HELP... Once Deaf... Now hearing!


New Member
Aug 31, 2005
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I have come here for advise... I grew up HH and when I hit 9th grade I was sev. hh/deaf... I grew up oral but when my hearing got worse my parents finally allowed me to learn sign language. I am now a senior in Hs and about 3 months ago my hearing started to come back... now I am only mildly hh and I am going through identity crisis... lol... and I feel that I am losing all my sign. I love ASL and I hate talking and hearing... but now that I am considered hearing agian... I am lost... I feel like I have lost all sense of culture... HELP please!

ASK GOD GIVE ME YOUR EARS AND ILL GIVE YOU MINE.But How in the hell you got your hearing back? Did Jesus came to you or what? Did you go to Benny Hinn ask him to heal you? :cool2:
DAMN! This is the first time I ever heard somebody's hearing improving... Are you having an audial halliculation? Its like visual hallaculation, but with audio side. Eh?

Well, for me... *IF* even after 41 years of completely silence that I am able to hear.... I will end up in nuts ward, thats for sure!!!! I would go insane asylum, no question about it... So, I don't want any cure on my hearing.
wow... first time i hear abt that.. it interesting.. but good thing that u learned asl and u can communtion with deaf friends anyway.. :)
Don't know...

They say it had something to do with my brain not communicating with my ears, and when I had a growth spurt or something it triggered the hearing process... I don't know honestly. I never fully got an answer on why it came back. It is freaking me out! haha... I would go back to deaf in an instant!
If it was me being hearing again after all of those years being deaf. I would be confused.. but then I would still use sign language and communicate with my deaf friends no matter what.. just be happy that u were deaf and now hearing.. but still know sign language.. that is a plus! :)
Maybe if i Bang my head into a wall hard my brain might start communicating the rest of my body.Maybe i should bang my head like these Rams do
Why don’t you give it a try and report back to us in a week or so, OK? :|
Just do what u feel is right. If you cherish ASL and everything. You can still keep up with this lifestyle. just because your hearing is coming back better than previous doesnt mean you are not with us. :) If you are afraid forgetting some of ASL.. just social with us and keep it up with your ASL signing. Simply..
I know a friend of mine who lost her hearing for few years then all suddenly she heard again. ITs TRUE! I believe you.. because it did happen to my friend! It was unbelieveable but I think its miracle!
I think this is a miracle, Im so glad for you but would not like to be you. Its strange how it came back and thatyour audiotory senses still work, because if a part of your brain isnt used for a long time the process is lost forever or so I am told. Use it well
I think this entire thread is so lame......I mean really - - - Why hasn't anybody ever heard of doctors saying this growth spurt is possible?

If it's happened to her, I'am positive it's happened to many others, and they has to be other news of this on the Net.

I gotta goggle PubMed on "growth spurts between the brain and the ears".
i knew a friend of mine was deaf for a while then one day all suddenly she heard something and realize she got her hearing back but not 100%. I asked her how the heck she got it back? she said she have NO IDEA!! even the dr have no idea!!! But she did prove it to me. She showed me her auido graphic paper show how much she heard today than before when shes almot totally deaf. Thats why i believe her because is aw it with my own eyes
SmileyGin said:
If it was me being hearing again after all of those years being deaf. I would be confused.. but then I would still use sign language and communicate with my deaf friends no matter what.. just be happy that u were deaf and now hearing.. but still know sign language.. that is a plus! :)

I would say the same thing plus it is a miracle you got your hearing back. You do not need Benny Hinn for a miracle. Benny is a fake healer and wants money. You are better off praying to God Jesus Christ and The Holy Spirit about this. I would not say it is a identity crisis. There are powerful feelings attached to being able to hear. You still can use ASL no matter what and always let the Spirit of God be with you.
JohnnyE said:
I would say the same thing plus it is a miracle you got your hearing back. You do not need Benny Hinn for a miracle. Benny is a fake healer and wants money. You are better off praying to God Jesus Christ and The Holy Spirit about this. I would not say it is a identity crisis. There are powerful feelings attached to being able to hear. You still can use ASL no matter what and always let the Spirit of God be with you.
God will answer. He has his reasons. Use the time now to be Deaf and bring anothers to Jesus Christ and the Salvation message and even after you are healed you will still be bringing more people to know the grace and the love of Jesus Christ and His Salvation Gift from God.
I even Prayed for a lover a girl to take me as my soul mate.God didnt even give me that one too! :hyper:
I think Miss P might still be available; why don’t you drop her an e-mail? ;)