Bah, never say never. :P If someone cares enough, anything is possible! I personally won't go that route, but that's just me!

My personal choices aren't everyone's!

I have a couple Deaf friends with hearing partners. By a couple, I mean two. :P Neither use ASL but are learning.

If the attraction, desire and interests are there... anything is possible I believe.

I don't go for hearies, but I believe I could meet one possibly? Certainly don't go looking for them though... I do notice I tend to date CODA's though...

Just a pattern I saw when looking back...
ANYWAY! Don't be so pessimistic, it could go really great though! Hell, if he already knows ( He/She excuse me for jumping the gun ) then that obviously doesn't matter to them, and that's a good sign.

I still wish you luck anyway.