I admit that I .......

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I admit that I telling you catmandu, way to go! Excellent job! ha ha warning yes easily hooked w/photo shop and other kind software too.. LOL so am I
I admit that I´m speechless after saw the picture of Catmanda´s daughter... She is tooooo beautiful like her mother...
Catmandu said:
I admit that I am hooked on photoshop... again. Too much fun! :D

I admit that Catmandu's daughter is SO adorable! and photoshop :cool:
I admit, Catmandu's daughter look like her mother. very beautiful.

I admit, my back start abit ache..
I admit that I'm glad that my surgery went well today... and I also admit that it is hurting & it is time to take a pain killer med!
I admit that I did went to Len Mills, London,Ontario and bought some of little samples things...
*wait til Angel discuss w/me about these samples* :D
i admit that i am a starbucks freak im right now at this very moment at starbucks using my laptop and drinking a white choclate mocha doesnt that say it all? hehehe :) Javapride's name really stuck this time :lol:
i admit that i take care of my friend's 2 cats and dog at home this weekend...
I admit that I haven't start work on the blanket! TSk tsk at me! :lol:
I admit, got 7 inches of snow last night even THUNDERSTORM?!?!!? while snow? weirdd..
I admit that I'm preparing Angel and RR's wedding theme... *pull my sheelve up....ready my handwork crafts.. :D
I admit that I'm the happiest woman, because I'm going to meet DHB the first weekend of Feb. ;)
SherryCherish said:
I admit, got 7 inches of snow last night even THUNDERSTORM?!?!!? while snow? weirdd..

I admit that I have seen that before here in Seattle. It's called thundersnow. A t-storm with snow coming down. It was really weird to see one that was snowing heavily with a few lightning flashes.
I admit that I love to sing :dance2: recently my girls and I were in bathroom then having our breakfast :wiggle:

This's the way we brush our teeth, brush our teeth
On a cold and frosty morning.
This's the way we wash our face, wash our face
On a cold and frosty morning.
This's the way we dry ourselves, dry ourselves
On a cold and frosty morning.
This's the way we brush our hair, brush our hair
On a cold and frosty morning.
This's the way we drink our milk, drink our milk
On a cold and frosty morning.
This's the way we shout Hello, shout Hello
On a cold and frosty morning.

it works! girls do regularly ;)
Cheri said:
I admit that I'm the happiest woman, because I'm going to meet DHB the first weekend of Feb. ;)
I admit that I want to know if that will be your first meeting ?
GalaxyAngel said:
I admit that I'm preparing Angel and RR's wedding theme... *pull my sheelve up....ready my handwork crafts.. :D

I admit I can't wait to see them.... :hug:
sequoias said:
I admit that I have seen that before here in Seattle. It's called thundersnow. A t-storm with snow coming down. It was really weird to see one that was snowing heavily with a few lightning flashes.

Really?!? i don't remmy if i ever seen it before LOL

I admit, i can't walk much longer, since baby is dropped, too much pressure urgh.
I admit that I am kinda lazy today! I am SUPPOSE to clean the 3rd bedroom. UGH!!
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