Girly stuff, like shoes, makeup, hair, etc.

Shel, a wig and some fun clothes on weekends?

Sousie is a real fashionista! I bow to her superiority! :bowlol:

Actually, I love to buy clothes from Maxx fashionista (as T.J.Maxx), Filene's Basement and Nordstrom Rack. I guess I born to shop! :giggle:
Protective motorcycle gear is a good investment, otherwise you might pay with your flesh.

deafskeptic, you can't be too large for clothes. Are you sure you're looking in the right place?

I am.

I can find most mainstream clothes that fit me and I look very stylish.

I can't find anything that's not mainstream or affordable that fits me like punk and goth clothes. I googled goth plus size all morning yesterday. I found a few but I can't afford them; most of these sites either stop at size 16 or haven't updated forever. Even as a teen and I was smaller, I coudn't find anything in the punkstore in Geogretown that wasn't a size 10 or smaller. One site that sell goth corsets for plus size is $300! 0.0

I am thinking of buying some velvet clothes when they're in stores and making some accessories; one of my hobbies is beading and jewelry making. I don't have the skill to make chainmallie yet but i'll get there. I also plan on buying fishnets. I'm not sure my outfit will go over well with the student at Liberty University. Jerry Falwell was the founder of this college. Isn't it supposed to be the other way around? :P
I placed an order for new make up by Arbonne. I am looking forward to using it. I am also, getting ready to buy some new clothes :naughty:
lol, i own a bunch of flip-flops and one pair of black converse chucks. i don't really do fancy shoes like heels and boots. my friend wants me to go shopping and get all girlified/sexified up. totally not my style. :( my style is just t-shirt/tank top/hoodie and jeans/shorts. very casual 8)
I like sports, mainly in fall my wardrobe consist of NE Patriot jerseys and SD Chargers t-shirts the girlie kind.

I love flip flops too, I wear them a lot even in fall/winter:giggle:

I just bought some clothes a new black pants with a red top. I like to wear the spaghetti strap tank tops under my tops.
Just bought a really cute top, purse, and fingernail polish. Remind me not to go shopping with a friend when I'm tight with money. Jeez!
Those are the most fun times to shop , jinxedkitten:lol: