George Zimmerman shot in face in Lake Mary

What other people?
undercover police officer. his ex-wife. his ex-gf. Matthew Apperson.

he is allowed free. He was aquited.
I'm not talking about Trayvon Martin. I'm talking about incidents after the trial.
In incidents after the trial, he was also found not guilty, or charges were dropped. So yes, he is a free man. He may be arrogant, he may be an asshole, he may be a sniveling little weasel, but he is a free man.
Sounds like someone targeted him.
Sounds like someone targeted him.
Once he's well-known, there are some people who want attention from the public through him. One of them is Matthew Apperson. He made it. His name is everywhere in the nationwide news. BTW, I hope he will get arrested for attempted murder.
And what Z had said often...."Don't you know who I am"!!....yeah, an arrogant SOB at time with a big ego, I'm assuming....

You start a thread about this guy, essentially soresding his nams and csusing discussion of him, then csll him wn arrogant sob for ssying the eorkd should know him and that he has an ego?
Stop feeding it....
:giggle:..."famous" for what?...Notorious might be a better word...He's been extremely lucky so far...And don't you know who I AM!....

Well your posting thread aboit him, so yeah we know who he is...why ppwt sbout thisbguy, then.wag yiur finger at him for saying "do you know who. Am?"
He is arrogant for saying so many times..."Don't you know who I am"?....his ego blew up after being acquitted....he's in the news every couple of months...makes people begin to wonder...:giggle:...(and who could ever forget who he was)?....

Our Sheriff's brother is another arrogant man...been arrested so many times for DUI...domestic battery....and when the Cops are called...he simply says...."Don't you know who I am"?....and one Cop told him...."I don't give a fuzz who you're going to jail!"....
He is arrogant for saying so many times..."Don't you know who I am"?....his ego blew up after being acquitted....he's in the news every couple of months...makes people begin to wonder...:giggle:...(and who could ever forget who he was)?....

Our Sheriff's brother is another arrogant man...been arrested so many times for DUI...domestic battery....and when the Cops are called...he simply says...."Don't you know who I am"?....and one Cop told him...."I don't give a fuzz who you're going to jail!"....

Well maybe u should go to jail do dead time waitin for trial lose years of life then be aquited, then have a bounty on your head then be harrased, and see if u wont blow up...they guy is human..
I think its rather rich of you to wag your finger at him for stating "do you know my name?" As you post a thread about him, essentially doing the exact thing your waging your finger at him for....
Well maybe u should go to jail do dead time waitin for trial lose years of life then be aquited, then have a bounty on your head then be harrased, and see if u wont blow up...they guy is human..
I think its rather rich of you to wag your finger at him for stating "do you know my name?" As you post a thread about him, essentially doing the exact thing your waging your finger at him for....

No way...(not your way of thinking)...people already know need to say "Don't you know who I am"?...acting all priviledged and all....If I were wearing his shoes...I'd stay low on the radar...move...stay out of trouble and mind my own business...not make any enemies (he already probably has too many)....stay out of the public eye...he hasn't done so....the record reflects it...

And again, not saying Z is at fault for the latest incident...still innocent until proved otherwise.
No way...(not your way of thinking)...people already know need to say "Don't you know who I am"?...acting all priviledged and all....If I were wearing his shoes...I'd stay low on the radar...move...stay out of trouble and mind my own business...not make any enemies (he already probably has too many)....stay out of the public eye...he hasn't done so....the record reflects it...

And again, not saying Z is at fault for the latest incident...still innocent until proved otherwise.

So you post thread about him, provoke discussion aboit him and then argue he is arrogant for.saying the world.should know him....
Well you seem working his pe compagn preety good. Hope h
is paying you....
So you post thread about him, provoke discussion aboit him and then argue he is arrogant for.saying the world.should know him....
Well you seem working his pe compagn preety good. Hope h
is paying you...., now...Hoichi...don't get ur undies in a wad!
im cool girl, just pointing.out yoir hypocracy . regarding zimerman..thats all

Posting a thread about how creepy Zimmerman is, doesn't seem to correlate with his own posturing and bragging.
Posting a thread about how creepy Zimmerman is, doesn't seem to correlate with his own posturing and bragging.

No. But thsts not my point.
My point is this.
If someone has a plm as rockinrobin does with zimerman ssying "the world should know him", then to me that pereson essentially posting a thread, provoking discussion about him is just feeding the guys ego. We are chstting about him, which is fine. But its also hypocrtitical. It wouldnt be if the same person which has a plm with the guys ego didnt actually feed his ego by posting about him.
Anyway, regsadless.
He is famous. He was aquitted. He should have a pr manger. so on....zimerman really is just a prime example of all that is wrong with the american specticle . The kardashians, as another example, its just the voueur society of the specticle.. and all the rest. If he didnt do anything to keep in the press im certain the press would still hunt him to make us know what zimerman had for breakfast today, or were he took his lwst pee pee. So on so forth...
In the end if people really did not want to know abot this man they woukdnt be posting threads aboiut him..
My opinion anyway..