Immigration Protest vs Tea Party Protest...the violent ones..

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And just who it the violent one here! And you do not think American throw suff at cops during a protest! I am not saying it right to throw things at cops ,but should the cops also shoot at American during a protest ! And a cop did kill a student during a protest at Kent State! And if the cops did shoot that protesters , there would had been a riot on hand for sure! And it would go on for days! It could be a bad at riots after DR. King was killed!
And I was in Delaware the day after he was killed and saw how bad the riot were!

Yep. And they had been ordered to use rubber bullets, not live ammo. And that was a very peaceful protest. Until the cops started killing students, that is.

I remember the riots after Dr. King was killed too. And I also remmy the violence the cops demonstrated during the civil rights marches.
I missed them, too. Can you please show us some examples?

There was a live feed back in March of one of their protests. I watched it. I'm sure it can be Googled.
There was a live feed back in March of one of their protests. I watched it. I'm sure it can be Googled.
OK. Go ahead and Google it. I'll wait.
**nodding**. Someone is doing selective research again. What a surprise!:roll:

Here's a little something to balance out the bias.

Anyone ever think that the reason you don't see much violence in Tea Partiers is because so many of them are elderly screaming "Keep your hands off my Medicaid!"
Maybe you don't see much violence by Tea Partiers on TV coverage because there isn't any to see. If there was violence by them, I'm sure the media would jump all over it.
Maybe you don't see much violence by Tea Partiers on TV coverage because there isn't any to see. If there was violence by them, I'm sure the media would jump all over it.

Exactly. But we don't see any news coverages of violence from Tea Party protesters. All they can do is infer such injected into their commentaries or news. Or if it's about one wacko gone off the deep end they'll make it as if it was the whole Tea Party.
why are we comparing protests between immigration and tea party? what are you trying to prove? :dunno:
The double standard.

Trying to prove that Mexicans are thugs...that's how I see it. :roll:
Comments like this are why I despise the immigration debates.

but why use immigration protest? why not use WTO protest, G20, anti-abortion group, BART protest, etc?
Because he's racist. Duh. That's the only possible explanation. It's definitely not the fact that immigration protests just happened.
The double standard.

Because he's racist. Duh. That's the only possible explanation. It's definitely not the fact that immigration protests just happened.

Right. Plus there on-going claims that Tea Party groups were to be watched at all times due to their "tendency for violence." Nancy Pelosi did a terrible job last year acting fearfully (and put the MSM on notice to use the violence meme) by sobbing (almost crying...did you see that lone teardrop anyone?) with such fakiness about possible violence to come out of Tea Party groups in the form of riots.


Exactly, right.
why put in an incredible amount of energy into this topic. its getting quite pathetic
why put in an incredible amount of energy into this topic. its getting quite pathetic

"Incredible" amount of engergy? LOL. Really. Lessen the hyperbole the next time. Trust me, not much energy was expended just to write a few words.
A group of protesters demonstrating at a May Day rally for worker’s and immigrant rights downtown broke off into a riot vandalizing about a dozen businesses around 10:30 p.m. Saturday, police said.

Windows were left shattered and graffiti including anarchy signs were tagged onto buildings. The Rittenhouse Building, Urban Outfitters, Jamba Juice and Velvet Underground all had windows broken, according to Capt. Steve Clark.

Santa Cruz police asked for help from all agencies in the county to break up the riot of about 200 people. At one point, protesters lit a fire on the porch of Caffe Pergolesi and blocked access to firefighters, officers said. Police were able to clear out the demonstrators before more damage was caused.

A large rock sat outside Verizon Wireless on the 100 block of Cooper Street, where vandals tried to break the window twice, according to Clark.

“The damage that was caused was without purpose,” Clark said. “It was senseless violence that victimized a community who cannot afford to be victimized in this manner. This did nothing to add credit to whatever they believed their cause was.”

One person was arrested for damaging a window. Police are searching for others responsible for the damage. Protesters cleared the downtown area around midnight.

Riot breaks out in downtown Santa Cruz; windows broken on dozens of businesses, porch of cafe set on fire - San Jose Mercury News

Teabaggers can eat their own shit.

They weren't around when Bush was in office. Cowards.
Teabaggers can eat their own shit.

They weren't around when Bush was in office. Cowards.
Now that's what I call reasonable dialogue.

Do you feel better now?
Maybe you don't see much violence by Tea Partiers on TV coverage because there isn't any to see. If there was violence by them, I'm sure the media would jump all over it.

and play it again .... and again .... thousands of times.
And just who it the violent one here! And you do not think American throw suff at cops during a protest! I am not saying it right to throw things at cops ,but should the cops also shoot at American during a protest ! And a cop did kill a student during a protest at Kent State! And if the cops did shoot that protesters , there would had been a riot on hand for sure! And it would go on for days! It could be a bad at riots after DR. King was killed!
And I was in Delaware the day after he was killed and saw how bad the riot were!

The ones throwing bottles and rocks at the police.

Yes, especially if they are being attacked (thats why police have guns)

Now, my turn for asking you a question. Do you believe that police should be defenseless under an attack?
Wirelessly posted



Pepper spray.

Riot shields.

I don't know about you, but Canadian police only use their guns when they feel like their lives is at risk; and yes, we do have gun-owners here as well.
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The ones throwing bottles and rocks at the police.

Yes, especially if they are being attacked (thats why police have guns)

Now, my turn for asking you a question. Do you believe that police should be defenseless under an attack?

ah... equal force, right?


it's fair and equal, right?

*it's a pix of Palestine youth throwing a rock at Israeli tank
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