Originally posted by SilenceGold
Women. :roll:
Well, MEN! :roll: Men don't usually think ahead! :P

Originally posted by SilenceGold
Women. :roll:
Originally posted by ChelEler
Well, MEN! :roll: Men don't usually think ahead! :P
Originally posted by Sabrina
Silence Gold
That what I taught my two sons manners. My younger son gave a dozen red rose for their anniversary. Also, braclet roses for their Prom. They were so beautiful couple. I just got their pictures last night.
My older son got red rose for his old girlfriend and took her out to see the Horror Movie. Jeeze... They love the Horror Movie !
Originally posted by SilenceGold
Yes I have done that before...
One of the most embarrassing part was when I was supposed to take out Lisa's parents and my parents out for dinner when I introduced all of them to each other.
I practically forgot my wallet and when I reached the resturant, I realized it.
I whispered to my dad and asked him if he could loan me some cash..and he said that he didn't have any cash. I asked my mother..same thing...
Jeez...I asked Lisa...so she asked her dad...no cash....except some pennies (like he wanted to tell me that)...and of course, her mother never carries money...
So I asked them to sit down and I'll drive fast back to the house to get my wallet..but I realized halfway on the way to the house....my wallet was there in my cup holder in front of the automatic stick...so I turned around. Jeez...it was a week before the wedding.
Originally posted by LeviathanC
OMG! Poor ya....That's why I always wear the wallet in my pocket.
Originally posted by funnybebe78
hey guys and gals-
I'm so curious but do u ever experience about payin for dinner on first date?