I need ideas.....

I've used google maps too but only on islands in the middle of nowhere. I sort of make it a fun game to find islands, some are so small they're dots.

GeoGuessr - Let's explore the world! is a fun google game where you have to guess where the random location is.
Funny thing the attraction to islands. I sure enjoy reading about them and the cultures and histories and so on. Finding new ones too. It is surprising how many are out there. Google Earth has all those little picture icons. There are some great pictures in those things. The Queen Charlotte Islands now called the Haida Gwai' something like that - there are some leaping out of the water whale pictures there that are amazing.

Thanks for game I'll check it out!
Here are some notable finds:

1. St. Helena this island is only about 6x6 miles and yet there's an entire civilization of over 4,000 people living on that. You know what kills me is that there are CARS on it. Where are you gonna go?? :lol: There's even a facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/visit.sthelena

2. Tuvalu Islands there's an entire civilization with their own language and the nearest mainland is over 500 miles. You would think all those people just live in huts and eat crabs and fish. Actually some of those islands have concrete houses with bathrooms, running water, etc.... and again some even have freaking CARS. Some of those islands are only 100 feet wide and 5 miles long. Are those islanders that lazy??
Im guilty fo been lazy so i would have a car if i lived on any of those islands. Lol.