Hearing women dating deaf/HoH men

good thread here, good discussion about all this Alex, id re-read it tomorrow and get back to it
right now im half-pissed just been playing pool all day lol with my mates...we do this every sunday, so now sunday is my fav day of the week lol
oh, only the cheap beer/grog 'when we play, they only sell sludges' and id keep quiet about it or else risk looking a wine/whisky snob or have too much money (which i don't im dirt poor just i have good tastes)...and better tastes in women (when my time comes)

I Know awful on his bad is risk dangerous! nut on on he is very ask irrated!
I wish be chance mod banned for him! his negative already old bio personal risk
prevent to 18 to 30 safe protect reason!
that is not funny

Definitely not true, I dont sit around singing with my husband. =\ we go to concerts and such but that can be done with a deaf partner. I had a really close deaf friend who loved to dance. He said he couldn't hear the music but he felt the vibration, and that was good enough for him.

Yeah I am pretty guess Sometimes many guy/ bad or good is person

Pretty boring for the deaf partner. It's awful just to tag along for one person's interests.
true I agree you protect to nice person otherwise

you are right
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so youve never been in a relationship where you did something you didnt really want to just to see the other one happy?

I have been married practically forever, so I am good at it. But I married someone who suited me where we could share the same interests.
so youve never been in a relationship where you did something you didnt really want to just to see the other one happy?

really you serious!! that is very watch out your otherwise on happy and interesting love, happy, good personal! otherwise! I am single!
When a person keeps doing something he/she doesn't like just to make another person happy, that person grows to resent the other person. Better to find someone very compatible so that you can do a lot together. And secure so that there's no jealousy when one person wants to do something alone (because the other person doesn't participate).
I know a friend who keeps getting dumped by hearing women -- there is really nothing wrong with him except that he keeps pickin' them (that or there is just a limited amount of good deaf women in the area). I think, like bottesini, some hearing women probably just like adding a notch on their belts if they date a deaf man. It's exciting at first to 'try' their ASL skills and to take double advantage of a 'free' ASL tutor with a phallus. It happens. Just try to weed out the ASL adventurers from the women that really like you for you! Haha :) Keep in mind what your goals are and what you look for in a potential mate.
well, thats great, yet hard to come by.

that is complication because not easy if suppose communication and straight to happy and mind open feeling statisly fun enjoy positive and skills first date

but don't be fast rush because take an time your patient :)
You know what? Tis the deaf man's fault for pickin' these winners and believing in an illusion! :D Fine tune your pickers, get rid of the illusion and get back on the saddle.
You know what? Tis the deaf man's fault for pickin' these winners and believing in an illusion! :D Fine tune your pickers, get rid of the illusion and get back on the saddle.

who is TIS? I never heard Tis I wonder
When a person keeps doing something he/she doesn't like just to make another person happy, that person grows to resent the other person. Better to find someone very compatible so that you can do a lot together. And secure so that there's no jealousy when one person wants to do something alone (because the other person doesn't participate).

see, i dont see it that way... I do things I dont necessarily enjoy so that my husband is happy, and he does the same for me. Of course its not on everything because i agree you have to have things you both enjoy, but it will be hard and maybe even boring to find someone that is exactly how you are, likes everything you like.. And I agree with doing things alone, its healthy to have things to do without the other person, but not everything.

Maybe I'm wrong, who knows.
As a hearing woman I think part of it has to do with a lot of women who are just tired of dating and don't necessarily want to do a lot of the work. Gah that sounds bad. Like....younger women might be interested but a lot of my generation just doesn't do hard. And by the time we gain the maturity to be able to handle hard a lot of us have been burned and aren't willing to budge on all these rules. Think of the numbers of late 20- early 30 somethings who won't date a man with kids or need him to make at least xx amount of money first or won't do this or that....
That does fit into my theory, but I think it's got to be more than just that...

Also, Bott, any idea why hearing women aren't as interested in deaf men?

I know a lot of hearing women who are interested in deaf men. They are more in tune to what the girl needs. They can read her better than a hearing man in my opinion.

I have never actually dated a deaf man, but jumping around on this site I have read a lot about the dating and such.
Maybe you just haven't met a lot of people who
has dated well girls who have dated an deaf guy.
I'm dating my bf whose deaf and i'm hearing, and
I thought I was the only one, but you've just gotta find
people and then wooop, there, they are, many people who
date deafs.
Sigh, I know. Let's not. I hope that their deafness didn't have a role in that, but I can't help but feel like they themselves felt inadequate and defective because of their deafness, and that if they left the relationship, nobody would accept them. I really hope that's not the case.

I don't know your own experience, but I'm glad it's not going on anymore. I hate abusers: emotionally, verbally, or physically. They're all scumbags.

It wasn't their deafness, but I think a HUGE HUGE part of it is the fact that a lot of dhh kids are mainstreamed to the max, and may never develop the social emotional development experiance it takes to reconize a crappy realtionship. They're just so nutured to expect a realtionship that, they jump into a realtionship with ANYONE no matter how crappy. And they're also so lonely (they may not even have causal friends) that they think of crappy realtionships as good. I know one hoh mainstreamed to the max girl who married a coke/pot/brake fluid abuser who was mentally abusiver to her. He even told her that if he killed her nobody would ever find the body! :eek3: But she stayed with him b/c he was " just so sweet and love is blind"
Then I know another hoh mainstreamed to the max girl who is in a series of crappy realtionships. She reconizes that they're crappy...I've seen her posts on facebook a lot. I was talking to her online one time. She said she was at McDonold's with her "boyfriend". I asked her why she wasn't talking to him
She said he doesn't like to talk to her?!?! Hooboy!!!!!!!!! It boils down to the fact that they never got to develop socially or emotionally as kids or teens, so they cannot reconize good realtionships.
Oh and The WriteAlex....if I was straight............seriously try to get to know hoh girls. The social issues are pretty much universal. Not just limited to deaf guys!
Well, I hope this doesn't make me sound like a pessimist and a whiner or even a nerdy science geek, but I think it's a toxic combination of biological/evolutionary and societal perception. From what we've learned about evolution, female species (not just humans) are biologically attracted to the healthiest and strongest males. The most "desirable" females often mate with the "alpha" males.

Because of the stigma that our society places on deafness, I think a lot of women are just biologically not interested in deaf/HoH men. We are taught from an early age that people with biological differences are "disabled," or "defective." And god, who would want to be with someone defective, right? For these women, deafness is not a trait that they want passed on to their progeny. I'm not saying that I believe deafness is an undesirable trait, or that all women think that, because I think that's a load of shit and I know some women understand that. But it's still a fact that society has placed that stigma on deafness, and it's been hard to shake. And I know for a fact that some women who start out being attracted to me before they talk to me, usually lose romantic interest after a few communication issues come up.

Now, if I'm able to demonstrate that my deafness is actually a desirable trait, and sometimes I do, then I've got a chance with those alpha male hearing dudes, haha. For example, I am told by many hearing women that I am a good listener (the irony! LOL!). What they perceive as good listening is actually me concentrating with all my might in order to understand speech. Still, that shows deafness as a desirable trait. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to be enough :(

But it is nice to know that there are women like yourself that see the stigma for what it is (a lie) and don't let affect your biological attraction to deaf men.

I don't believe in Evolution, it got full of holes.

You should check out www.BeforeUs.com, it will blow your socks off! Also, www.halos.com. The point is, we never came from the apes, at all. There was no proof of transitory forms of species actually changing shapes from one species to another. Not one found in over 150 years since Darwin came up with the silly theory. Actually, his book was about the surperiority of WHITES over the so-called blacks and the reds, and the yellows and the blues and the greens.... it's so silly. Darwin's FULL title would tell you what he's theories is all about, silliness, that's all. So I disregards OLD ideas, for they are old form of elitism which is SILLY.

However, the bible, the REAL bible, King James Bible, is full fo truths. God created us from this earth. Lucifer came here and got us into trouble, thus we're SINNERS, and so we have these problems all over the place. It's easy to piece it all together, follow the trial and it's simple.

To me, women are the same as men, just with attractive packaging, that's all. The most important thing about women is to check their minds, their hearts, and most of all, their brains... what do they follow, what do they believes in, etc...

Biblical women are RARE gems, of high quality, and these are not drug addicts, nor are they boozers, nor are they sluts in sex clothes sashaying around in pubs and night clubs... these are modest women, and they're waiting for real men to see and they wants real Biblical men... and these women are the BEST!

It's hard to find them, though. Oh well.

As for SINNERS wearing sexy clothes and such things, drugging themselves stupid, drinking booze to fry their brains... like my ex, when I figures them out, I left my ex, I have no wish to go back to that life ever again. I would, however, welcomes one of them if they straightens out their act, but I doubt they'll will. They're LOSt, and completely DEAF to a better way of life.

Women who plays that "deafness is stigmata" or "deafness is disableness" game, are losers, they do not know what's real.

Every day, all humans are degrading, their bodies lose something, one or more organs fails, their heaing fails, their tongues lose taste, their skin itches, and so it goes... ever since the Great Flood, our world changed, and the very atmosphere lost the two-atmospheres that before the Flood was conducive to growing giant foods, but now, man had to eat whatever he can, and so we eat whatever we can and our body lose strength and degenerates over the generations, that's why DNA are NOT improving, but are falling apart over the years, it's why there are deafs, and other dis-able everywhere... and scientists are too blind to see this, because they prefers to believe and worships their evolution theory. They disregards what God wrote in the bible. That all things were made on this earth, we came from this earth, thus we needs minerals and vitamins, made by the plants that take the earth and transforms it into usable materials that we can absorbs in our bodies... our bodies wears out, some long, some slow, and so it does, no one is immune, we're all at the mercy of this planet and the glaring radation sheeting down from the water-canopy-less sky, wide open to the sun's harsheness...

No one is perfect. Yet women are full of themselves, they looks at what LOOKS perfect and never SEES underneath. Poor fools. I would not bother with such types, they're blind, prefering fantasy over reality.

Biblical women, however, knows reality and as such, they are valuable rare gems, and said as much by God. No worries.

It's all good.
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I wonder about this. Assuming my observations are correct, why are hearing men more apt to find a deaf mate, but hearing women aren't as interested in a deaf mate?

Because they can have a guy that can hear and can sign and that makes life a little easier.