HELP... Once Deaf... Now hearing!

Buckdodgers said:
I Saw a Video on a Boy Wearing as CI and when a Crow called he guessed he said a Hawk? His dad said No a crow..Thats why i dont want it.Thats why im so angry on President Bush veto the stem cell bill.Now the Democrats are taking back the house and the senate in november and I gurantee you Jeb Bush will be voted out of florida governor too.And A new Democrat will become governor of Florida.You got 70% of america pissed off at the republican party.

while ci does not work for all people, it does work for some people....

off the point a little bit but u seem to accept that levonin had called u steve, so does that prove that u are rs?
OK, so it’s not perfect—so what? We’ve been through this a million times, Steve.

dont try to deny it..
Well I belive my doctor what he told me about the CI.Once i get the surgery and the CI is implanted there is no going back when you decide its just not working out.Evenn you tried a million ways of sound to reconize thats the way you heard it before there is no going back the cochlear is GONE! And if the Stem cells Proved and Cure deafness in another country theres no trying to repair it.
Buckdodgers said:
Well I belive my doctor what he told me about the CI.Once i get the surgery and the CI is implanted there is no going back when you decide its just not working out.Evenn you tried a million ways of sound to reconize thats the way you heard it before there is no going back the cochlear is GONE! And if the Stem cells Proved and Cure deafness in another country theres no trying to repair it.

right, once u operate there is no more sound in the ear that is operated, but if you are lucky, you will get it back when u get turn on by ci. i can compare some hearing from my hearing aids and ci, some things sound the same, while i hear newer sounds that i havent heard before, like the other day i heard something and i asked my dad, he said it was a crow, i was amazed how loud those birds cawed.. its annoying. same for geeses. but it sound like normal bird, it doesnt sound weird or robotic.
Levonian said:
OK, so it’s not perfect—so what? We’ve been through this a million times, Steve. As Robert Heinlein once put it, “it doesn’t matter if it’s rigged—if it’s the only game in town, play it”. The other day Mrs. Chimp and I went to Carl’s Jr. for dinner. The guy who was working the drive-thru had a British accent. Mayflower not only picked up on the fact that he had a British accent; she was able to imitate it. Not bad for somebody who without their CI can’t even hear an alarm clock or a lawnmower.

As a hearing impaired person , I know None of hearing devices such as HA and CI can 'get back' perfect hearing but my main aim is to be able to catch essential part and to be able to understand speech through a device !!!

As for the owner of the thread, I hope he/she can adopt to his/her new world . I'm experiencing the reserve side . I had normal hearing and now I'm in a deep loss area.. it's like starting to live in the dark after you used to live in the bright sun rays :|
I just dont know why GOD chose us to be deaf.He should have asked us to see if it was ok.Right now i prayed i told god i dont like the silent world.And im still deaf! :hyper:
Buckdodgers said:
I just dont know why GOD chose us to be deaf.He should have asked us to see if it was ok.Right now i prayed i told god i dont like the silent world.And im still deaf! :hyper:

I like silence sometimes,guy !!!
I know being deaf is very difficult in daily life. we have lots of frustration from it :( Yet , silence has introduced me such many 'doors' to new worlds.. Don't forget these beauties ,either :)

sorry for being off topic :io:
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Highlands said:
I like silence sometimes,guy !!!

Steve will never come to grips with his deafness. He’s been complaining about it nonstop ever since he’s been a member here. He basically has an entitlement complex the size of the Grand Canyon, and one of the things he feels that he has a God-given right to is normal bilateral hearing. He just doesn’t get it that he’s on the WRONG message board. :roll:
Buckdodgers said:
You Hear a dog bark WRONG!! You hear the Persons Voice FUNNY N GOOFY YOU HEAR THE CATS MEOW IN A STRANGE WAY. I Suggest you watch Star Trek The Next Generation.Geordie LaForge is Totaly Blind.He cannot see.But the Goggles he wore helps him to see but He cant see like we can.He see people and objects in Animation.Thats what a CI is..If cant hear like i heard before.Then i dont wanna hear things that are differant and they arent right.

Oh lawd.

I never said you would have "perfect hearing" with a CI. Geez... :ugh2:

Your logics about CIs are just really fucked up.
Buckdodgers said:
Well I belive my doctor what he told me about the CI.Once i get the surgery and the CI is implanted there is no going back when you decide its just not working out.Evenn you tried a million ways of sound to reconize thats the way you heard it before there is no going back the cochlear is GONE! And if the Stem cells Proved and Cure deafness in another country theres no trying to repair it.

Then get implanted on just ONE side. Then you still have one cochlear left.
Buckdodgers said:
I just dont know why GOD chose us to be deaf.He should have asked us to see if it was ok.Right now i prayed i told god i dont like the silent world.And im still deaf! :hyper:

Seriously, get a therapist.
Im Deaf remember? I can communicate by talking,,By not every word is readable.Mom Claims im doing better than most deaf people but if i dont know what youre saying then i have to figure out what you said or saying.And Lucia if thats really you in your avatar i think you look somewhat sexy! :drool:
Buckdodgers said:
Im Deaf remember? I can communicate by talking,,By not every word is readable.Mom Claims im doing better than most deaf people but if i dont know what youre saying then i have to figure out what you said or saying.And Lucia if thats really you in your avatar i think you look somewhat sexy! :drool:
Sorry, I'm taken.
darkangel8603 said:
right, once u operate there is no more sound in the ear that is operated, but if you are lucky, you will get it back when u get turn on by ci. i can compare some hearing from my hearing aids and ci, some things sound the same, while i hear newer sounds that i havent heard before, like the other day i heard something and i asked my dad, he said it was a crow, i was amazed how loud those birds cawed.. its annoying. same for geeses. but it sound like normal bird, it doesnt sound weird or robotic.

hehe same as me it is annoying by geese or crow when it calling blah! lol
Sounds like Ravensteve (Buckdodgers) I can't be for sure, though.
Buckdodgers said:
You Hear a dog bark WRONG!! You hear the Persons Voice FUNNY N GOOFY YOU HEAR THE CATS MEOW IN A STRANGE WAY. I Suggest you watch Star Trek The Next Generation.Geordie LaForge is Totaly Blind.He cannot see.But the Goggles he wore helps him to see but He cant see like we can.He see people and objects in Animation.Thats what a CI is..If cant hear like i heard before.Then i dont wanna hear things that are differant and they arent right.

Star Trek is based on fiction. Its not truth.

The sounds I hear with my CI are *very* natural sounding. In fact they're as normal as I remember from before I went deaf (I was hearing up to age 9.) The technology has come a LONG way since the first implants in the 80's.
Buckdodgers said:
I Saw a Video on a Boy Wearing as CI and when a Crow called he guessed he said a Hawk? His dad said No a crow..Thats why i dont want it.Thats why im so angry on President Bush veto the stem cell bill.Now the Democrats are taking back the house and the senate in november and I gurantee you Jeb Bush will be voted out of florida governor too.And A new Democrat will become governor of Florida.You got 70% of america pissed off at the republican party.

You don't want a CI because a child wearing a CI who heard a crow call for the first time wasn't sure if it was a crow or a hawk???
No, he’s just inventing rationalizations. Getting a CI will be an affirmation of the permanency of his deafness, which he can’t accept. He’s still holding out for the fantasy cure which probably will never come.