Immunizations good or bad?


New Member
Jan 13, 2005
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I have a very strong opinion on this, but I would like to hear your opinions before I reveal mine. Magatsu, oh researchmeister, weigh in here. You might just be surprised what you find! Reba, oh voice of reason, add your thoughts too please. And eveyone please finish with an answer to whether you would take (A) a flu shot (B) hepatitus vaccine.
Are you sure that you want me to share my opinions & facts? Immunization is very controversial subject. That's why I have been steering clear from this subject to discuss with any deafies.
Magatsu said:
Are you sure that you want me to share my opinions & facts? Immunization is very controversial subject. That's why I have been steering clear from this subject to discuss with any deafies.

then PM him privately.. and have the others state their opinions in here.. :)
zesty said:
then PM him privately.. and have the others state their opinions in here.. :)
I can do that but debate thru PMs? I did that once with one AD'er and I don't want to do that again. Ever.

What about you? What's your opinion on this immunization?
Any of you may feel free to PM me on this subject if you are afraid of stirring up a fuss about your opinions. Will you at least answer yes or no to the last two questions? Please? You too Zesty. :)
I am not a medical expert, so I will just speak from experience.

I have had many vaccinations over my half-century life. I have never had and adverse side effects.

I was of the first generation of kids to get a polio shot. I remember our entire elementary school lined up in the school auditorium and get them "assembly line" style. It was considered a miracle shot at that time because the threat of polio was so awful.

I don't remember all the other childhood vaccinations I got except smallpox. I remember that one because it was a multi-prick vaccination, not a regular "shot". I still have the scar, although it is very faint now.

I never got vaccinated for chicken pox, mumps, or measles as a child. Those were not available at the time. I eventually caught chicken pox, mumps, and measles.

When I travelled overseas I got typhus and yellow fever shots. When I joined the Navy I got a whole series of shots thru the "gun" assembly line. Pow, pow, both arms! If I dig out my yellow shot record I could be more specific.

Flu shot? For many years while I was in the Navy and the Reserves, I got the annual flu shot. No problems. I did not get one this year because of the shortage, and because I am not in the high risk group. I am not sure if I would get one next year if available.

Hepatitus vaccine? I asked the doc at VA if I should get that. He said no, because I am not in the high risk group. The reason I am concerned about hepatitis in particular is because both my parents died of liver disease. (They died way too soon.)

I grew up a child of the 50's. Doctors were gods and modern medicine was miraculous. Better living thru chemistry. It is hard to shake that background. I grew up expecting great things from medications. I have since become more skeptical and cautious. I do more research, and try to use the least invasive and most natural health methods when possible. However, I do go under the knife at times with confidence.

I can't wait to read your comments about vaccinations. Ooooh, nooooo! ;)
Okay, I will answer to both questions: No. I absolutely refused to take any immunization shots. Yes, these immunization shots are bad.

But one thing... why am I afraid to share about my opinions? That puzzled me... I have been blunting with AD'ers around here about my opinions so I guess I will post the facts, references and my opinion in next post but not now. Nas wants us to go out and eat together so I will be right back in few hours or so. I definitely have to be prepare for other AD'ers who possibly will flame me or engage me into heated debate(s). *sigh* but that will be fun for me.
Q Reba:"I can't wait to read your comments about vaccinations. Ooooh, nooooo! "

Hahahaha That reminds me of "Mr. Bill" on SNL! Ha ha ha ! I am a member of your generation too. Mr. Salk and Mr. Jenner were indeed pioneers and visionaries. Their efforts Resulted in untold millions of lives saved worldwide over the years. I had a friend from a large family and Mom had a hard time keeping up with which kid had what. She was unlucky enough to be the one that was missing the polio vaccine and to get polio. She has one arm shorter than the other and several unseen internal defects from her bout with polio.

Magatsu, enjoy your meal. I look forward to seeing your opinions and reasoning.
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deaflibrarian said:
I have both Hep A and B shots simply because it is a health issue and because so many restaurants have had Hep A scares I would rather get the Hep A shot now than to get a letter or phone call from the restaurant saying I need to get it. I got the B shot because I worked in a hospital one time and it was required.

I've never had a flu shot, and no plans to. The reason is because the flu changes every year so you have to get a flu shot every year. The Hep A and B are pretty much the same and long-term so I don't need to get every year.

To avoid the flu is common sense. Wash your hands often, carry one of those anti-bacterial gels so you have something to "clean" your hands if you aren't around a place with running water and soap, etc.

When I was much younger I got the "required government immunizations" through the public health nurse or at school. Like Reba I remember lining up with my classmates and getting that pink "jello" for polio. I've also got a faint indention in my upper left arm from my childhood immunizations. I've never had measles, the mumps, chickenpox, or even whooping cough! I've been very lucky in my life!

Think about it, people did fine without the flu shot for decades. Why get a flu shot now? Both my grandmothers are in their 90s and they never got a flu shot, even though they should because they are "older people." I don't think either of them have had any immunizations like for polio, measles, chickenpox, smallpox, etc., and they're still alive and going strong.

There are a lot of questions about immunizations though. Some people believe it causes autism, allergies, learning disabilities, etc. There have been reports how people in the military are refusing to get Anthrax (or whatever it is) immunizations because they have seen what happens to other people (remember the Fort Bragg murders caused by the husbands gone bonkers after taking the vaccines?).

There’s been numerous cases where children that were perfectly healthy before they got immunization shots and they become brain-damaged or paralysed. It is very difficult for parents to decide whether to immunize their children, and I am very much a proponent on a parents’ choice. It is their child, and if they want the child to be immunized, that is fine, and if they do not want to immunize their child, that should also be fine and schools should realize that instead of suspending or kicking out the child from school because they do not have immunizations.

To put it simply, getting an immunization is a personal choice whether one is a private citizen or in the military. One shouldn't be penalized for choosing what they believe is the best choice for their health and body.

I guess the government thinks otherwise. :thumbd:

Thankyou for your input. It really is a complicated subject, isn't it? On one hand, logic and the government mandate to protect the people from disease dictates draconian measures that all but remove the freedom of choice in the matter of vaccinations. And on the other hand is the whole concept of personal responsibility and free choice, and the possibility of negative side effects from some of the immunizations. Military personel, and to a lesser extent healthcare workers and food service workers are the among the first to loose the freedom to choose in the matter. Courts intervene with the parents in deciding what is best for their kids too. Good reply. Thanks. :)
Codger said:
I have a very strong opinion on this, but I would like to hear your opinions before I reveal mine. Magatsu, oh researchmeister, weigh in here. You might just be surprised what you find! Reba, oh voice of reason, add your thoughts too please. And eveyone please finish with an answer to whether you would take (A) a flu shot (B) hepatitus vaccine.

I will weigh in here. I think they are a good thing. I received my full schedule of vaccinations when I was a kid. My niece and nephew are getting theirs. I see no reason not to vaccinate unless there's a medical reason not to such as being immuno-suppressed. I know there's anecdotal evidence to suggest that some vaccines cause autism in some children, but I would take my chances with it, because, I really think the diseases that this vaccines prevent are far worse than the small chance that autism will occur.

Also, I have had a flu shot before. My personal opinion on that is, I would not get one again. I ended up getting the flu and was just as sick if I was unvaccinated. Also, my health coverage doesn't pay for the shot, so I'm less inclined to get it for that reason. As for Hep, I believe I was vaccinated for those, too. I also received a shot for strep a few years ago. I would get re-vaccinated for those if need be.
Boot camp "shots" that I got:
Trivalent polio #1
Trivalent polio #2
Trivalent influenza
Yellow Fever

PPD test
I work for a hospital and am required to have flu shots.
A flu shot has dead viruses in it, and when it is shot inside the body, the body doesn't recognise these viruses as good and starts to heat up. That is why people get sick from flu shots sometimes but it is not as bad as the actual flu.I would rather go through this, then my body would build a defence for it for a period of time.

Keep in mind, that a flu shot doesn't simply ward off ALL flu viruses. There will always be some strains of flu viruses that the flu shots do not protect. The flu shot you receive is designated to protect you against the "popular" strains, but as for "foreign" strains, you're on your own.

As for Hep shots, I am also required to have this. I got it when I first got hired, then one month after, then 5 months after. That way, the body can build a defence against it. Then I receive it every 6 months thereafter. I am required to have this because I work in hospital and deal with biohazardous waste from time to time.

As for other vaccinations, I have not had any within the recent 10 years. I need to go to doctor soon to get some updated vaccinations for like DDT, etc... I remember having to have shots for school, then high school, then college.
deaflibrarian said:
To avoid the flu is common sense. Wash your hands often, carry one of those anti-bacterial gels so you have something to "clean" your hands if you aren't around a place with running water and soap, etc.
Yes, I am a hand-washing fanatic. One point though. Flu is not a bacteria, so anti-bacterial gels will not kill flu. Of course, the action of scrubbing your hands can remove virus germs too.

Think about it, people did fine without the flu shot for decades.
Not always. The influenza pandemic of 1918-1919 killed more people than World War I, at somewhere between 20 and 40 million people. It has been recorded as the most devastating epidemic in world history.
Flu Shots for me no, I think it more needed for those the age of 65 and older or those who have medical issue problems.

Hepatitis Vaccine, Yes.
I don't know about USA's but in Australia laws, its NOT compulsory to give our babies childhood immunizations for Diptheria/Tetarus/Pertussis/polio vaccine and Meales & Mumps and later Rubella vaccine, because its up to parents, and these makes non-immunization children suffer and miss out alot from school once the chickenpox is outbreak and he/she will be forced to stay home! I signed the form understanding that I am prepared to take the RISK to give my babies jabs knowing it can cause brain damaged, autism, and even death. The Australian Government try to encourage parents to give their children immunizations, and by the time they are 18 months old, they will cut off some of child support payments if they object immunization!! The sensible parents willing the risk to give their children jabs will receive bonus payments from the Australia Government. ;)
please finish with an answer to whether you would take (A) a flu shot (B) hepatitus vaccine.
No I don't have it. I received Rubella (twice), Tetanus, Yellow fever, and Typhoid.

For anyone, did you know that Rubella don't last forever, as when I was expecting my third baby, doctor told me my rubella proctection is very low and tell me to have it done again after my daughter was born!
Vaccination is definitely bad because I went to different groups of health conferences in different times. At first, I didn't believe it. Later, I went to the other conferences, and was surprised to believe their story. I didn't know that the it caused some children become autistic. It is really scary because I learned that FDA does not want people to know because of the money.

I had some vaccinations when I was little kid. My mother doesn't know that it was bad because there was no computers in the old days. Now, we have the information that tell us what is going on, but remember FDA still doesn't want you to know about any medicine that could be bad ones.

Some doctors give patients with one vaccination shot with 5 types of chemicals in it which is not very good. The shot should be separated in each chemcial each week which is considered safe, but the shots are still very bad. Most nurses didn't know that. If you insist that you don't want one for your child, then you could tell the school that it is against your religious - I have heard of it in the newspaper a few years ago. ...The mother won her case.

An interesting part about a primary doctor, a drug saleperson sold his legal drugs to the doctor. The doctor thinks that a drug is successful, then he invests a drug stock so that he makes money to sell it to his patients. Most doctors don't give a damn if it does not work as long as they makes money from their stock investment (i.e. NY stock market). I cannot believe it.

I borrowed my friend's book. I think you might want to read it. The vaccination information is not in the book, but in a general you will get the idea what the book is all about. You could ask the library to order one for you if you cannot afford it. The name of the book is called "Natural Cures 'They' Don't Want You To Know About. By Kevin Trudeau.

If you finished reading that book, I would like you to tell us what do you think of the book. (Actually, I am not finished reading it yet.)
Anyone aware of the legislation that prevents you from sueing the Pharmiceutical company or the doctor if your child goes into a coma or dies?
Do you read the fine print on the side effects of the shots on the info sheet before you takethem, or do you even ASK for the sheet?
Magatsu said:
I can do that but debate thru PMs? I did that once with one AD'er and I don't want to do that again. Ever.

What about you? What's your opinion on this immunization?

i believe in them...

i get flu shots every year from my uncle as he is a dr..
thank god for them cuz i havent gotten the flu in a long time..
i have seen so many people get very sick.. and nearly die from it..

last week my brother in law's father was rushed into the hospital after he was struck with the flu (he got the flu shot) .. they said if he had not gotten the flu shot.. he would have died.. sheesh..
zesty said:
i believe in them...

i get flu shots every year from my uncle as he is a dr..
thank god for them cuz i havent gotten the flu in a long time..
i have seen so many people get very sick.. and nearly die from it..

last week my brother in law's father was rushed into the hospital after he was struck with the flu (he got the flu shot) .. they said if he had not gotten the flu shot.. he would have died.. sheesh..

I only had one flu shot all my life, and don't even get sick much either.. It depends on each person not because of flu shots.
webexplorer said:
Vaccination is definitely bad because I went to different groups of health conferences in different times. At first, I didn't believe it. Later, I went to the other conferences, and was surprised to believe their story. I didn't know that the it caused some children become autistic. It is really scary because I learned that FDA does not want people to know because of the money.

My boys never had problems with theirs, only had effect side of fever after the shot but that is very common. Parent do believe their autistic children were damaged by vaccines. I invented a thread about it

If you insist that you don't want one for your child, then you could tell the school that it is against your religious

I know that schools wouldn't allowing children enrolled unless their Vaccination are up to date. I think it very important because I don't think it would be fair for unvaccinated children attend school with diseases, and passing it around. I am glad my son's school's policy vaccination is legally required before enrolling in school.