How many czars in White House?

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It only takes one example.
U.S. 'border czar' held similar post under Clinton -

There are many others..... LOL.

an official title for Alan Bersin is "Department of Homeland Security Assistant Secretary for International Affairs and Special Representative for Border Affairs"

whoa.... a rather boring and verbose title, isn't it? "Czar" is shorter and it sells better in newspapers, don't ya agree?
Ask that question to the media. They're the ones who keep putting out "czar" label.

Funny, all of sudden people are objecting to the term "czar"?

*looking around* people? what people? you are the one who are overreacting to that term... which is why you created this thread! :laugh2:

you didn't create similar thread to czars being appointed under Bush Administration. why now?
my post #191
BTW - lemme ask you this - OFFICIALLY... do their job titles say "Czar" before their names?

an official title for Alan Bersin is "Department of Homeland Security Assistant Secretary for International Affairs and Special Representative for Border Affairs"

whoa.... a rather boring and verbose title, isn't it? "Czar" is shorter and it sells better in newspapers, don't ya agree?

Boy, that's quite a mouthful. :P Perhaps He can be called DHSASIAS.. uh no.. that won't work. We'll just call him Czar.
*looking around* people? what people? you are the one who are overreacting to that term... which is why you created this thread! :laugh2:

you didn't create similar thread to czars being appointed under Bush Administration. why now?

To answer the original question, "How many czars are there in the White House?" None. :giggle:
Exactly. Calling them czars is a misrepresentation with obvious and transparent intent. Same ole, same ole.
I'm glad you agree with me, but you seem to think it's desirable that they're bypassing senate confirmations. I don't care if you call them "czars" or "happy rainbow butterflies". They need confirmation from the senate.
I'm glad you agree with me, but you seem to think it's desirable that they're bypassing senate confirmations. I don't care if you call them "czars" or "happy rainbow butterflies". They need confirmation from the senate.

Where exactly did I state that?
To your incredibly narrow way of thinking it only takes one example. The rest of us have a broader mind, and can allow more than one thing in at a time.:D

[ame=]YouTube - cnn - lou dobbs - "health czar" past[/ame]
time stamp at :47 seconds on CNN tv that said "newly appointed health czar," though of course no one can see quotes in "health czar" by voice.

Now, if you have a complaint about the word "czar" the please kindly take your complaints to CNN and the rest of the MSM who use it on a regular basis. Don't come to me and complain in a whiny high-pitched voice. Ok?

(sorry folks but you'll have to take my word for it, that is what a CNN reporter said at the :47 second time stamp. anybody who's hearing (or hard of hearing) can easily verify this )
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They were making fun of the conservative use of the term. Just like we are here. Read and comprehend.
Where are they making fun of the term czar? I looked through the first several articles and didn't see anything critical of that term. Perhaps I missed it.
OK boys n' girls! form a line here to get your pix taken as Czar for $5!!


*it's a pix of czar wearing uniform but his face was blocked by a white circle for a pix of your face to be appeared on it and the caption above - "Czar [enter your name]
OK boys n' girls! form a line here to get your pix taken as Czar for $5!!


*it's a pix of czar wearing uniform but his face was blocked by a white circle for a pix of your face to be appeared on it and the caption above - "Czar [enter your name]

OOOH! Can I get to keep my new nice shiny uniform? :D
YouTube - cnn - lou dobbs - "health czar" past
time stamp at :47 seconds on CNN tv that said "duly appointed health czar," though of course no one can see quotes in "health czar" by voice.

Now, if you have a complaint about the word "czar" the please kindly take your complaints to CNN and the rest of the MSM who use it on a regular basis. Don't come to me and complain in a whiny high-pitched voice. Ok?

(sorry folks but you'll have to take my word for it, that is what a CNN reporter said at the :47 second time stamp. anybody who's hearing (or hard of hearing) can easily verify this )

Take your word for it?:laugh2: Provide a transcript for the deaf members of this forum. They are perfectly capable of deciding what to think and not think. They certainly do not need to be told to "take your word for it." How insulting!

And again, the entire tape must be listened to or a transcript read for context. Stop with the one word google searches.
I'm glad you agree with me, but you seem to think it's desirable that they're bypassing senate confirmations. I don't care if you call them "czars" or "happy rainbow butterflies". They need confirmation from the senate.

I agree but you won't get anything out of Jillio to agree with you on that aspect. She'll do her patented bob and weave answer and provide non-answers. Just watch.

What Obama is doing is, imho, illegal and goes against the constitutional requirement of any appointments set by the president.
YouTube - cnn - lou dobbs - "health czar" past
time stamp at :47 seconds on CNN tv that said "duly appointed health czar," though of course no one can see quotes in "health czar" by voice.

Now, if you have a complaint about the word "czar" the please kindly take your complaints to CNN and the rest of the MSM who use it on a regular basis. Don't come to me and complain in a whiny high-pitched voice. Ok?

(sorry folks but you'll have to take my word for it, that is what a CNN reporter said at the :47 second time stamp. anybody who's hearing (or hard of hearing) can easily verify this )

why would I care what the reporters say? they are infamously known to make hyperbolic rhetoric & misleading headlines in font size 72 pt - arial font.
Where are they making fun of the term czar? I looked through the first several articles and didn't see anything critical of that term. Perhaps I missed it.

Look again. The critical component is obvious.
I agree but you won't get anything out of Jillio to agree with you on that aspect. She'll do her patented bob and weave answer and provide non-answers. Just watch.

What Obama is doing is, imho, illegal and goes against the constitutional requirement of any appointments set by the president.

Send him an email. I'm sure he is awaiting your opinion before he makes any more decisions.
YouTube - cnn - lou dobbs - "health czar" past
time stamp at :47 seconds on CNN tv that said "duly appointed health czar," though of course no one can see quotes in "health czar" by voice.

Now, if you have a complaint about the word "czar" the please kindly take your complaints to CNN and the rest of the MSM who use it on a regular basis. Don't come to me and complain in a whiny high-pitched voice. Ok?

(sorry folks but you'll have to take my word for it, that is what a CNN reporter said at the :47 second time stamp. anybody who's hearing (or hard of hearing) can easily verify this )

Another YouTube without transcript or closed captioning on a DEAF FORUM?

How many time can you offend a community? Seriously. If you can't provide closed captioning or transcript for a deaf-specific forum, why bother posting it at all?
OK boys n' girls! form a line here to get your pix taken as Czar for $5!!


*it's a pix of czar wearing uniform but his face was blocked by a white circle for a pix of your face to be appeared on it and the caption above - "Czar [enter your name]


OMG! The czars are everywhere!:Ohno:
Another YouTube without transcript or closed captioning on a DEAF FORUM?

How many time can you offend a community? Seriously. If you can't provide closed captioning or transcript for a deaf-specific forum, why bother posting it at all?

because he expects them to "take his word for it."
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