I began to see hypothetical about your posts... wow...
I stopped you for accused Cheri misleading, liar etc to defend hearing parents and tried to convince you that it´s truth because I have similar experience like that in the past. You denied it but defend hearing parents... until one hearing parent shared her experience about her Deaf parent in the past on the same CI thread where we shared our experience about hearing parents. You didn´t say anything to her like what you did to Cheri but SUPPORT her in nicely way and ranted about her Deaf parents... *scratch my head*
Liebling, except for this...:
You denied it but defend hearing parents...
I MOCKED Cheri. do you know what "mocked" means?
......I have no idea what are you talking about

but, is it really worth bring up again?
We have the right to say something opposite your view when we see different as your view.
But - do I have that right? Can I say something opposite if I view different?
it's hearing aids section forum too not only cochlear implant.
did Rick said it isn't hearing section?
You think you know so much about me, but you don't. I did had the experience in both worlds.
I was reffering to your own words about being slapped for signing, and being forced to be oral in your childhood, nothing besides that.
I know you have experience in both worlds.
If you opened your eyes, you would see that there is a great deal preventing it. But as Lotte is not your child, your assessments are inconsequential.
What exactly do you know about Lotte and her development to make such judgement?
Remember what I told you about assesments made without seeying a patient in real life? - is not a professional thing to do? nor a reliable assesment.
You do not know all the facts about Lotte.
I personally don't see any problems with her development- quite on the contrary, if you care to read blog about her there is plenty to learn about.
Don't forget she is still a little child and she still have plenty of time for sign language and all the deaf advances.
I know several implantees who wer not implanted early, as you so insist, that participate fully.....many of them attending hearing universities and successfully competing with and interacting with hearing students.
And that proves what? but anyway, please note I said MAJORITY. The problem is you can not predict who will fall into "majority".
That is not a question that can be answered froma logical standpoint alone,a s it is fraught with ethical and moral considerations and personal philiosphies.
I never said it's easy question.
The issue of concern is the denial of sign and deaf community to deaf children even though they may have a CI.
And exactly who's denying exactly what?
Is Cloggy denying his daughter sign language? is Rick denying anything? Cloggy stated clearly numerous times he still signs to Lotte. It's Lotte who refuses to sign right now.
And I for one am not suprised. Lotte used sign language FIRST. She had a little taste of the deaf world already.
The CI is still a novelty to her. At this stage of life, she is simply delighted discovering the world of sound, but the time will come when she will return to also signing as well. Just a matter of time.
I for one don't know if she has any deaf friends or not - I simply missed that, but I am sure Cloggy would mention that.
Cloggy never said he will prevent her from seeking deaf world and signing.
And even if SHE doesn't get interested in the SL and the deaf world - well everyone here is pretty adamant about free will and personal choice.
Since it will NOT be Cloggy who choses but Lotte, what's the problem?
Optimal is a subject measurement. How is it that my son is not functioning optimally?
Oh he is, but with what he has. could he also have had CI early, that would changed his "optimums".
Exactly. Your focus is on speech and hearing only, not the entirety of developmental concerns. When you limit your focus to simply that of speech and hearing, you neglect all of the other developmental areas.
Oh, but I am NOT limiting - I am also advocating ASL and whatever is needed to function as a deaf individual. One however do limit a deaf person if provides only the deaf enviroment. As well as the one who provides oral only.
And, as he ahs already developed language and speech, it was not necessary, obviously, that he have a CI in order to accomplish that.
PLUS he could have HEAR with CI, and have even more independence with it.
No, you are automatically assuming that it would be successful.
I am not assuming anything - I simply relay what is told and written on the subject by professionals.
There is just as great a chance that he would not have developed oral language skills any greater than he already has
I am not sure about "as great", true he would may not have developed the skills,
but he also COULD HAVE.
YOU were talking about deaf people as if speech and hearing are the only concern. The rest of us were talking about deaf people as whole individuals.
Actually no, I just have a tendency to stick to the narrow part of a subject.
But since you mentioned other part, I'd like to point out that speech and hearing is valuable, and beneficial to also a deaf person - without damaging its deaf personality.
Since when a deaf person who is able to also hear and speak NOT whole?
That would be "think in the abstract", or "think abstractly.
Thank you. I knew something was wrong.
And your constant focus onthe concrete issues of speech and hearing without being able to integrate the other facets that make up the person is evidence of concrete thinking tothe extreme.
I was talking about the meaning of the sentence per se only, so you might have not fully understood me, sorry.
truthfully I already forgot what the whole sentence was, oy..
My son can sign and float between 2 cultures. Many, many hearing people can't do that.
yes but many CAN do. So here you have it - a hearing person can do it.
And, a hearing person cannot do, if you are referring to accomplish, anything that my son can't.
Exactly. The only way either - a "handicapped" ot not "handicapped" could DO or accomplish something the other could not, is for example growing a missing limb, or being able to fly without any assistance. . whatever is out there to accomplish or do, is doable for both.
Kids weren't slapped ont he hands for their unclear speech....they were slapped on the hands for signing. Duh.
Geez. I know my English is not always at its best, but surely a person with average intelligence would figured out what I mean. of course slapped for signing.
Curiously, I never see you correcting a really bad written English of other people here...
All that idicates is that I have more to say than you do.
More doesn't neccessary mean better.
I work 2 jobs and attend school working on my advanced degree. What productive things do you do with your time?
Surely you don't think I have to explain myself to you, do you?
Reagrdless, I admire your hard work and accomplishments.
If I stopped hearing with my HAs, I honestly cant say that I WONT get a CI. If that day comes, I will let u know.
Would you mind telling me Shel if you are mostly in the deaf world or the hearing world? I think you mentioned having hearing husband. How do you communicate with your hubby if you don't mind me asking?