I need to vent....

MsGiglz, That the First time I ever saw a Picture of you... You sure Look Beauitful...U are much a good Mommie. :ily:

Wow Dana your sister in law labor for 2 days.. Congs... On being an Aunt.. U and her would have Children Close to age and be able to play together! :cheers:
6th? wow...
I read your post for a first time today... wow....

The photo can tell that you´re well & healthy... I´m happy for you...
I bet that your children are exciting to treat your baby like doll ha...lol

Keep the post with your news... :P

Wonder'n what have you done choose'n baby girl/boy's name yet ?
Love to curiouis about your choosen baby's name (boy and girl) *chuckles*
I love fooling around and reading the baby's name listing on website and helped with my good friend who is on her way 4th on Nov 17th 2004.. She knew I loved steal her babies and have nice cuddle and smell so soft skin.. ((chuckles)) btw, I'd rather enough have babies here.. 3 kids are good enough 4 me.. my hands are fully.. *smirks*
Cheri said:
MsGiglz, That the First time I ever saw a Picture of you... You sure Look Beauitful...U are much a good Mommie. :ily:

Wow Dana your sister in law labor for 2 days.. Congs... On being an Aunt.. U and her would have Children Close to age and be able to play together! :cheers:

Oh hehe.... Thanks!!
her labor isnt bad till on that day, the pains get wrose and sharp.. they decided to go hospital.. and didnt realized that she dilated 7cm.. LOL lucky her.. with Allen.. I had labor for 2 days.. (same thing).. and went to hospital and I was only 5cm... but 5 hours later.. baby born.. same thing with Dana !:D
Liebling:-))) said:
6th? wow...
I read your post for a first time today... wow....

The photo can tell that you´re well & healthy... I´m happy for you...
I bet that your children are exciting to treat your baby like doll ha...lol

Keep the post with your news... :P

Aww.. thanks!!!
means the whole world still not know i have 6th.. (LMAO!) (snickers)

ty ty !.. and TY all too!
Bullym0m said:

Wonder'n what have you done choose'n baby girl/boy's name yet ?
Love to curiouis about your choosen baby's name (boy and girl) *chuckles*
I love fooling around and reading the baby's name listing on website and helped with my good friend who is on her way 4th on Nov 17th 2004.. She knew I loved steal her babies and have nice cuddle and smell so soft skin.. ((chuckles)) btw, I'd rather enough have babies here.. 3 kids are good enough 4 me.. my hands are fully.. *smirks*

*sigh*... my man and I tried to bring up the names.. but the conversations fell.. so we decied to wait till baby born then we will decided from there.. cuz we still not know gender too.. whats more.. when the baby born... *SEE the baby* and baby's character/personality... from there we will name the baby.. hehe but we have few in our minds though.. still not too sure!
Cheri said:
MsGiglz, That the First time I ever saw a Picture of you... You sure Look Beauitful...U are much a good Mommie. :ily:

Cheri -- i CAN vouch that MsGiglz is a BOOTIFUL woman -- i once had a BIG thing for her :Oops: shes definately a GREAT mom!!!! :D
Fly Free said:
Cheri -- i CAN vouch that MsGiglz is a BOOTIFUL woman -- i once had a BIG thing for her :Oops: shes definately a GREAT mom!!!! :D

:-o FLYFREE!!!!!! you are driving me nuts :dizzy:

hehe jk!! :) :cuddle: thank you!

Surprise.. Surprise..

Introduce to our new additional in family.. :dance:

Marsha Lee
born on August 4th, 2004... at 5:33pm
7 pounds 15 oz
20 1/2" long..

all those time we thought and feeling that we will have other boy but she came out to world.. we :jaw: and surprised.. but we are all happy that she is all healthy and sweet.. here pic of her.

she is 1 week old now.. (took pic last night at next door)..


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Shes a beautiful baby!! gorgeous eyes too!!
Congrats again!!
What a beauty MamaGiglz! Just like her mum! ;-)

It's a picture perfect! :cool:
:applause: yayayay Annie!!!!! ur lil girl Marsha is SOOOO cute!!!!! bootiful!!! congrats on ur newest addition!!!!!

:ily: all 8 of u!!!!!
wow your daughter look so adorable!!! congrats! glad both of you doing allright.
Aww. thanks ya all! :)

we are thankful that she came out so nicely healthy baby..

our kids are dealing just great with her .... :D