Last few years haven't had hardly any kids, which is fine with me.
Today it's raining anyway so don't know what degree that would affect anyone interested. We have a small amount of candy from some other purchase but nothing we bought for Halloween.
When I was a child I do remember enjoying Halloween, and that we had set times for it. After about age 12 or so I didn't do anything with it in terms of dressing up or going around for goodies.
Actually, seeing the "pumpkin farm" thread reminded me just now of how much I loved carving pumpkins as a kid, and pumpkin pie. I would eat the pumpkin center from the pie and leave the crust

I remember getting really upset over one carved pumpkin who I related to as "he" - as a young child I personified my pumpkins and worried about them. My dad went to put the "spent", kind of "dated" carved pumpkin out by the garbage and it was a stormy, dark night - I was worried about "him", <the pumpkin> that he'd be all alone and scared in the dark! I cried and dad went and retrieved the pumpkin...temporarily
Lau, you had to drive your dad just now <recently?> Is he ok?
u in Salem, in New England area? I can see why it would be a mad scene if that's where you are, but so sorry you had so much difficulty during an already hard time!