I admit that I .......

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I admit, I can not stop chatting with Cheri! I am supposed to be in bed by NOW for work tonite... grrr
I admit that I hate needle and is nervous to get a surgery this coming Friday.
(surgery - nothing serious .. just an arthroscopy on my left wrist and removal of a cyst... It's the needle that i'm afraid of) :Ohno:
EyesBlue! What's that thing on the ceiling, look! *Jabs EyesBlue with a needle packed with knock-out meds* There, there, your'e okay now.....hit me later--LOL!
Tousi said:
EyesBlue! What's that thing on the ceiling, look! *Jabs EyesBlue with a needle packed with knock-out meds* There, there, your'e okay now.....hit me later--LOL!

Yeah.. after surgery, EyesBlueDeaf>
then later ..Tousi >
EyesBlueDeaf said:
Yeah.. after surgery, EyesBlueDeaf>
then later ..Tousi >

OMG, You made me choke on my diet pepsi! :rofl: :rofl: Thanks for the laugh! OMG too freggin funny!
*Hobbling in.....* Dang, I gotta admit that gal packs a wallop! *Hobbling back out and disappears in a wisp of smoke*
I admit that I just arrived home from a flight from California for a week. ;)
I admit that when I saw IcedTeaRulz she made me feel like drinking a glass of iced tea right now :)
I admit that I am very depressed right now :tears: My fiance just flew back home after a wonderful weekend here. I miss him very much already and he is not even back home as he is on a 5 1/2 hour plane ride right now. Am counting minutes until I see him again in several weeks.
i admit that i still have a few crushes on some AD people.
I admit that I am tired from packing all of my things in the boxes. Anyone wanna come over and help me ? :)
BabyAngel said:
I admit that I am tired from packing all of my things in the boxes. Anyone wanna come over and help me ? :)

:applause: i admit that i would do since i m bored here, older daughter is at school, younger is having a nap i m alone here thinking of.. anyone care to chat with :wiggle:
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