Clearly I believe you have misunderstood me here, sitting here remembering the times when there were several members ( If I was blaming someone or others I would have named them...) bashing and insulting, even when they had disagreed with the thread that Cheri and I had matter how many times I would respond back in nice ways, they kept up with the personal insults and attacks which was very very much uncalled for, people have no rights to be in the position to judge 'us' when we don't judge them....The point is not just about us, but it's about really turns me off when members are acting immature and not caring about hurting others intentionally....
I did not personally ask you or anyone to jump in and get involved...I am not the type of person to go about in this way or to bluntly judge others for their opinions, etc..
The bottom line in this whole thing is what I was trying to say in the first place is about what you said to Cheri about no one shouldn't be in other people's business or creating more problems between those two<<<< That's when I said why didnt you say that in another forum....When one or two members started attacking us, more got involved...get the picture? When it should be left between the two of them not having more members jumping into this and creating more and more problems with those two members....but not one of them ever jump in and put an ' End ' to it...but allowing them keep going on and on.....that is exactly what I am trying to say here...The way I see it or how I feel is friends always side by each others...Sad isn't it?....Instead of staying in a forum where there's no way out of this whole dispiteful mess it was better to just leave and move on.....It has really offended me when members can't come across in a
MORE nicer way ....We all are consenting adults here, We can do better by acting much more civilized and conduct our attitudes without belittling or hurting others no matter what anyone's opinions is...
When someone created a personal thread about whatever happen in their lives, I expect them to be a bit more supportive and courteous regardless how other members may feel since what ever that person lived through, we don't exactly have been
IN their shoes...It's sure upset me to see a few members have to bashed out by saying its a pity or by implying that this personal experience(s) doesn't belong in here, etc...when someone
shares a personal experience, with hopes of helping others that might be in similiar situations and do not have the strength or encouragements to 'act' before its too late...yet, the point of being able to share personal experiences
WITHOUT having to be 'put down' considerably with insults, or using harsh words to an extent where you no longer feel the couragement to 'help' others by our own experiences and leave...leaving 'friends' behind and the others that seemed to know-it-all with their continuous tirade or that's very very sad, isn't it...well, I lived through that and it does hurt very much when I have the desires to share my personal experience with others
AND hoping to help others, enabling them to take the steps that needed....*tears*
I wanted to add one more thing before I press submit, The thing that turns me off the most is when I see that some members in other forums or anywhere which is talking about another forum/owners or SMC ---They're human beings and they do have feelings, it seem that no matter what rumors they hear, it keeps going on and on and bigger....Most of us haven't even met those people in real life....but quickly judge them and go behind their back by posting things about them....I am starting to get really fed up with that....We should be a bit more considerate of others and stay out of it....I mean look at is this way, How would anyone feel if someone said about ' You ' (that's anyone!)...I know I would be hurt and already have lived through it...
I admit I have had my share of mistakes myself by going behind SMC's back....but I have learned from those mistakes from someone who once told me ' what if it was you ? ' that's sure hit me and made me realized that this person was right and have matured and grown with much respect for others!
I hope this will clear up any misunderstanding...Please do have a great day!...