Gun Expert Lott: Let Teachers Carry Arms, Ban Gun-Free Zones to Halt Mass Shootings

Nope, you obviously misunderstood. But let's get back to topic.

we can always stay on topic if there was less quibbling in the first place. that would be much appreciated. :ty:
I do not like the idea of forcing teachers or staffs to carry a gun. It should be up to them if they want to or not.

I read somewhere at this thread or that thread, Jiro's explanation about the safety is something schools should have. Guns or not. But, I really believe it is the reason of mental illness, family stress, or whatever they believe in World's End 2012. If you see someone considers to harm or kill him/herself, please take her or him seriously. Show them many debunked informations, from NASA or similar science-related websites, on December 2012.

I feel guns control and pro-gun laws are just too much for this month... :(

In bold - I agree with you.

The teacher is not law enforcement officer, bounty hunter, loss prevention or security guard so teacher's job is to TEACH, not shoot at someone.
Preachers/Priests and Counselors are known for carrying guns. Wouldn't be surprised if surgeons have them in their office as well....although they are usually protected.
... don't you think that expecting all professionals to be trained to use guns is a bit of an unnecessary expectation?

Professionals are more likely to encounter someone who only speaks Spanish than be in a shoot out. Does this mean they should be required to all be fluent in Spanish too, just in case they meet that one person who happens to only speak Spanish? Isn't this an unreasonable expectation?

And what about drivers? Throughout their lives, most drivers are likely to be a situation where being trained in stunt driving will probably save their lives. However, does this mean stunt driving training should be mandatory for all drivers?
Okay, I hope you guys don't mind me to ask something.

What would teachers and staffs do if a gunman is here with his illegal or legal gun?
If I was teacher so I will be not armed, at all and I don't want to deal with liability issue.
The current policy in most schools right now is to barricade the classroom door and to wait for police rescue.

However, there's problems with this:
1. It takes a long time to get a broken door lock fixed, and doors can be broken open
2. Some classrooms do not have a place to hide (older buildings)
3. Not everyone in the building is aware of lockdown procedures (teacher's split between buildings, substitutes, parent volunteers)
4. Not everyone is always in the same place in the building (sometimes there's indoor recess, sometimes you have to switch classrooms, sometimes you're moving in the hall)
5. No way to communicate with main office or other teachers (unless they're right next door)
6. Some invaders may be possible to neutralize by setting boobie traps or something.. not sure. Throw scissors at them? Knock over a stack of tables on them? Only if students are not at risk.

I've been in lockdown situations as a substitute a few times, and every time:
1. I can't find the key
2. the lockdown procedure bag is missing
3. I'm not familiar enough with the building to consider alternatives
4. I can't call on other staff for support.

I guess if I was in a real lockdown and I thought my class was in peril, I would make them escape through the fire window.
I know we're not supposed to, but if I'm in a classroom with nowhere to hide and no way to block the door, then I might as well try it out...
Do we want to add "Marksmanship 101" to the prerequisites for obtaining a teaching degree? After all, I certainly wouldn't want a novice shooter to be trying to "save lives" in a crowded school. Imagine the lawsuits! We could bring the public education system to its financial knees, as if they weren't already there.

I see suggestions, but they almost all involve more expenses taken on by schools. Where I come from, every single district is screaming for funding, and are rebuffed at every election. How can we even think about adding more costs? And what possible incentive is there to obtaining a teaching degree? It looks like a dream job that often ends up becoming a nightmare. Lots of time and money required for continuing education, dealing with unpleasant parents of the students, lack of classroom funding, people complaining that they earn too much.... :sadwave:
If I was teacher so I will be not armed, at all and I don't want to deal with liability issue.

too too too comical to even think a teacher would have the training, reflex, and bravery of SWAT officer who train on daily basis under live fire and in front of barrel.

the cost of routine trainings + range practices + ammunitions + certifications on the top of school buses (transportation) expenses which many schools are struggling to cover... if a teacher has to get a gun herself... I wonder how can she afford one with teacher salary.

yes plain dang comical.
Requiring teachers to carry guns in school is ridiculous.
There is a difference between allowing and requiring.

Kids are more likely to get harmed from guns misfiring, from wanting to touch the gun, play with the gun, teacher having no way to secure the gun out of kids' reach in the classroom... etc.
If the teachers and staff are carrying concealed, then how would the children have access to the guns? Unless the students are groping the teacher, they wouldn't be able to touch the guns.
I'm late for the party and I didn't read past page one. But I got too het up and impatient to put in my 2 cents, so if this has been covered or if you've moved apologies.

But the point of accidental deaths by arming teacher that aren't not going to be trained for a situation like this, mass confusion, vs someone who broke into your home? i just have one thing to say. Was it over the summer, and was is it NY, there was thread on here. A man opened fire and the police officers shot him, but they also shot how many bystanders?? I'ma dig up that thread, but that is very clear example of why arming teachers is horrid idea.

Plus I just do not want to see our children growing up seeing there teachers toting around a gun all day. What kind of weird example and mindset could that create for them in the future?

aha there it was 6 flippin pages in, man you guys make a lot of threads :P
And these were police officers, now just imagine a school teacher who is mostly never even going to be faced with this supposed scenario that he/she is defending against is going to react? They will not be prepared.
I am a teacher and I love you for saying this. No way I am carrying a f***cking gun to my job.

I know is not your job to carry a gun as a teacher but I would think since no one is protecting you or your students you would want a gun if some shooter does break into your gun. By the time the cops got to the school 20 small children where already dead , if a person that knew how to use a gun was there and had it with them they could had save people from being killed. The schools in one city in Pa. had cops station right outside the schools today.
This need to happen at all schools across the country right now!
... not home invasion or robbery or mugging or such small trivial thing....
If you or your family member was a victim of a home invasion, robbery, or mugging, it wouldn't be a "small trivial thing."
...Plus I just do not want to see our children growing up seeing there teachers toting around a gun all day. What kind of weird example and mindset could that create for them in the future?
If their teachers are carrying concealed, there is nothing to see.
If their teachers are carrying concealed, there is nothing to see.

Since when do teachers wear jackets all day, a lot of them wear dresses. You don't think the kids will still know? They're not dumb.
Well, on the bright least teachers that have sex with their students won't have to use coercion anymore, they can just pull their gun on them and make them :D
yea... in Africa....
Pastors, priests, and counselors can carry concealed weapons just like anyone else in America. I know several pastors, missionaries, and evangelists who target shoot, hunt, and own guns for protection. It's no big deal.
Since when do teachers wear jackets all day, a lot of them wear dresses. You don't think the kids will still know? They're not dumb.
There are plenty of ways to conceal guns without wearing bulky jackets. If they don't want to bother with concealing, then they don't need to bring their guns to work. Even if kids "know" that doesn't mean they can touch the guns that their teachers are wearing.
Well, on the bright least teachers that have sex with their students won't have to use coercion anymore, they can just pull their gun on them and make them :D
Brilliant. :roll:

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