George Zimmerman shot in face in Lake Mary

No. But thsts not my point.
My point is this.
If someone has a plm as rockinrobin does with zimerman ssying "the world should know him", then to me that pereson essentially posting a thread, provoking discussion about him is just feeding the guys ego. We are chstting about him, which is fine. But its also hypocrtitical. It wouldnt be if the same person which has a plm with the guys ego didnt actually feed his ego by posting about him.
Anyway, regsadless.
He is famous. He was aquitted. He should have a pr manger. so on....zimerman really is just a prime example of all that is wrong with the american specticle . The kardashians, as another example, its just the voueur society of the specticle.. and all the rest. If he didnt do anything to keep in the press im certain the press would still hunt him to make us know what zimerman had for breakfast today, or were he took his lwst pee pee. So on so forth...
In the end if people really did not want to know abot this man they woukdnt be posting threads aboiut him..
My opinion anyway..

I think a lot of people have kind of a sick fascination about how he is going to end up.

And as for your idea of locking someone up pre crime, they used to do it all the time with mental health committals. And pre Reagan that is probably how Zimmerman would have ended, because he is obviously really crazy.
Man who shot at George Zimmerman charged

LAKE MARY, Fla. (AP) — A man who shot at George Zimmerman during a confrontation earlier this week along a busy central Florida road has been arrested.

Matthew Apperson was charged on Friday with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, aggravated battery with a deadly weapon and firing a missile into an occupied conveyance, Lake Mary police reported in a news release. Apperson turned himself in at the police department Friday evening.

Zimmerman's attorney, Don West, has said the former neighborhood watch volunteer had recently moved to another state but came back to the Orlando suburb of Lake Mary for Mother's Day. He was driving to a doctor's appointment Monday when Apperson intentionally fired his gun into Zimmerman's truck without provocation, detectives said.

Police recovered two guns from Apperson and one from Zimmerman.

Both men had their guns legally. The passenger window of Zimmerman's pickup had a bullet hole in it, and Zimmerman suffered minor injuries from flying glass and debris.

Apperson's attorney, Mark NeJame, said in an email Friday night that his client's bond was set at $35,000 and his release had been arranged. "The case will proceed through the criminal justice system appropriately and ultimately a determination will be made as (to) what truly happened," NeJame said.

Earlier this week NeJame said that the shooting was "a good, old-fashioned self-defense case." He said their encounter on Monday was pure "happenstance."

Zimmerman and Apperson were involved in a road-rage episode last September. Apperson said Zimmerman had threatened to kill him after Apperson made a U-turn that put him in an adjacent lane, asking "Do you know who I am?"

Apperson decided not to pursue charges.

Two days later, Apperson called police to report that Zimmerman's truck was parked near the disability-benefits office where he works. Zimmerman told police officers he had an appointment in the same office park, and no charges were filed.

Zimmerman was acquitted in the February 2012 shooting death of Trayvon Martin, an unarmed black teenager, in a case that sparked protests and a national debate about race relations. The Justice Department later decided not to bring a civil rights case against Zimmerman.

Since then, Zimmerman was charged with assault based on complaints from two girlfriends. In both cases, the girlfriends refused to cooperate and charges were dropped. His estranged wife also accused him of smashing her iPad during an argument days after she filed divorce papers. No charges were filed because of lack of evidence.
George Zimmerman is considering moving out of Florida, sick of 'trouble'

Apparently, George Zimmerman is tired of being harassed—more specifically, being shot at—and is ready to move out of Florida.

Since being acquitted of the murder of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin back in 2013, Zimmerman has maintained a residency here in the Sunshine State. However, that may soon change.

According to a DailyMail exclusive, Monday's incident in Lake Mary, Florida, with Mathew Apperson, could be the turning point that forces Zimmerman to relocated to Virginia, where he originally grew up.

Several friends interviewed by the DailyMail claim that, "Zimmerman is always looking over his shoulder fearful that someone will try to attack him. Since being acquitted he has seen his marriage fail, not been able to find a job and suffers panic attacks when out in public."

The group, Friends of Zimmerman, also told the online publication, "He wants a quiet life and although he carries a gun, he does not flash it around. He is now thinking twice about staying in Florida. His family are here but all he seems to get is trouble."

Zimmerman's assailant, Mathew Apperson, is facing a possible charge of assault with a deadly weapon. If convicted he could serve a 10 year sentence.
One gets aquitted and is hunted and hunted and harrased anyway.....
So much for the idea of a justice system i suppose....
When media gets involved... it damages one's reputation. Like him for one, and those police officers involved such as Ferguson, Baltimore, Charleston... Their lives may be in danger from public because of outrage. It's difficult to protect your image from this and constantly in hiding.

It's probably best idea for him to move out for his safety if that's the case if he is being harassed all the time. You would imagine the stress if you're being harassed and followed all the time.

All it takes is media and the photo of you to tarnish your reputation.
He just does not seem to get it that it's him that stirring all the trouble and no matter he live there will trouble not too far behind. 'Trouble' is his
middle name.
He just does not seem to get it that it's him that stirring all the trouble and no matter he live there will trouble not too far behind. 'Trouble' is his
middle name.

How was it him starting the troible always?
The police in this last case seem to disagree with you, they charged the other guy...
Drop your bias.
I get it
You dont like him
Dont you think having a bounty on his head just might be, just a wee tiny little bit, contributing to his constant harrasment?
Or will you just ignore known criminal organizations because you dont like him?
I think it is a combination of both... Zimmerman causing or being part of incidents and the media doing what they do. But the lion's share is the media's doing

I'm not so sure he'll be any safer in Virginia than he is in Florida.

I may not like or care for Zimmerman but I also don't like the fact people will still harass him (whether or not he's guilty of anything) or that the media wants to stir up crap and make things bigger or twisted than they are (that goes for any story these days).

a police report describes the person charged with shooting at George Zimmerman as a mentally unstable man with a possible obsession with the former Neighborhood Watch volunteer.
"During the investigation, I learned that Apperson has exhibited unusual behaviors in which he had recently been admitted to a mental institution," an officer wrote in Apperson's arrest report. "It appears that Apperson has a fixation on Zimmerman and has displayed signs of paranoia, anxiety and bipolar disorder."
How did he get the guns? He's more dangerous than GZ. Good thing he is being charged.