Girly stuff, like shoes, makeup, hair, etc.

Keep in mind I have been collecting my whole life. Many of shoes I will list were gifts.

Birkenstocks: Black leather Arizona
Papillio Pink Paisley
Black Birkoflor Milano
Brown Suede Milano Newalk
Black/Gray plaid Arizona

Crocs: Army green Mammoth
Grape Mammoth
Khaki Mammoth
Bright yellow and green Green Bay Packers beach

Converse Allstars: White high top
Orange Hawaiin Print high top
Plaids= Pink, Black and white, Blue (all low tops)
Blue floral low top
Pink paisley with glitter in the things that hold shoelaces
White with many colored circles all over.

I like making lists too.

Geez. I just wear Chuck Taylors (or its cheap knockoffs like Airwalks), surplus jump boots... combined with a peacoat or a motorcross-style leather jacket. Have been dabbling in hats lately though....

Got a black skinny tie... not sure what else i got for "accessory" other than a surplus military web-belt.

Geez. I just wear Chuck Taylors (or its cheap knockoffs like Airwalks), surplus jump boots... combined with a peacoat or a motorcross-style leather jacket. Have been dabbling in hats lately though....

Got a black skinny tie... not sure what else i got for "accessory" other than a surplus military web-belt.

Pink paisley with glitter in the things that hold shoelaces

I want! I can coordinate with glittery pink nail polish!

I forgot to mention that I have a pair of Danskos which are perfectly formed to my feet. Super comfy!
I want! I can coordinate with glittery pink nail polish!

I forgot to mention that I have a pair of Danskos which are perfectly formed to my feet. Super comfy!

Got those pink paisley the Mother's day before this one. I think you can only have them if you wear children's shoe sizes.
The only one of these I use are shoes. And I've had the same pair (yes, one) for almost a year and a half. :P Can you tell I'm a guy? :lol:
My makeup consists of moisturizer and mascara. In that order.

Shoes, one pair of Justin boots, they look really witchy, as they are like old fashioned high heeled shoes with a fringe flap and criss cross laces. Love em. Then one pair of blue and white Saucony sneaks and one pair of brown Nikes. I do have some brown leather Born clogs. Love those things.

My favorite jewelry is a steam punk style handcrafted necklace with a picture frame shape with a silver frame that contains real butterflies and cool cutouts. One of my young friends created it for me. Then a silver and coral ring from my daughter. I also have a claddaugh ring that is just wonderful with a pretty little emerald (emerald isles) in the center.

I have two dresses, one witchy black with an brown overdress that has tiny flowers. The other is my official attire for performing ceremonies.

Lately I have just been girling up my ha's.

Not too girly but its comfy.
and shoes..i love

My purse is a pager wallet. It is burgundy leather and looks like a teeny purse. It holds my pager and a little flap opens for cards and id. It has a little handle that goes on my wrist. It is soooo cute.

Most of my clothes are hippy/boho or witchy cute. Except for work clothes - ugly plain. eww.
I love shopping! Before, I didn't when I went to downtown L.A. wow! I wanted EVERYTHING! :giggle: I am for this discussion. I am going to go shopping for heels :)
Don't know yet, have to try them on and if they look good its a buy :giggle:
I love girls who love girly things. :)

As for shoes, I like my Doc Marten's 1461s (Bought them on Portobello Road, London in 2003, when they were still made in UK). My other shoes are forgettable, but I will keep my Docs for as long as I live.
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Chuck Taylors are a fave of mine. I've got several pairs of them, one of which i've had since junior year of high school (1994).
it's not exactly girly but...

I have 6 pairs of shoes: pair of black converse high-tops, 2 pairs of dress shoes (black and brown), steel-toe boots, black Vans, and my black non-slip sneakers for work.

4 hats: 1 brown Rocawear hat (the one in my profile pic), and 3 others in black, grey and white.

i had this one pair of jeans that were nice and worn back from 6th grade that still fit (6 years later) that had a holes at both knees, over the right pocket on my thigh and 2 more in the inner thigh area so that on a particularly windy day I had a nice ventilation system :cool2:. I loved those pants and got incredibly upset when they "disappeared" one day :mad:

All my nice and new clothes are stashed away in my closet while my day-to-day stuff is scattered across my room's floor and it drives my mom crazy seeing me wear the same thing :confused:
I loved those pants and got incredibly upset when they "disappeared" one day

Yea, that happens sometimes to my hubby and kids, too. :P
Love Brikstocks!, I replace them year after year (i wear them all the time from late May through end of september)

Timberland boots i have just replaced my 5 year old gore tex lace up boots recently and the new one is bit more femine, slimmer and zip up half calfs. Excellent for walking the dog and general life during wet autumn and winters.

Blowfish "ballet type" pumps, I have 2 (one brown, one black pairs) excellent for work and so comfy.

All stars conserve low shoes in red. Never wore red shoes and i love this one! I think i'll get pink ones soon.

I have MAJOR problem getting long boots due to big flat feet and very slim calves! they all look like wellingtion boots otherwise. I had 2 custom made long boots i had since i was 18! I am in my early 30's!! They are so worn out and was VERY expensive... it's my dream for a new pair preferably Black.

As a bridesmaid I would need a low heel shoes for wedding next year (it cannot be high heels as i would tower over the bride!! She's 5'1 I am 5'9)

I am becoming shoe fetish although I LOATHE shopping!!!!

pet peeve about my self .... I hate my hair, it's like birds nest and takes AGES to straighten! any idea how to tame my frizz!
Birk has boots but they are very expensive. Would accomodate the wide flat feet, though. Not sure about the calf.

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