Gun Control


New Member
Mar 6, 2003
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Do you support the idea of the Gun possession for personal use at home for protest youself? Do you think gun kill the people? or Gun with the people kill the people? that would reduce the crime? what is your opinion about gun control?

I am not pro-gun. Those who support the disarming of the population get caught in the narrow debate and miss the big picture and context in which it is happening, they and their children will live to deeply regret this lack of vision and foresight. I would not pull a trigger to save my life. I would rather die standing up for peace than live by adding to the violence. I see dies every years and I don’t see the gun solutions.

I think the people who simply wish to live in a violence-free world and both sides need to understand each other. It's time to talk.
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Guns don't kill people, irresponsible and unbalanced degenerates kill people. To test my theory, I laid my gun down here beside me at the computer and watched it hawk-eyed for a couple of days and nothing happened. So, I had this bright idea of putting a shot of whiskey next to it and still nothing happened. Undeterred, I sprinkled some pot(got it from a medical doc--lol)around it and still nothing happened. To make a long story short, I conducted several other tests and nada! I wonder why........ :laugh2:
Let me say one thing...


What the hell does that mean? It means that banning guns isn't going to stop anything. It also means that you should not blame guns or gun manufacters. You should blame people.

Another thing, if you take a gun away from a person who has an urge to kill another person... that person is still gonna use a knife. Take a knife away, that person will still use a baseball bat. The list goes on and on. The best solution would be to go after that person instead.

Remember the Columbine Shootings? Well, the people say that we should blame The Matrix, Doom video games, and Kmart. The Matrix encouraged the boys to dress up like Neo and go wild with a bunch of guns. Doom video games encouraged the boys to go on a shooting rampage. Kmart sold them the bullets.

In reality, we can take away The Matrix and those boys will simply find something else to copy. The boys decided to copy the movie, not the movie encouraging the boys to dress up and run around with a bunch of guns. The boys decided to kill everyone, not Doom encouraging them to kill everyone. Stop Kmart, and the boys will still get their bullets elsewhere. Secondly, it wasn't the boys... it was another gal who got the guns and bullets for them.

Who should we really blame? We should blame the parents since they never communicated with their kids or kept an eye on them. We should also blame that gal who provided them with the weapons. Wait a minute... I just realized that I said we should blame PEOPLE! Bingo!

Guns are simply not acceptable forms of protection in a household that has children. I'm sorry, but that's just my opinion here. If you are worried about security, you might as well invest in a top-notch alarm system. After all, isnt that one of the key reasons that people would want a gun in their homes in the first place? If that's the case, you're just better off getting yourself a home-alarm system. But to keep a loaded pistol in your nightstand? Eeeek. I don't think it's wise...

It's just that...well...Columbine...that school down in Alabama or Arkansas, whatever or wherever it was - these things happen because kids get their hands on guns...and they decide to pick it up and see what they can do with it...whether they're shooting Coke cans off of fences or their fellow students, it is only borrowing trouble to have a gun in the house. Same goes for knives but eh, we can't control that as much as we can control whether or not we have easy access to firearms. Thing is, knives are in pretty much everybody's kids can just grab one and use it as they see fit...scary, huh?

But you know, we also have to keep in mind that we live in one fucked-up world. We are in a time of war...there are many controversial issues and tempers flare...people get upset over just about anything these, who's to stop a kid who is angry at another kid from grabbing his father's gun and putting a bullet throguh the other kid? Especially when this kid knows where his father keeps it?

Better off keeping guns out of the house and leaving usage to the police. They are trained in how to handle criminals, and that's basically the only time I think a gun should be used...when trying to apprehend a criminal or save an innocent person's a legitimate way, of course.

I think I'm saying too much, here...anyone else wanna contribute? But LUNZ, this was a good topic...WTG. :)

Tousi said:
Guns don't kill people, irresponsible and unbalanced degenerates kill people. To test my theory, I laid my gun down here beside me at the computer and watched it hawk-eyed for a couple of days and nothing happened. So, I had this bright idea of putting a shot of whiskey next to it and still nothing happened. Undeterred, I sprinkled some pot(got it from a medical doc--lol)around it and still nothing happened. To make a long story short, I conducted several other tests and nada! I wonder why........ :laugh2:

...umm..cuz there wasn't any bullets in it? :laugh2: (although your point is clear!)

...but on a more serious note...with this nation (USA) having a bigger artillery(guns of various types) than any other country in the world, it's a small wonder why this country has a bigger conflict with guns...suicides, murder, rampage shootings,'s not about's more of the issue of a huge surplus of guns...(via gun shops, black market, etc.) EVEN when we have the right to bear arms per our constitutional rights amendment...AND more people seem to be turning towards violence as a way out or whatever other reason that inhibits them to squeeze the trigger....

For myself, I hate guns and never will own one...for two various contributing factors: one; the safety issue in regards to children (even though, tougher stances have been improved over the last several years regarding children having access to guns) and secondly; my grandpa went hunting and had a misfortunate accident when he was shooting at a squirrel and missed, the bullet ricochet(bounce off) twice before hitting him in his arm above the elbow...unforunately, the doctors couldn't save his arm which they had to amputate undoubtedly affecting him for the rest of his life....

Although, our forefathers, pioneers before us lived by hunting in order to survive, etc...and hunting of today is a sport to many people...I don't see any arguement against that whatsoever...I simply can't go hunt...*shudders*....

sure guns are dangerous weapons but ANYTHING can be used as a weapon...chairs, flash lights, broken glass, cars, gas, fire, bombs, fists, legs, teeth, baseball bats, steel chains, chainsaw, electricity, crowbar, and use animals such as poisonous snakes, domans (attack dogs) and so on...

guns are made for a REASON...and everything has a reason. Guns are supposed to be used for protection, even if the person tries to kill you, you have the right to use the gun to kill the person in an instant way but for other reasons than that is not excused. I live in a pretty dangerous enviroment and I would definetly buy a gun for my protection and I dont care what they would say about that because it's my choice and they should respect it, as I would respect for their opinon but they cant force me to get one or not because I have to get something to protect myself, duh!

I do blieve that parents are the main problem of this situation because they have an poor judgement towards violence where they can't even look out for their own children doing their own violence as well. Parents just want to be excused and be without resonsblitiy, trying to free their minds when their own child caused such a terrible situation and try to pretend it's not their kid anyway :roll: so seriously, some parents aren't meant to be parents anyway so why raise kids when they would use so much violence and they want to be out of it because it's not their "fault" when they never taught them about violence, drugs, guns, etc...they aren't parents...they are criminals, as well.

and some people are blaming for the high school shooting based on the "matrix"?? now that's just a very poor excuse since it is rated "R" and do show what's in the movie...violence and adult lanuage...DUH. and for "Doom" which was one of the classic compuer classic games, published back in 1993 can be blamed, because it wasn't rated just yet but now most games are rated to warn parents, but it's not good enough because some parents can be a lazy arse and just try to blame on the company than themselves but it's not gonna work anyway.

kids and teenagers who are involved in violent situations with guns and other things, are apporiate to blame on parents because they should've know better how to treat a child than treating it like a wild animal loose in the streets. so dont blame the guns, movies, and videogames because they've given you enough warnings about them, so who else to blame? I think you know the answer yourself.

good day.
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VamP, Glad that you brought up the issue related 'Columbine Shooting'.

interesting....According To David Icke, the author of "The Biggest Secret" the name Columbine alone may have some significance. Icke claims that a "dark brotherhood" exists in the world that creates chaos in order to invoke changes leading to control. The word Columba is a goddess tied to ancient mysticism that can be linked to secret blood brotherhoods that he believes control the world. Columba is a trigger word of the brotherhood symbolizing negativity, death, and destruction.

That is why there are places and companies that use the word Columba in order to symbolize their associations with intelligence cabals and blood oath secret societies. For example; British Columbia, Columbia Pictures, Space Shuttle Columbia, and the District of Columbia. CBS is Columbia Broadcasting who ironically enough uses the all seeing eye as their ID moniker. All of these things are allegedly creations of secret societies and men with big money.

LUNZ said:
VamP, Glad that you brought up the issue related 'Columbine Shooting'.

interesting....According To David Icke, the author of "The Biggest Secret" the name Columbine alone may have some significance. Icke claims that a "dark brotherhood" exists in the world that creates chaos in order to invoke changes leading to control. The word Columba is a goddess tied to ancient mysticism that can be linked to secret blood brotherhoods that he believes control the world. Columba is a trigger word of the brotherhood symbolizing negativity, death, and destruction.

That is why there are places and companies that use the word Columba in order to symbolize their associations with intelligence cabals and blood oath secret societies. For example; British Columbia, Columbia Pictures, Space Shuttle Columbia, and the District of Columbia. CBS is Columbia Broadcasting who ironically enough uses the all seeing eye as their ID moniker. All of these things are allegedly creations of secret societies and men with big money.

Wasn't it the Columbia that was destroyed? I'm referring to the space shuttle.
I do not allow guns in my house!!!
Kids knows about my rules..
Guns extremelly dangerous..
VamPyroX said:
Wasn't it the Columbia that was destroyed? I'm referring to the space shuttle. got two words mixed up....Columbine was a high school in Colorado..called Columbine High School where these kids killed some kids there..Columbia was the one that exploded in space.
Bullym0m said:
I do not allow guns in my house!!!
Kids knows about my rules..
Guns extremelly dangerous..

Yes, guns can be dangerous ONLY if you dont know how to use them!
We have a pistol and several husband likes to hunt and he has taken several gun safety classes and practices..he was a trained sharp shooter and believe me, he is an expert shooter in my opinion! he rarely misses a deer, squirrel etc. So i believe if anyone wants to have a gun, he/she should take lessons, go to gun safety classes and practices.
Of course, we have all guns locked up when the kids are around in our house.
I was afraid of guns myself before but after my husband taught me how to handle them, i dont fear them at all! but like i always say, to each his own!
VamPyroX said:
Wasn't it the Columbia that was destroyed? I'm referring to the space shuttle.

secret blood brotherhoods control the world and the word of the brotherhood symbolizing. That's it.

Space shuttle is a part of it, too.
Well. My option is that People is the one who kills.. not the gun.. cuz gun can't control itself. only people control the guns.

however.. the bill of rights is made in late 1700's and they're not aware of the guns that we have nowadays.. druing late 1700's all men have a gun a old musker gun for hunting purpose and defense against native americans.

now guns are more powerful.. machine guns, shot gun, pistol guns, etc...

however.. My option.. is having banned on guns anything that's no use for everyday use such as handguns, machine guns etc..

but.. i think they should still allow using shotguns, rifles, and powder guns for hunting for our enjoyment.
Defee said:
Yes, guns can be dangerous ONLY if you dont know how to use them!
We have a pistol and several husband likes to hunt and he has taken several gun safety classes and practices..he was a trained sharp shooter and believe me, he is an expert shooter in my opinion! he rarely misses a deer, squirrel etc. So i believe if anyone wants to have a gun, he/she should take lessons, go to gun safety classes and practices.
Of course, we have all guns locked up when the kids are around in our house.
I was afraid of guns myself before but after my husband taught me how to handle them, i dont fear them at all! but like i always say, to each his own!
I undy your pointview.. but me.. no thanks.. sorry PEROID.
Too fraigle my children who can aggerstive (sp). My children aren't dumb and loved too much curiouisity everything. I kept telling them why and explain blah blah.. In my mind.. Good thing, I'm not allow about the gun in my house. *whew*
My children wants to buy fake gun and for fun.. I told them.. sorry.. r u know my rules about? My kids really quite pissed me off big time but too bad!
Bullym0m said:
I undy your pointview.. but me.. no thanks.. sorry PEROID.
Too fraigle my children who can aggerstive (sp). My children aren't dumb and loved too much curiouisity everything. I kept telling them why and explain blah blah.. In my mind.. Good thing, I'm not allow about the gun in my house. *whew*
My children wants to buy fake gun and for fun.. I told them.. sorry.. r u know my rules about? My kids really quite pissed me off big time but too bad!
i understand your point of view..

i was raised with no gun allowed in the house in my entire 18 years under the roof at my parents house not even toy gun.. but they allow watergun though.

However this doesn't work 100%. reason is because i went over to friends house and use their BB gun, toy gun, etc...

and when i first turned 18.. i moved out on my own. and brought an accual gun. right away, just because i'm curious what it is like having it..

now.. i retilized that i don't need it and i just have them locked in my safe.. and havn't touch it for almost 3 years.

but, of course when my son gets older.. i won't allow him to have a toy gun, because i don't like the way kids shoot on eachother and think its fun and funny to watch a friend fall down faking dead.
Also back when i was around 16 years old i went over to friends house and use BB gun.. shooting empty pop cans. however my friend became crazy. and shoot BB gun on the floor and it bounce off the floor and hit my leg.. it HURTS! and got Huge red mark on my leg.. and it hurts for 2 days.
Steel said:
sure guns are dangerous weapons but ANYTHING can be used as a weapon...chairs, flash lights, broken glass, cars, gas, fire, bombs, fists, legs, teeth, baseball bats, steel chains, chainsaw, electricity, crowbar, and use animals such as poisonous snakes, domans (attack dogs) and so on...

guns are made for a REASON...and everything has a reason. Guns are supposed to be used for protection, even if the person tries to kill you, you have the right to use the gun to kill the person in an instant way but for other reasons than that is not excused. I live in a pretty dangerous enviroment and I would definetly buy a gun for my protection and I dont care what they would say about that because it's my choice and they should respect it, as I would respect for their opinon but they cant force me to get one or not because I have to get something to protect myself, duh!

I do blieve that parents are the main problem of this situation because they have an poor judgement towards violence where they can't even look out for their own children doing their own violence as well. Parents just want to be excused and be without resonsblitiy, trying to free their minds when their own child caused such a terrible situation and try to pretend it's not their kid anyway :roll: so seriously, some parents aren't meant to be parents anyway so why raise kids when they would use so much violence and they want to be out of it because it's not their "fault" when they never taught them about violence, drugs, guns, etc...they aren't parents...they are criminals, as well.

and some people are blaming for the high school shooting based on the "matrix"?? now that's just a very poor excuse since it is rated "R" and do show what's in the movie...violence and adult lanuage...DUH. and for "Doom" which was one of the classic compuer classic games, published back in 1993 can be blamed, because it wasn't rated just yet but now most games are rated to warn parents, but it's not good enough because some parents can be a lazy arse and just try to blame on the company than themselves but it's not gonna work anyway.

kids and teenagers who are involved in violent situations with guns and other things, are apporiate to blame on parents because they should've know better how to treat a child than treating it like a wild animal loose in the streets. so dont blame the guns, movies, and videogames because they've given you enough warnings about them, so who else to blame? I think you know the answer yourself.

good day.

i smell your hypocrisy
Bullym0m said:
I undy your pointview.. but me.. no thanks.. sorry PEROID.
Too fraigle my children who can aggerstive (sp). My children aren't dumb and loved too much curiouisity everything. I kept telling them why and explain blah blah.. In my mind.. Good thing, I'm not allow about the gun in my house. *whew*
My children wants to buy fake gun and for fun.. I told them.. sorry.. r u know my rules about? My kids really quite pissed me off big time but too bad!
Sure, i understand completely, bullymom..i respect your point of view on guns! you have young children in the house so i really dont blame you at all.
My son played with toy guns when he was little and he is now grown and he is very good boy , never got into trouble with law or really it doesnt hurt kids, just teach them that the real guns are not for fun and all..I told my son if he ever want a real gun then he has to take gun safety class and all but he told me he's not interested in guns so thats fine by me, his choice.
VamPyroX said:
Let me say one thing...


What the hell does that mean? It means that banning guns isn't going to stop anything. It also means that you should not blame guns or gun manufacters. You should blame people.

How do u Explain a Small Child get Curious about a Gun and the Gun goes off and it killed a Child? So, U saying Guns dont Kill but People do? Even if the Child doesn't know what he or She is doing with The Gun.. Kids get Curious these days? How to stop this from Happening again?
Cheri said:
How do u Explain a Small Child get Curious about a Gun and the Gun goes off and it killed a Child? So, U saying Guns dont Kill but People do? Even if the Child doesn't know what he or She is doing with The Gun.. Kids get Curious these days? How to stop this from Happening again?
Id blame the carelessness of parents or whoever owns the guns! Its a must that they are locked up when children are around! we do that when we have children in the house..they are locked tight!