Hillary for President! Vote?

Oh and I will give credit where credit is due. European countries, (I am told so please correct if I am wrong) give access to hyperbaric chamber treatments. And promote alternative therapies. Does your system pay for herbs and other treatments like that?

I will answer your post when I am in the office. I have to leave here to prepare the breakfast for my family before I go to work. Of course you will get link from me.
Originally Posted by Reba
So who is actually paying for your medical care?

My health insurance.

I forget to add bit more...

The employers pay 50% of tax and social insurances for their employees accord German law.

About health insurance:

I can compare % of health insurance companies with good advantages before join them.
Oh and I will give credit where credit is due. European countries, (I am told so please correct if I am wrong) give access to hyperbaric chamber treatments. And promote alternative therapies. Does your system pay for herbs and other treatments like that?

About hyperbaric chamber treatments - I use those word "Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy"

Yes, German public health insurance covers the cost of those treats in most cases.

Example: tinnitus, hearing loss, cancer, head injury, trauma, stroke, etc. My MIL received Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy after finish with chemo therapy to cure her breast cancer at years ago. My son had Hyperbaric Oxygen therapy for cure his head injury after head surgery due severe bicycle accident at 2 years ago.

In the moment yes and no, Public health insurance system pay PART of herbs medical treatments, like homeopathy and acupuncture treatments etc. After years protest, they accept part herbs medical treatments in public insurance system time to time at last. (Not 100% yet). We are fighting to have fully herbs treatments in public health insurance... At the moment you have to insure Private Health insurance if you support herbs treatment fully. We have many private doctors for herbs, homeopathy & acupuncture treatments here in Germany. We called them "herbal or natural doctors", not family doctor or specialists because they consider herbal medicines only. My family doctor experienced with herbal medicines, etc... She don't write medicial for us but cream, herbal drops (where public health insurance cover the cost) and advise us to drink herbal teas. We drink herb teas a lot to cure our flu, cold, etc.

Accord your post #139 is a misleading information.

You said that you met Germans personally. I guess it could be that ex-communists (former Eastern Germans) who live in East German before the Berlin Wall pulled down in 1990. We know that they have poor health system in East Germany (communist area), not West Germany.
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I forget to add bit more...

The employers pay 50% of tax and social insurances for their employees accord German law.

About health insurance:

I can compare % of health insurance companies with good advantages before join them.
:confused: Who pays for the other 50%?
I couldn't get the rest of this on the previous post.
Anyway is this the norm for your part of Germany?
Are the wealthy getting access but not the poor?
And please explain again how Germany pays for health
care if not with taxes? Our government wants to
raise taxes to cover health care costs. We are already
at around the 50% tile when you add up Federal, State,
and hidden taxes.

I did get the impression from other news articles that
Germany is doing beter than other nations with its program
so I am very ineterested in how exactly its paid for.

German health care system.

Germany Guide: Introduction, The German health care system The German health care system has the reputation of.
then you will see more links in those link.

German Health System - Health Care Provider Germany

We started to pay 10 euros per quarter and between 5 and 10 euros for medicines from doctor in 2004. No more cover the cost for glasses for adults from 18 years old. Dental is including in public health insurance, but very low % than 50% for teeth crown and no more % for teeth implant but just check-up, clean, repair, filling, operation to correct teeth, etc. If you want to have teeth implant and crown to 100% then insure private health insurance.

Your tax in Germany, Money, Germany, Expatica

Taxation in Germany: Information and Much More from Answers.com

How To Germany - German Taxes

You can look at German Tax System at some links in my thread and social insurance system has nothing do with tax system.

Social system mean is insurances, we work and pay insurances every monthly from wage slip.

Health insurance
pension insurance
Unemployment insursance
Nursing insurance

German Tax system, we work and pay tax every monthly.

Gross tax to Government
solidarity tax to Government
Church tax to church officer

And more taxes issues in my thread...


And illegal immigrants - no wonder why they went to America.
Illegal Immigrants in Germany : No Work, School or Medical Care - JOURNAL CHRETIEN

I hope all answer, I give to your question. Any questions?
. . . and that bill was vetoed because:

President Bush Visits Lancaster Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Discusses S-CHIP

President Bush supports a program that will take care of the health needs of poor children. He wants all the poor children to enroll. He does not want the program expanded to non-poor children because then there wouldn't be enough coverage for the actually poor children.

I don't agree to support poor children only with Medicaid. Everyone including adult, families and children should be treat equal, no matter either they are work or out of work.

US Health System Ranks Last Compared to Other Countries: Studies - CommonDreams.org You can check some links where the comments provided in those link.

Some US workers can't afford to join health insurance because they are too expensive - no wonder why there're over millions people don't have healthcare insurance when they are workers.
I'm with Liebling...

It's true about over million of people dont have insurance, plus health insurance at my workplace is so expensive, except for open enrollment but more limited time to find insurance for better price and I won't want go for it.

I'm support free medical center, known as universal health center, that what Canada, UK and other countries are offers that but I don't go to doctor so often, just like twice (if repeated for one more because occur at twice sometime) in 3-4 month due bad colds and need antibiotic because it don't sold in non-Rx area.
no doctor would do for cheap labor. There are too many doctors who will not accept it.

And one major problem is... to have free medical is more like have a LONG line on listing.
Leibling, now I am very curious. What are the attitudes in
general, of doctors towards patients over where you are?
Here in the US doctors often treat patients, (no matter what
their economic status) like this, "I am the doctor, I have all
authority and nothing you say is important or relavant" My
natriopathic doctor is not like this. But many regular doctors
are. It has been one of the frustrating things with our system.
Here is an example.

I take care of my elderly mom. Since I have been doing this
she has had 4 surgeries. Because she has a mechanical heart
valve she is on a blood thinner called coumadin. When she has
had surgeries in the past they gave her another short term
blood thinner after the surgery at the same time as restarting
her coumadin. This was supposed to be a saftey prevention
because coumadin takes a long time to build up in the body.
I told them she was reacting differently, (she was bleeding
through early and hemmoraging before her blood levels of
coumadin reached safe levels) I showed them research but
no one would listen. (a common problem here) She almost
died after each surgery. On the fourth surgery, (she got knocked
down by our goat and broke her arm) they had finally decided
that I was correct. She sailed through the surgery no problems.

Also with all the tax and fees and private ins taken out of your
check do you actually get to take any money home? Can your
two parent families afford to have one parent be a stay at home
with the children? Technically we shouldn't be able to afford
for me to stay home with a family of eight and less than $35,000
per year. (I do a lot of creative financing and bartering) But
is important to both my husband and I that one of us be home
to homeschool our brood. One thing I have noticed is that
it is difficult to get info about what really goes on in other
countries. Thanks
I just read the above article which from the link you provide and there
is conflicting info. If you read the article I posted, It says that Brittan
ranks LAST in providing health care and that the waiting lines are
horrible. Yet the article you posted (and they were both current)
says Brittan ranks first. Both can not be true. In reading your
artical more carfully it appears that the info they got was not
from statistics but from interviews of doctors in the various
countries. I would doubt the accuracy of such a method of
determining health care quality.
Hillary won 2nd term Senate against other opponents who had no
political experience.
I don't agree to support poor children only with Medicaid. Everyone including adult, families and children should be treat equal, no matter either they are work or out of work.

US Health System Ranks Last Compared to Other Countries: Studies - CommonDreams.org You can check some links where the comments provided in those link.

Some US workers can't afford to join health insurance because they are too expensive - no wonder why there're over millions people don't have healthcare insurance when they are workers.
That's why the plan Hillary supports is not good. It takes my tax dollars to support insurance for people who can afford to get it for themselves and their own families. Bush's plan supports all the poor children who need medical insurance.

Why should my tax dollars pay for medical insurance for people who can afford their own? Then I won't have enough money for my own medical needs.
...I'm support free medical center, known as universal health center, that what Canada, UK and other countries are offers that but I don't go to doctor so often, just like twice (if repeated for one more because occur at twice sometime) in 3-4 month due bad colds and need antibiotic because it don't sold in non-Rx area.
No medical care is "free"; someone is paying the bill.

I hope you're not requesting antibiotics just for colds. Antibiotics don't cure colds, and overuse or misuse of them actually make you more susceptible to super bugs.