepared exemption claim.
Yes that is correct. We have a state law requiring vaccinations unless someone wants to be wavied due to religious or medial beliefs and need to submit a resonable exemption claim.
Oceonbreeze, (I love that name, I used to live in Gulf Breeze) here is the Florida exemption law from the same site:

Fla. Stat. § 1002.20 (2002)

§ 1002.20. K-12 student and parent rights
K-12 students and their parents are afforded numerous statutory rights including, but not limited to, the following:

(a) School-entry health examinations. --The parent of any child attending a public or private school shall be exempt from the requirement of a health examination upon written request stating objections on religious grounds in accordance with the provisions of s. 1003.22(1) and (2).

(b) Immunizations. --The parent of any child attending a public or private school shall be exempt from the school immunization requirements upon meeting any of the exemptions in accordance with the provisions of s. 1003.22(5).

5) The provisions of this section shall not apply if:

(a) The parent of the child objects in writing that the administration of immunizing agents conflicts with his or her religious tenets or practices;

(b) A physician licensed under the provisions of chapter 458 or chapter 459 certifies in writing, on a form approved and provided by the Department of Health, that the child should be permanently exempt from the required immunization for medical reasons stated in writing, based upon valid clinical reasoning or evidence, demonstrating the need for the permanent exemption;

(c) A physician licensed under the provisions of chapter 458, chapter 459, or chapter 460 certifies in writing, on a form approved and provided by the Department of Health, that the child has received as many immunizations as are medically indicated at the time and is in the process of completing necessary immunizations;

(d) The Department of Health determines that, according to recognized standards of medical practice, any required immunization is unnecessary or hazardous; or
Codger said:
They are required to ASK you for proof. They are not required to show you the law or break the law by excluding your child if you submit a properly prepared exemption claim.

OK. But, if a child isn't current with their vaccines, then what? Doesn't it become a matter of public health, and this is why they say you must be vaccinated. It is my understanding that children must be vaccinated in order to attend school.

I could be wrong, though.

But, I'm done. I don't feel the need to debate whether or not children should be vaccinated.
Codger said:
They are required to ASK you for proof. They are not required to show you the law or break the law by excluding your child if you submit a properly prepared exemption claim.

Actually the school did both...and what happens if the school did not let your child enroll in their public system when they didn't have their vaccines, what are you doing to do now?....
Oceanbreeze said:
OK. But, if a child isn't current with their vaccines, then what? Doesn't it become a matter of public health, and this is why they say you must be vaccinated. It is my understanding that children must be vaccinated in order to attend school.

Wow, you and I have the same mind this afternoon! :cheers: LOL
Oceanbreeze, this is where the concept of personal responsibility comes in. Making an informed decision based on what you KNOW to be true. Know the law. Know the vaccines and the risks, then make your personal decision. I think you will notice that I have not told any of you NOT to have yourselves vaccinated, or NOT to have your own kids vaccinated. I have only offered you the resources to make an informed decision. Nothing more. No one is a "bad" person regardless of which side of this issue you land on. The only bad thing is taking the easy path because everyone tells you it is the right path, and doing what the government SAYS is best for you without checking the facts yourself.
Codger said:
Magatsu, I am sorry and surprised that you find reason not to share your knowledge and views on this subject. I respect your right to reserve your opinion, but I personally was looking forward to your insight. Your views add so much to many discussions here, as do intellegent rebuttals. Oh well, it is your freedom of choice :whistle:
Nas read all of this posts recent and she insists me to stay on this topic :/ Cheri, I hope you didn't regret that you encourage me to stay on this topic heh!

Codger, I can see where you from and I support your view of immunization based on your comments (so far heh!)

^Angel^ said:
I have had my children to take flu shots because of so many children going to school being sick and not staying home when they are suppose to and it spreads to another child, but since my two children had shown side effects during the flu shots by getting sick from it so I no longer let them have their flu shot anymore, it depending what vaccination shots should be given since flu shots are just an option meaning you can take it or not same likewise goes for chicken pox and etc....
That is not true. Nearly 90% of Swedish children didn't take the vaccinations included flu shots and they rarely got sick from flu and such. That is clearly myth but it is largely depends on what diet they are on. If Americans consume the poor diet or not healthy diet then getting sick is inevitable for them.

I never take the flu shots. Never. And I only have three flus in my lifetime. Only three... when compared to people who took the shots and still having the flus more than I do. How? Healthy diet. My mom didn't buy any processed foods or 'fake' foods, she made the homemade foods and encourage us to drink the raw milk..

Codger, can I post the facts and references in this topic from medical journals & books?