what about chiropractor? I can't figure it out...
I've seen a couple of people here sign chiro as something similar to "make" only with two C-hands.... looks like you're twisting the spine.
I don't know if that's just a group sign, or if that's actually a sign. Did you see the link for the medical/tech dictionary in the ASL resources thread?
insects... that's most close.
I tried and signed aloud in many different way, couldn't find anything inappropriate.
Personally, I wouldn't sign bachelor with a B-hand.How do you sign "maid" (single woman)? I know that a bachelor is a single guy so the sign for single with a B is a bachelor .... is the "maid" same as single with a M?
How do you sign iPad, Kindle, and DS? These are important words to a six year old boy who has a deaf brother (and they have all these devices). I've tried finding these words for him, but no luck so far.
Thanks for your help!
How would you sign, "scar"?
Context example: "The scars of your love, remind me of us."
Try spelling them out.
I appreciate the response. Even if there aren't specific signs, is there something that would work to differentiate these devices from one another easily? I just don't know enough signs to ad-lib and there sure weren't signs for these things when I learned 15 years ago.Spelling them might work for an adult, but for a non-signing 6 year old that doesn't spell yet, it might be tough.
I'm a family friend of these two brothers. Right now the 6 yo has limited communication with his older brother who is autistic. I'm trying to find some words that the 6 yo is interested in that would help bridge the gap between the two. When I asked the 6yo what words he wanted to use with his brother, iPad, Kindle, and DS were the ones that he showed interest in. Go figure.I'm hoping to come back with something on Monday, so he keeps interest, and that we can keep building communication between the two.
Thanks for any help or direction you can provide!
Try spelling them out.
Hook up with a local deaf club/group. You might be lucky to get someone to be a kind of mentor for you. Sounds like you need more assistance than a simple one or two signs. You need someone that can give you strategies for dealing with some fairly basic and simple life issues. That would be challenging to provide here without seeing the interactions of the children and adults.
Sorry I could not be more help.
I appreciate the response. Even if there aren't specific signs, is there something that would work to differentiate these devices from one another easily? I just don't know enough signs to ad-lib and there sure weren't signs for these things when I learned 15 years ago.Spelling them might work for an adult, but for a non-signing 6 year old that doesn't spell yet, it might be tough.
I'm a family friend of these two brothers. Right now the 6 yo has limited communication with his older brother who is autistic. I'm trying to find some words that the 6 yo is interested in that would help bridge the gap between the two. When I asked the 6yo what words he wanted to use with his brother, iPad, Kindle, and DS were the ones that he showed interest in. Go figure.I'm hoping to come back with something on Monday, so he keeps interest, and that we can keep building communication between the two.
Thanks for any help or direction you can provide!