I admit that I .......

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I admit I'm allergic to passionfruit
i admit i have no idea what passionfruit is.
I admit I was quite surprised to know AJ loves the Steelers-- *5* man!! :D
I admit that Steelers isn't my top one rate in football, I also admit that I am the Cleveland Browns fan, because I live in Cleveland and my son loves the Cleveland Browns. ;)
I admit that Cleveland Browns sucks!! GO GO STEELERS!!!!!!! :applause:

Sorry sis, but Steelers is on top of MY LIST!!! :fruit:
F*** THE BROWNS!!!!!!!

i admit...there are a lot of steeler fans in here than i thought there would be.
AJ said:
F*** THE BROWNS!!!!!!!

That wasn't very nice to say.

I admit that AJ cussed too much.
Cheri said:
That wasn't very nice to say.

I admit that AJ cussed too much.

lol I, myslf, admit that i cuss too much.

but at least i used the stars *** instead of the actual word.
I admit that I put one AD member on block for annoying the heck out of me. Now I feel at peace and stress-free from that so-call idoit. :thumb:
I admit that I just woke up about 10 minutes ago and wanna go back to sleep :(
I admit that I overslept for 1 1/2 hours. I didn't set my alarm for 6am. :shock:
I admit that I don't feel alike to go work but must go.. and needy $$ income atternative support family decent. Yesterday I called my boss, can't go work due my little son had fever and flu..
Cheri said:
I admit that I put one AD member on block for annoying the heck out of me. Now I feel at peace and stress-free from that so-call idoit. :thumb:
I admit that I was :fingersx: that it is not me :mrgreen:
I admit that I feel like that I am shitty. My nose suffy and watery my eyes... it is warmer outside and raining.. weird weather

it makes me hardly get up from my bed this morning due too dark in the morning.
I admit that I turned a yr older today that I am not happy about it.
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