Ambrosia, your OP has been thought and said by everyone who has ever had someone break up with them in this manner ... been there, done that, I totally feel your frustration! I now have an adult son of my own who was 'the guy' who did this himself and, thanks to him, I see it a little differently now. He agonized for quite some time about breaking up with a girl (they had been together over a year). He talked to us quite a bit about it during this time. He loved her, we could see that, but something just did not feel right to him. Oh sure there were little things he could reach for but they weren't 'make or break things' so he could not offer them to her as a explanation. He just felt, despite the love, she was not his forever ... and he did want her to be happy and knew, with him, eventually she would not be because he would not be and that would, inevitably, adversely affect the relationship. Now I know this doesn't help you a lot at this stage (you need to go through the anger and disappointment and sadness) but I thought it was worth sharing nonetheless.