Better than Friday night...(Flu)....was a beautiful day here...but windy...
In a bad mood. First day of school vacation my son breaks a desk out of anger due to losing a video game.Now what to do with a broken desk...I spent good money on it and it was brand new when I bought it. That hurts. And I need to deal with his anger issues.
What video game was he playing? Yes, you do need to deal with his anger issues. Construct an anger management course for him.
He was playing League of Legends. Thinking of taking away the computer.
My son had MAJOR anger issues and I am not sure what finally got him to control them, but we never did anything and he worked it out on his own. I have a brother who also had major anger issues and he never did get them under control.
Ah I see. I have not ever heard of that game. You could take away the computer as a form of punishment. Once the punishment has been carried out and met, you could impose a time limit on the computer. Time limits were what my parents used on us kids when we used computers.
Parents have to help their children control their anger and channel their anger into love.
I'm feeling overwhelmed, and in between, I hate everything about myself. No, I'm not looking for validation or sympathy. It's just one of those days where I feel like I want to disappear for a while. I'll be fine, though.
I've been there before (the disappearing part, that is), and I know how you feel-- to a point.
Well, yeah, it's a relative point. I think we all would not be normal if we have not ever felt like this at some point in our lives.