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Pitiful.Hillary won 2nd term Senate against other opponents who had no political experience.
Pitiful.Hillary won 2nd term Senate against other opponents who had no political experience.
No medical care is "free"; someone is paying the bill.
I hope you're not requesting antibiotics just for colds. Antibiotics don't cure colds, and overuse or misuse of them actually make you more susceptible to super bugs.
Hillary won 2nd term Senate against other opponents who had no political experience.
I disagree. Hillary won due to name recognition only. It is a sad state
when people vote for someone because they can't remember anyone
elses name.
I was traveling through Arkansas when clinton was elected. I asked
a woman who was sitting at a gas station doing peice work(arts and crafts)
while waiting for her hubby to finish work. I asked her, "So what do
you guys think of Clinton being elected president?" She said, (with a tone
of disgust) "He will tax the hell out of the US just the way he taxed the
hell out of Arkansas, and you guys deserve what ever you get for being
stupid enough to elect him." The peice work she was doing was in addition
to having worked 8 hours that day. Just to make ends meet.
There is no free medical care any place. Someone pays the bills. Either the patients pay for it directly, kind benefactors donate it thru charity, insurance companies pay for it from premiums collected from employees and/or employers, or taxpayers pay for it thru mandatory taxes.You said it's not free, there's other system for universal health center is use funds that's under government like in Canada, UK and other countries that which is offers free health center, that means government are paid for that since patients are nothing to pay bills (exception of some portion), it's not private health center then if it's so then would be difference.
I'm so sorry Pacman. I didn't mean to pry into your health. Please forgive me. I just wanted you to be careful about too many antibiotics. It's a very dangerous situation now with super bugs like MRSA that are spreading in part because too many doctors gave out too many antibiotics for simple colds. Obviously, if you have infections secondary to your colds, then your doctor might prescribe antibiotics.Excuse me, You don't understand about my health, mainly of doctor check-up on mine was colds, including with congestion, sore throat and sneeze (usually yellow stuff) then doctor was found that I have bacteria, that so often for my doctor to said that, after that, I got antibiotic, it does help me alot. Every people has different health problem, mine aren't same as your.
Don't forget that Clinton sent U.S. troops overseas into battle also.And also, people like Bill Clinton because how he handled economy.
But he had no reason to have war. And it was easier to just
improve economy.
But then if it wasn't for 9/11 and terrorists, then economy would have
been good.
Don't forgot she had no choice but voted for it. One congressman voted against it and he lost next election.Don't forget that Clinton sent U.S. troops overseas into battle also.
Don't forget that Clinton sent U.S. troops overseas into battle also.
I was referring to President Bill Clinton, not Hillary.Don't forgot she had no choice but voted for it. One congressman voted against it and he lost next election.
The above is from Wiki, so not the best source but it was quick and concise; feel free to dig deeper....Two notable military events occurred during Clinton's second term. The first was Operation Desert Fox, a bombing campaign designed to weaken Saddam Hussein's grip on power over Iraq. The four-day campaign lasted from December 16 to December 19, 1998. It began after Clinton signed H.R. 4655 into law on October 31, 1998, which instituted a policy of "regime change" against Iraq, though it explicitly stated that it did not speak to the use of American military forces. The law was signed months after his State of the Union Address to Congress where Clinton warned Congress of Saddam Hussein's pursuit of nuclear weapons:
“ "Together we must also confront the new hazards of chemical and biological weapons, and the outlaw states, terrorists and organized criminals seeking to acquire them. Saddam Hussein has spent the better part of this decade, and much of his nation's wealth, not on providing for the Iraqi people, but on developing nuclear, chemical and biological weapons and the missiles to deliver them. The United Nations weapons inspectors have done a truly remarkable job, finding and destroying more of Iraq's arsenal than was destroyed during the entire gulf war. Now, Saddam Hussein wants to stop them from completing their mission. I know I speak for everyone in this chamber, Republicans and Democrats, when I say to Saddam Hussein, "You cannot defy the will of the world," and when I say to him, "You have used weapons of mass destruction before; we are determined to deny you the capacity to use them again.”
The second was Operation Allied Force, a 1999 NATO bombing campaign against the former Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. Clinton authorized the use of American troops in the mission to stop the ethnic cleansing and genocide of Albanians at the hands of the nationalist Serbians. General Wesley Clark was Supreme Allied Commander of NATO at the time and oversaw the mission. The bombing campaign ended on June 10, 1999, with United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244 adopted that same day, placing Kosovo under U.N. administration and authorizing a peacekeeping force. NATO claimed to have suffered zero deaths in combat, and two deaths total from an Apache helicopter crash. Pre-war genocide claims by Clinton and his administration have been criticized and discredited as greatly exaggerated. A U.N. Court ruled that genocide did not take place, although it did recognize, "a systematic campaign of terror, including murders, rapes, arsons and severe maltreatments". The term "ethnic cleansing" was used as an alternative to "genocide" to denote not just ethnically motivated murder but also displacement, though critics charge there is no difference.
There is no free medical care any place. Someone pays the bills. Either the patients pay for it directly, kind benefactors donate it thru charity, insurance companies pay for it from premiums collected from employees and/or employers, or taxpayers pay for it thru mandatory taxes.
I'm so sorry Pacman. I didn't mean to pry into your health. Please forgive me. I just wanted you to be careful about too many antibiotics. It's a very dangerous situation now with super bugs like MRSA that are spreading in part because too many doctors gave out too many antibiotics for simple colds. Obviously, if you have infections secondary to your colds, then your doctor might prescribe antibiotics.
I only wish good health for you so you can keep on posting here at AD.![]()
Thank you....It's okay and I forgive you, I don't know about MRSA, that's interesting. I know that doctor won't prescribe when found others than bacteria (such as fungi or virus cannot be treated by antibiotic) but usually find other med than antibiotic.
CLINTON FOREIGN POLICY FAILURE PAGEThe intervention into Somalia in 1992 was an attempt to do good and may have been justified, but the decision by President Clinton to continue the mission in the Spring of 1993 was without a doubt a mistake. He abdicated his responsibility as Commander in Chief of the US military to Butros Gali and allowed the UN Sec. Gen. to run a war against Aideed in an attempt to build a nation from a fragmented society.
...Controlling the distribution of food was the key to winning the war, so whoever controled the port [at Mogadishu] kept control of the food for their clan. They could then dole it out the sub-clans to gain more power and soldiers. President Bush made the decision in late 1992 that the US would secure the distribution of food and so prevent the famine from growing worse. In this we were effective, but the clans had not yet come to accept a leader, so the problem simmered underneath the surface of our food distribution program.
The critical juncture was when Clinton declared the mission accomplished in May of 1993, but continued to keep US troops there as part of a vague UN mission to build a nation. This 'assertive multilateralism' was justified in the "State Dept Dispatch" by Albright as necessary for "rebuilding Somali society and promoting democracy in a strife-torn nation". The goals of UNOSOM II included:
-monitoring that all factions continued to respect the cessation of hostilities
and other agreements to which they had consented;
-preventing any resumption of violence and, if necessary,
taking appropriate action;
-maintaining control of the heavy weapons of the organized
factions which would have been brought under international control;
-seizing the small arms of all unauthorized armed elements;
-securing all ports, airports and lines of communications
required for the delivery of humanitarian assistance;
-protecting the personnel, installations and equipment of
the United Nations and its agencies, ICRC as well as NGOs;
-continuing mine-clearing, and;
-repatriating refugees and displaced persons within Somalia.
As you can see this required choosing sides in a conflict if we were to impose a government on the clans. Once we set this in motion, conflict was inevitable. Butros-Butros Gali, the Sec-Gen of the UN had decided that Aideed's clan was an impediment to the above goals. The war began 5 June when Pakistani soldiers were attacked by militia of Aideed's United Somali Congress, killing 25 Pakistanis and continued as a 'low-intensity conflict' until the end of the year. Tactics included mortar attacks on UN compounds almost nightly, random sniper attacks, assaults on UN compounds, mines and command detonated explosives, children unwittingly blowing themselves up at the gates of compounds with grenades given them by adults, and RPGs used to shoot down helocopters. In an effort to keep the Somali conflict out of the headlines, Clinton failed to build up the forces to the level required for the mission. We depended on less than forthright allies for armor support. In one incident, an Engineer Company was brought under attack in Sept 1993 while on a road clearing mission on 21st Oct Road. The Pakistani Armor support immediately fled leaving the lightly armed company to fight its own way out. During the Oct 3rd battle in central Mogadishu the US was forced to depend on other nations to support the rescue convoy.
The US had no national security issues at stake in Somalia and yet 29 US Soldiers died. The decision by President Clinton to send in the Rangers, Delta Force and 160th Special Ops Aviation Rgt. to hunt for Aideed was a misallocation of resources. These are Strategic assets of the military best used for high value targets. They were bogged down in a Civil War which 1) meant they were unavailable in the event of another crisis 2) lost some 80 injured and killed. Failure to give them adequate resources left them hanging out to dry during the battle of October 3rd. The soldiers performed excellently, but were acting under a vague, mishandled policy, much like the situation in the Vietnam war that Mr Clinton avoided.
The definitive book on the October 3rd Battle is Blackhawk Down.
Thank you.
Here's info about the deadly staph infection MRSA:
SCDHEC: Acute Disease Epidemiology - Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus ( MRSA)
Yeah, it looks awful, ugh!Oh wow, I'm scared after look at picture from google.
Thanks for gave me a info about MRSA and thanks for warn me, now... I'm going to be careful with antibiotic but it's really new to me.
I was referring to President Bill Clinton, not Hillary.
no doctor would do for cheap labor. There are too many doctors who will not accept it.
And one major problem is... to have free medical is more like have a LONG line on listing.
I'm with Liebling...
It's true about over million of people dont have insurance, plus health insurance at my workplace is so expensive, except for open enrollment but more limited time to find insurance for better price and I won't want go for it.
I'm support free medical center, known as universal health center, that what Canada, UK and other countries are offers that but I don't go to doctor so often, just like twice (if repeated for one more because occur at twice sometime) in 3-4 month due bad colds and need antibiotic because it don't sold in non-Rx area.