How many czars in White House?

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That what it appears if anybody announces anything from the White House's own podium. Of course, with Obama being such a control freak he could force him back in against his own will.
Of course not. They're actually officers. Officers in the executive branch with a whole bunch of power who never had to get the advice and consent of the Senate as required by Article II Section 2 of the Constitution.

Exactly. Calling them czars is a misrepresentation with obvious and transparent intent. Same ole, same ole.
That what it appears if anybody announces anything from the White House's own podium. Of course, with Obama being such a control freak he could force him back in against his own will.

Appears to whom? You?:D

Control freak? You referring to Dick Cheney?
Tell that to CNN then. They seem very happy with the word "czar." :wave:

czar source:cnn - Google News

Uh..check again. That reference came from the Associated Press. And if you read the article instead of trying to pull up links willy nilly, you will see the context in which it was used. Totally deflates your case.
because it sells. see my post #97.

BTW - lemme ask you this - OFFICIALLY... do their titles say "Czar" before their names?

Yeah, it does sell papers...but the point is, he didn't even read either article. Both referred to the conservative use of the term, and how ignorant it is.

Read the articles, Kokonut. Neither support your claims.:laugh2:

Obama did not order Van Jones' resignation, adviser says updated 21 hours, 45 minutes ago

The resignation of Obama administration figure Van Jones, following controversies over a petition he had signed and his comments about Republicans, did not come at the request of the president, the White House senior adviser said Sunday.

And I have already quoted this article several posts back and provided a link. You really need to slow down and read.
Again, try reading the article. It is a reference to the conservatives stupid use of the term.

Doesn't matter, they use the term "czar," anyway. They can always use another term but do not. They prefer the use of czar. Even when Bush was president, or Clinton,..etc...etc...etc..
Doesn't matter, they use the term "czar," anyway. They can always use another term but do not. They prefer the use of czar. Even when Bush was president, or Clinton,..etc...etc...etc..

so is Secretary of Department of Homeland Security also called Czar?
Doesn't matter, they use the term "czar," anyway. They can always use another term but do not. They prefer the use of czar. Even when Bush was president, or Clinton,..etc...etc...etc..

They were making fun of the conservative use of the term. Just like we are here. Read and comprehend.
so is Secretary of Department of Homeland Security also called Czar?

Ask that question to the media. They're the ones who keep putting out "czar" label.

Funny, all of sudden people are objecting to the term "czar"?
Ask that question to the media. They're the ones who keep putting out "czar" label.

Funny, all of sudden people are objecting to the term "czar"?

We are objecting you your misrepresentation. The media is as well. Can you say "context"? Or do you just do your searches by word only without any consideration of the contextual manner of use?
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