I need ideas.....

Oo ok. Sounds like a good idea!!
Write observations of living in a hospital or funny but true stories.
Learn a new language??????
I hope you feel better soon and are home for the holidays.
I could learn a new language.....in time here I have learn Japanese, so maybe I can do that too. seriously thanks everyone, you are preventing a crazy person from going more crazy x_x Technically I am learning ASL right now if I think of it...
As of now I know Spanish, English, Japanese, Hebrew, summarian, ASL, and well ill tyr to learn Italian.
As of now I know Spanish, English, Japanese, Hebrew, summarian, ASL, and well ill tyr to learn Italian.

Hehehe, you want a challenge, try and learn Romanian. I grew up speaking it, but dated a girl who wanted to learn it to impress my family... she spoke 6 languages and threw the book away and cried saying it made no sense and gave up. I did kind of have to giggle a little bit. Suppose because I grew up with it I have no idea what she's talking about, still found it amusing that she threw such a temper tantrum.... :laugh2:
My boyfriend knows romanian. So i know some phrases.....i could ask him to teach em
Well there ya go. :P He is Romanian? It's not to common to meet someone who is non-Romanian who knows the language. :P
He isnt, he just found the language cool abd learned it....and i cant get him to lesrn spanish when like 99% of people here talk spanish.
I can speak Spanish.... it was rather easy actually, I was surprised. ASL / Romanian were my first languages, followed by English and then Spanish. That's all I speak though, I'm not sure as I could hold another language in my head. :dizzy:
You can try. Everything is posssible. Except lick your elbow, ive tired ot (without breaking your arm) i learned spanish first then english and Hebrew same time, then i know how to read summarian no idea how to speak it. Japanse through anime and some other stuff. And asl, i was going to classes and through internet kinda now.
I find myself forgetting basic easy information sometimes, I'm pretty sure I should stop over-loading my brain these days.... :dizzy: Just today, I had my car keys in my hand and was flipping out because they weren't on my purse as usual and I thought I locked them in the car. I went trying to peek through my window and sunroof and it took me a good 3 minutes or so to realize they were in my hands ( With nothing else, so I can't even justify they were covered.... ) Yeah, my brain is in a little over-load lately.... :laugh2:
There is an extra bed in my room. Come and get some rest anytime. Something similar happens to me when im looking at my glasses and get all upset fornot finding them when they are on my face.