I enjoy Google Earth way too much. I like visiting exotic places Like the Balearic Islands off of Spain and so on. It is great fun for me to then research the places and history and so forth. Having and searching Tumblr.com sites can take you places lots of places sometimes places you go whoa I have gone too far. Then there is Reddit. Then there is just going from BlogSpot to Wordpress and all of that. Then there is pen pals in foreign countries. Then there is city data.com researching every out of the way town in the USA. Then there is searching out affordable places to live in out of the way USA using interactive real estate maps on line. Or the mls.ca site for Canadian real estate. Or research college libraries and look for jobs. Then you can branch out from there. Kindle books. Princeton Press and the University of Oklahoma press are awesome. It just goes on and on. Craigslist for/sale. Cooking sites. Like to cook? There are some fantastic cooking sites out there. Rebel Girl is my favorite great vegetarian treats and from her you can spin off into hundreds of other great sites. Where did the time go? There are sites like Punaweb that are a good time learning about people living in places you might want to go some day. Then there is Dickens, Balzac, and Dosteoevsky after you have warmed up on them or refreshed on them again it is off to Francis Parkmans history in 12 volumes and Gibbons Rome in its unabridged version. Might as well cruise back through the Last Days of Socrates and pile into Shakespeare along with a few online classes. :P