I'm Getting a CI!!!

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Wirelessly posted

for this discussion to be useful, first we would have to define what a "failure" would mean. Are we just talking about a device not working and requiring explant? Does that include when there is an outside cause (like the car accident mentioned)? Or, as i suspect pfh intends, any complication at all?

I already mentioned that we had differing perspectives.

The main issue is downplaying the issues out there.
Wirelessly posted

for this discussion to be useful, first we would have to define what a "failure" would mean. Are we just talking about a device not working and requiring explant? Does that include when there is an outside cause (like the car accident mentioned)? Or, as i suspect pfh intends, any complication at all?

Right. And what is success to one person may not be considered as being a success to another. That's why some discussions are moot. My ear hurts too bad for me to to back and check, but I think that's where PfH and others are saying as well. It goes back to why are you (or your child) getting a CI and what do you want from it. That answer will differ from one person to another. That's my take on it.
I been seeing d/Deaf a lot lately, what is the difference... I mean deaf is deaf right?

Re-implantation this year was my decision, which I decided to get an reimplant. Besides they WILL FAIL eventually again. I dont think you guys really realize that ALL TECHONOGY breaks (and that includes what you insert into your body)

I'm curious...as a deaf person with a CI, do you feel that your input regarding using a CI is valued and respected by all members?
You guys are right, I would not consider my implants that broke to be a failures as a result I was able to hear with the implant on (besides my first implant which broke so damn soon, thats a failure). With my current implants, if they break in 20+ years, I would NOT consider it as an failure as its expected
I'm curious...as a deaf person with a CI, do you feel that your input regarding using a CI is valued and respected by all members?
Nah, cause people dont respect each other's decisions which way they decide to go as far as getting an implant or not. I'm simply sharing my REAL experience on implants, and help those who are looking into getting an implant. Its better to hear from someone that has real experience rather than the companies telling you that you must have an implant.
I'm glad you're sharing those experiences...that has more substance than any study or research article out there. First hand experience is much more solid an second and third hand ones.
I agree. These are the posts we like to read, the first-hand experiences.
Re-implantation this year was my decision, which I decided to get an reimplant. Besides they WILL FAIL eventually again. I dont think you guys really realize that ALL TECHONOGY breaks (and that includes what you insert into your body)

I am fully cognizant that all technology will break.

The problem I have is that parents getting one for their child think it's one and done. Then set for a lifetime.

That isn't really the case, as you have emphasized.
Wirelessly posted

Bottesini said:
Re-implantation this year was my decision, which I decided to get an reimplant. Besides they WILL FAIL eventually again. I dont think you guys really realize that ALL TECHONOGY breaks (and that includes what you insert into your body)

I am fully cognizant that all technology will break.

The problem I have is that parents getting one for their child think it's one and done. Then set for a lifetime.

That isn't really the case, as you have emphasized.

i think parents realize that implants fail and that our children will need additional surgeries.

when we visited AB, the rep told me this "the likelihood that your child COULD go to the grave with their original implant? Maybe around 80%. The likelihood that they WILL? Zero." he thinks that technology will be so much better than they will choose to be reimplanted.

if my daughter's device fails, she is old enough to decide what she wants.
Wirelessly posted

i think parents realize that implants fail and that our children will need additional surgeries.

when we visited AB, the rep told me this "the likelihood that your child COULD go to the grave with their original implant? Maybe around 80%. The likelihood that they WILL? Zero." he thinks that technology will be so much better than they will choose to be reimplanted.

if my daughter's device fails, she is old enough to decide what she wants.

I've got the same perspective. I can't imagine using a computer from 15-20 years ago today. I'm glad the processing functions are managed in the external component, so there's no need to upgrade the internal electrodes as often as you would a computer, but even though I know they say the technology could be viable for life, I am reasonably certain my daughter will replace her CIs at some point, or at several points, during her lifetime. Maybe with an upgraded CI, maybe with some other technology available at the time. Who knows what will be available to her, what she'll choose.
Right. And what is success to one person may not be considered as being a success to another. That's why some discussions are moot. My ear hurts too bad for me to to back and check, but I think that's where PfH and others are saying as well. It goes back to why are you (or your child) getting a CI and what do you want from it. That answer will differ from one person to another. That's my take on it.

Im reading this right now: deaf teenager against cochlear implants

She was hearing until 2 years of age then got implanted at age 3. She wasn't happy with it, especially because her parents never signed with her and years later, decided to go deaf commando. She says it was her choice and she knows everyone is different. She doesn't blame her parents and is happy being deaf.

the comments posted to the teenager's post are really interesting. You see all kinds of perspectives and reactions from both hearing and deaf. You can see how success is defined depending on one's definition of it.
Wow. I read some of the comments. I find it hard to believe that a seven year old would beg for one...
Wow. I read some of the comments. I find it hard to believe that a seven year old would beg for one...

I would believe it if he was in mainstream and has a hearing family.

I'm shaking my head right now at this "Rick" guy - he has a nasty overbearing tone. He went mental over the fact that she dared to express an opinion which was she didn't believe parents should implant their children. It's an opinion of one person and yet it sent this Rick guy over the edge. He sounds kinda familiar.
I would believe it if he was in mainstream and has a hearing family.

I'm shaking my head right now at this "Rick" guy - he has a nasty overbearing tone. He went mental over the fact that she dared to express an opinion which was she didn't believe parents should implant their children. It's an opinion of one person and yet it sent this Rick guy over the edge. He sounds kinda familiar.

Yep..sounds eerily familiar. :eek:
Just read this "Rick"'s comments...um, I will refrain from stating my thoughts here.
I did see the **HHIssues** -- I believe I know who that is!
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