Originally posted by LeviathanC
Yup, I agreed. I hate that part when me and the girl talked such as
the girl: "let me pay it for you."
me: "no, let me pay it."
girl: "no, I insisted that I PAY it."
back and forth.
*sigh* I hate that part. :sigh:

Originally posted by LeviathanC
Yup, I agreed. I hate that part when me and the girl talked such as
the girl: "let me pay it for you."
me: "no, let me pay it."
girl: "no, I insisted that I PAY it."
back and forth.
*sigh* I hate that part. :sigh:
Originally posted by Grumpy Kiki
aww that s alright, of course some deafies have problems with their writing from asltrue true..
Originally posted by AJ
i always pay for dinner...except there was this one time, when i truly forgot my wallet, i thought i had it and i went to pay the bill and it wasn't there, i was freakin out. so my girl payed for it, and to make it up to her i took her to a carnival and won her a bunch of teddy bears![]()
Originally posted by Emeraldie
That’s bull! Every time, we go out to eat somewhere. You always ask me, “Do you have any cash with you or in your purse?” I said, “Yes, I have some money with me.” You ended up telling me to give it to you and put it in your wallet before we go.
It’s always you paying for the dinner for both of us, friends, or family.
Originally posted by SilenceGold
Yes I have done that before...
One of the most embarrassing part was when I was supposed to take out Lisa's parents and my parents out for dinner when I introduced all of them to each other.
I practically forgot my wallet and when I reached the resturant, I realized it.
I whispered to my dad and asked him if he could loan me some cash..and he said that he didn't have any cash. I asked my mother..same thing...
Jeez...I asked Lisa...so she asked her dad...no cash....except some pennies (like he wanted to tell me that)...and of course, her mother never carries money...
So I asked them to sit down and I'll drive fast back to the house to get my wallet..but I realized halfway on the way to the house....my wallet was there in my cup holder in front of the automatic stick...so I turned around. Jeez...it was a week before the wedding.
Originally posted by kuifje75
Well, that is a toughie when there are two men in a couple! LOL
Usually we took turns paying for the meal or whatever. Sometimes it would depend on the occasion, like birthday, new job, good news, etc... Sometimes we would pay half-half. No biggie.
Originally posted by ChelEler
Oh my gosh!! That sounds so much like me and my husband!I usually have cash on me, and my hubby usually does not have any.
Originally posted by Sabrina
I assume, I am an old-fashioned... I think, it is a traditional most guy is responsibility to pay ladies a dinner on their first date. If they do not have any job then do not ask lady go out.
They can find a way cheaper dating with a lady like make a sandwich, bring a wine bottle, etc... Pack them in the picnic basket. Go to the park, put blanket on the ground, rub on the shoulder to let the ladies relax. Make her not too nervous on first date with guy.
Tease, talk, hold hands, snuggle each other and lay down... Kissing... Do NOT rub anything on private area... Forbid on first dating....
Not neccessary to be impress those ladies at fancy restaurant or show off nice car, etc... Just be yourself as humble.
Enjoy yourself on the dating...![]()
Thats my dad's advice...lol.
When I was younger, I was never interested to do all that work...but I had a job since 14 yrs old until about 19.