I Watched the Movie ""The Path to 9-11""

HEY DUCKdodgers, you do not understand alot of things. The Government is at fault period!! You can blame whoever you want. You can relie on a stupid movie to think that tells you all the answers but it don't. The Government is very good at covering up, with-holding information, oh yes LYING to us..I do remember that yes Clinton did have a very good chance to take out Bin Laden. (I believe it was after USS Cole) But it wasn't because of Al Gore. No they feared that there was a prince with him & did not want to take the risk of killing the prince. I don't remember the whole story. Who the prince was, country, etc.. But that was part of the reason. & YES he did attack after the 1st WTC bombing to Al-Quida..

Now you talk about Bush not reacting right away when he was in Florida. Well FYI when he was told about the 1st plane, he just blew it off & continued to do whatever it ws he was doing. Then the 2nd plane hit. That's when he addressed the nation.

Speaking of addressing the nation. He was suppose to do that Monday 9/11/06 for rememberance. What does he do? He then talks about the war on terror & in Iraq, etc..Why? No sense in that really. Theres no sense in being in Iraq period. Why our troops are still there is beyond me. He needs to find Bin Laden & stop trying to finish what his daddy Bush started back in Dessert Storm. Weapons of Mass Destruction? Oh please. There still to me to this day NO REASON for that senseless war in Iraq, when he needed to track down & find Bin Laden Period!!!!
:lol: Cloggy!

Buckdodgers, please answer Cloggy's question. Its about towers, not Kennedys, etc. :cool:

Funny how when asked a question about 9/11, you bring up JFK.
Avoiding giving answers is really up your street, like your government avoids giving answers and focusus on Clinton.....

So, How did the towers collapse? ...
Who benefited from it?
Who has the power to pull it off.
I'm tired of the public blaming Bush for this and that.

I'm sorry how you feel like this but it's fact. Bush was busy to think about attack other countries to neglect his own country. He tried to rule the world what the people in the world have seen and don't like about him. All what we heard war war war war war war.... I would consider Bush as war criminal for attack Iraq because he thought they are the responsible for 9 -11, but they are not. (We Europeans) know Bush attack other countries for that oil.

Clinton is the one who didn't do his job properly for eight years. At least Bush only sat in the classroom for an extra seven minutes.If Bush left the classroom seven minutes earlier, how would that have changed anything?[/

:confused: Clinton made one mistake in 8 year being involve with Monica... That's so. Only ONE... Bush? It's not just "leave the classroom 7 minutes later" but he made awful a lot of mistakes... example about Katrina... Ignore Governor's cries for help and eat cake... *huge sigh* I see no problem if everyone made one mistake but dozen of times? A lot of people have to die because Bush made mistake.

Because he KNEW something will happened to his country and doesn't bother to try anything to do his country to be safety.

We (Europeans) consider Bush as responsible for that 9-11.

This is a fact.

Funny how when asked a question about 9/11, you bring up JFK.
Avoiding giving answers is really up your street, like your government avoids giving answers and focusus on Clinton.....

So, How did the towers collapse? ...
Who benefited from it?
Who has the power to pull it off.

So, How did the towers collapse? ...= ANSWER By Planes Smashing into it.

Why?.= ANSWER Ask Bin Laden,,He inherrited Millions of Dollars from his dad construction company,,He knows how to bring buildings down.

Who benefited from it?=ANSWER Al Queda cause they wanted to Change america cause they hated freedom

Who has the power to pull it off=ANSWER Osama Bin Laden
So, How did the towers collapse? ...= ANSWER By Planes Smashing into it.

Why?.= ANSWER Ask Bin Laden,,He inherrited Millions of Dollars from his dad construction company,,He knows how to bring buildings down.

Who benefited from it?=ANSWER Al Queda cause they wanted to Change america cause they hated freedom

Who has the power to pull it off=ANSWER Osama Bin Laden

The towers were still standing after the planes hit it. Every floor below the impact zone was fine. People escaped through the loadbearing core.... It was intact.

Bin Laden... Yeh, he's a terrorist... But he denied doing it. The videotape shown by your government whene he said it (bad quality etc.) showed a person 30lbs heavier than BL.

Freedom... do you really have that in America? I see a country where simple questions are avoided. Where theories by the government are just accepted by the masses. People that think logically are ignored.

Who benefitted, who could pull it off: Bush & Co. got their war (on Afganistan for a pipeline, on Iraq for oil.) and got the power to make laws that other leaders in 1939-1945 would be proud of.
Where's your freedom?

So. Planes did not bring down the towers, since WTC-7 was not hit. Fire did not bring down the towers because steel doesn't melt at the temperature of burning kerosine. At the most it would weaken and bend. (and even so, the floors below would be OK)
Forget about blaming anyone. Forget Bush, BL, Clinton etc.

Just sit down and ask yourself... what made WTC-1, 2 and 7 collapse... (I have a possibility for you, but you can figure it out I'm sure.)

Another question... If the airforce can find a lost golfplayer in a private jet that went off course within about 15 minutes, why can't they find 4 highjacked planes that seriously went off course? (And remember, they use radar, transponders don't effect their tracking)
Cloggy´s post
So. Planes did not bring down the towers, since WTC-7 was not hit. Fire did not bring down the towers because steel doesn't melt at the temperature of burning kerosine. At the most it would weaken and bend. (and even so, the floors below would be OK)

Yes I know. We talked about this for years because we know that steel doesn´t melt. We beleive that the bomb is under car park of towers, not plane. I posted about this at some threads... I will link here when I find.
Yes I know. We talked about this for years because we know that steel doesn´t melt. We beleive that the bomb is under car park of towers, not plane. I posted about this at some threads... I will link here when I find.


But several eyewitnesses saw 2 men wear badges in the grassy nole one with a rifle doing the JFK assassination.And There was a Deaf man who saw a man with a riffle being escorted by Dallas police officers when Kennedy was assassinated.SO THE FBI AND THE CIA HAD SOMETHING TO DO WITH JFKs death.
Came across this... (click here for more.)
Clinton, 9/11 and the Facts
By William Rivers Pitt
t r u t h o u t | Perspective

Wednesday 30 August 2006


Measures taken by the Clinton administration to thwart international terrorism and bin Laden's network were historic, unprecedented and, sadly, not followed up on. Consider the steps offered by Clinton's 1996 omnibus anti-terror legislation, the pricetag for which stood at $1.097 billion. The following is a partial list of the initiatives offered by the Clinton anti-terrorism bill:

Screen Checked Baggage: $91.1 million

Screen Carry-On Baggage: $37.8 million

Passenger Profiling: $10 million

Screener Training: $5.3 million

Screen Passengers (portals) and Document Scanners: $1 million

Deploying Existing Technology to Inspect International Air Cargo: $31.4

Provide Additional Air/Counterterrorism Security: $26.6 million

Explosives Detection Training: $1.8 million

Augment FAA Security Research: $20 million

Customs Service: Explosives and Radiation Detection Equipment at Ports: $2.2 million

Anti-Terrorism Assistance to Foreign Governments: $2 million

Capacity to Collect and Assemble Explosives Data: $2.1 million

Improve Domestic Intelligence: $38.9 million

Critical Incident Response Teams for Post-Blast Deployment: $7.2 million

Additional Security for Federal Facilities: $6.7 million

Firefighter/Emergency Services Financial Assistance: $2.7 million

Public Building and Museum Security: $7.3 million

Improve Technology to Prevent Nuclear Smuggling: $8 million

Critical Incident Response Facility: $2 million

Counter-Terrorism Fund: $35 million

Explosives Intelligence and Support Systems: $14.2 million

Office of Emergency Preparedness: $5.8 million
The Clinton administration poured more than a billion dollars into counterterrorism
As I recall... bush took away money from FBI and other services.....

But several eyewitnesses saw 2 men wear badges in the grassy nole one with a rifle doing the JFK assassination.And There was a Deaf man who saw a man with a riffle being escorted by Dallas police officers when Kennedy was assassinated.SO THE FBI AND THE CIA HAD SOMETHING TO DO WITH JFKs death.
So instead of answering simple questions you change the subject... you're back at JFK...????

Planes created damage. The fuel burned up in the first minute. The fires were from office equipment. Black smoke indicating low oxygen levels, low temperature.
Planes did not make the towers collapse. (WTC-7 was not hit by planes. It collapsed)

Yes they did..
Think about this... Planes hit the WTC... there's damage in the lobby?????
The floors where the planes hit are separated by two special floors where express elevators go. The impact of the planes could not have caused the damage in the lobby... What caused it..?

Why are so so reluctant to answer questions about 911 ??
Jet Fuel burns so hot it melts steel.Look in the Steelmill at those temps of fire.Its the same temp when jet fuel burns.Osama knows this,,He learned construction stuff from his dad.Thats why he put those arabic hijackers to take down the WTC.Remember he tried to pull the garage bombing in WTC 1993? It didnt work? WHY?? Cause Bombs cant take down the whole tower like that. And Bill Clinton DIDNT DO HIS JOB By Killing Osama Bin Laden ,, Instead He played politics helping Al Gore win the Election cause if he bombed and killed innocent muslims it would hurt gores changes dramaticly a chance to win the white house.He Played politics instead of protecting the american people.So ABC TV was telling it like it is.But HOLLYWOOD Rather Blame george Bush cause theyre so left winged biased people.Just like Blame Richard Nixon on John Lennon cause he was a 60s hippie just like Bill Clinton was when he deserted the military when he was drafted.

When the south tower 2 crumbling down, which had collapsed, then north tower started to come down, which also had collapsed. Is it possible with two tall building crumbling down would had made another tower which WTC-7 to collapsed? It was so hard to tell, because of so much cloud of dust. It's like when earthquake occurred, the whole ground rumbling even buildings, homes. So is it possible when the two towers crumbling down, You could hear all the rumbling sounds, Would that be possible of what cause the WTC-7 to collapsed?
Jet Fuel burns so hot it melts steel.

Yeah, But, WTC-7 was not hitted by a plane, Cloggy wanted to know what cause WTC-7 to collapsed. North and South towers were hitted by a plane, so that makes sense why both towers had collapsed. Understood? :)
Jet Fuel burns so hot it melts steel....
It doesn't. Jet fuel can maintain a temperature of 1400ºC. Steel melts at higher temp than that.

Shal we BOTH look into the science and confirm it?
Regarding "just like Bill Clinton was when he deserted the military when he was drafted."
I recall a G.W.Bush that went in the National Guard to avoid Vietnam and then even deserted to avoid to Vietnam....

From what you wrote... Clinton didn't go in the army for personal reasons. That's NOT deserting!
Jet fuel calc's

Not by me. Found it here... by someone who knows his business..

We have assumed that the entire 3,500 gallons of jet fuel was confined to just one floor of the World Trade Center, that the jet fuel burnt with perfect efficency, that no hot gases left this floor, that no heat escaped this floor by conduction and that the steel and concrete had an unlimited amount of time to absorb all the heat.

Then it is impossible that the jet fuel, by itself, raised the temperature of this floor more than 257° C (495° F).

Now this temperature is nowhere near high enough to even begin explaining the World Trade Center Tower collapse.

It is not even close to the first critical temperature of 600° C (1,100° F) where steel loses about half its strength and it is nowhere near the quotes of 1500° C that we constantly read about in our lying media.

"In the mid-1990s British Steel and the Building Research Establishment performed a series of six experiments at Cardington to investigate the behavior of steel frame buildings. These experiments were conducted in a simulated, eight-story building. Secondary steel beams were not protected. Despite the temperature of the steel beams reaching 800-900° C (1,500-1,700° F) in three of the tests (well above the traditionally assumed critical temperature of 600° C (1,100° F), no collapse was observed in any of the six experiments."

Quote from the FEMA report (Appendix A).

Recalling that the North Tower suffered no major structural damage from the intense office fire of February 23, 1975, we can conclude that the ensuing office fires of September 11, 2001, also did little extra damage to the towers.


The jet fuel fires played almost no role in the collapse of the World Trade Center.

So, once again, you have been lied to by the media, are you surprised?
Jet fuel is NOT kerosene, Cloggy.


Aviation turbine fuels are used for powering jet and turbo-prop engined aircraft and are not to be confused with Avgas. Outside former communist areas, there are currently two main grades of turbine fuel in use in civil commercial aviation : Jet A-1 and Jet A, both are kerosine type fuels. There is another grade of jet fuel, Jet B which is a wide cut kerosine (a blend of gasoline and kerosine) but it is rarely used except in very cold climates.

When the south tower 2 crumbling down, which had collapsed, then north tower started to come down, which also had collapsed. Is it possible with two tall building crumbling down would had made another tower which WTC-7 to collapsed? It was so hard to tell, because of so much cloud of dust. It's like when earthquake occurred, the whole ground rumbling even buildings, homes. So is it possible when the two towers crumbling down, You could hear all the rumbling sounds, Would that be possible of what cause the WTC-7 to collapsed?
They were made to withstand eartquakes. And WTC-7 stood long after 1 and 2 collapsed.
The towers collapsed on their footprints..
(Image:WTC Building Arrangement and Site Plan.jpg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
WTC-7 is far away from it, and sustained no damage from the collapse. It collapsed long after the other two.
It had hardly any fires in it. There was no reason for it to collapse. And it didn't. It was ordered to be demolished.... ... Why?
Interesting Cloggy.... Pretty much subs up that we've been lied to not only by the media, but by our government too. :(