Have you got broken or sprained


Active Member
Feb 20, 2005
Reaction score
Have you got broken ankle or sprained??

I just got sprained and little piece of bone "chip" broken now I am use brown wrap and use crutches. I hate crutches lol it hurt my arms from that :giggle: when I got out of hopsital then back home hard time for me to walk if I need go washroom or eat lol :lol:

That is my ankle and can you see yellow arrow point at my ankle ?? it is sprianed :( and little bit broken "chip" :(
yes i have broken my right ankle before when i was 14 yrs old.. i had to wear cast.. I still have the cast.. :rofl: hehe..

i have sprained my right ankle many times cuz its weak.. so have to wear special brace for support.. as i have plantar fascittis now..

for my left ankle. i did sprain it once in 2004.. i had to use crutches.. i walked on one of tj's toy and fell down then tried to get up and walk then couldnt when i realized i really sprained the left ankle.. it HURTS!!!!! so had to go to DR and get x-ray done on it.. lucky nothing is broken! whew! finally got all better! yayaya! haha.. whew...

why i sprianed many times?? i am clumsy.. i was voted most clumsy when i was in hs 2 yrs in a row.. jeez.. funny! not! ha.. :)
Wanna me kiss your ankle.. Make you feel better ?

*huge smiling*

Can I borrow your crutches? I lurv and have fun w/crutches.. LOL
silly me!
Awww my poor girl :hug: I do hope you feel better :(
Yes I have been ankle fracture due stair accident once in 2000 and also sprained many times... :ugh3: Suck!!!

Wish you better...
Ahhh you gotta have to be careful!! SmileyGin! lol :lol: mine not clumsy just happened cause there hole cover bit grass didnt see there :)

dont kiss my ankle make feel better lol :rofl: but you can borrow mine crutches lol lol :rofl:

yeah Angel :( I hate being sprianed and :hug: would be make feel better :D wish angel give me heal fast lol :lol:

oh wow you got many times ????Liebling:)))
Yes few times! I had broke bones before too..on my left wirst and on my legs twice. So far none. Whew. I don't want to deal with C A S T !!!!
Awww sorry to hear DeafMonkey. Yep been there before myself. But I never used the crutches. I just refused LoL..Hope you have a speedy recovery:)
Never broke a bone~ (knocking on wood)

but I do sprain plenty especially on my ankles during my gymnastic years. :-( I think I got weak ankles, because during any hiking trips, I am guaranteed to fall flat on my butt and sprain my ankle a bit to an extent where I had to limp back home...
ouch be careful DM
i hope you will be ok smile keep your ankle rest not overdo it ok smile

yes i have strained my right ankle long ago and i still have piece of bruise on the left side of right ankle

i had it cast in 1996 cuz i had plm with the swelling for years with the heat and humanity so high (plus i am allergic to heat) after strained the ankle and they found a small chipped bone and they put cast on my ankle

Yeah I know I was stubborn back then. I did eventually get to the point where I needed to. Then by that time it was summer vaction. I just stayed home, off my feet & played video games. I eventually recovered.:)

you refused ?? should use that or get wrose :lol:
I have been sprain, fracture, broken, and more around all my body parts during I played sports at MSSD and intramurals...
I have been sprain, fracture, broken, and more around all my body parts during I played sports at MSSD and intramurals...


At my junior school and High school that I have been play any sports and didnt get any break or sprian or fracture or else none of them :) till now blah sprian and little bit broken the bone on my stupid ankle :lol:

At my junior school and High school that I have been play any sports and didnt get any break or sprian or fracture or else none of them :) till now blah sprian and little bit broken the bone on my stupid ankle :lol:

Haha, I might take too serious to play sports, result, I got many injuries on my body parts, ha...
L ankle-fractured, R ankle-sprained, L knee-MCL (still little injury during weird weather), R knee-muscle bruise (still little injury during weird weather), few times got pulled from my grion area, R shoulder-dislocated, and more else I forget...

What the hell had happened to your ankle? What did you do girl? You poor thing. If you were wearing a case I would sign my name. :giggle:
Yes, I have sprained my right ankle twice.
First time was when I slipped off a ladder while trying to climb up onto a diving boat and then my ankle hit on the ladder while falling back to the water. Then years later for the second time when I was stepping off a curb at an airport and my foot got twisted. Ohhhhhhh it hurt like hell!! I had to use crutches which I hated because it hurt under my arms.

DeafMonkey, I hope your foot will get better soon.
ouch! it happened to me many time!!! i know it hurt and pain... oh man.. i hope u getting better very soon! :hug:
Sorry you hurt yourself, DM. I sprained my brain this morning!:fingersx: