Neo said:Eww. Is health?
Dude You live Southland of California so you dont need to worry about heater for all weather. Too bad apt, cond, or house is not cheap.
Same here, Reba, we dont have gas either...we have all electric home too..the last bill was $219.00 and that was the highest we have ever paid too and its because the rate has gone up so that didnt surprise us. We did not use more than usual..its the darn rate increase. The next electric bill should not be any higher cuz the weather has been unusually warm so we did not use the heat hardly.Reba said:We don't have gas. We have an all-electric home. It costs us about $108 per month for everything.
jazzy said:Good point here. I was thinking of buying new ref since mine is 23 years old and use alot of electric. They keep saying newer models save more electric bills than older models? Got rid of old freezer and would like get new small one but chicken out on that one dunno how much it will raise our electric bills. Thanks for point out about not empty or too full ref otherwise it will burn more electric.
webexplorer said:How about if we could use an ice box refrigerator in the old days? No electricity. The cold in the refrigerator last a little over 1 week.
Tousi said:That's right! If you got too much space left over, buy 3-4 Los Angeles Times Sunday paper (each avg about 600 pages every Sunday) and stick them into the fridge!
RacerFox22 said:my gas bill went up 482 dollars last month!!! FOUND a 2 gas leak in the basement and had it repair. Then My electric had went up 1,600!! oh my god!! But Finally got approved with LIHEAP for low income can't afford. Took over my payments WHEW!!!!
RacerFox22 said:ME and my roommates decided to find another place to live we want to move out of this place because we found out, the windows aren't completely sealed still cold drift coming in. Basement was way too cold and not enough for the heaters to blow warm upstair. Think it worth for us to keep living here on rent? This house is 100 years old and it's not a completely remodels. Only one room upstair on 2nd floor which is my bedroom is the hottest than all room. The coldest room is the above kitchen and the bathroom.
Reba said:Last month we had a general rate increase. The current rate is:
First 800 KWH @ $0.086270
Next KWH @ $0.082210
Franchise fee 3.00% paid to the Town
diehardbiker65 said:Right, believe it or not, fridge uses the most electricity of all appliances!!! So, most people overlooked fridge big time. So, how to really save electricity on fridge... here is a trick that would save you bunch of electricity cost. Keep it close to full capacity! Empty fridge uses much more electricity than full fridge! That is because of mass of energy is stored in foods thus keep fridge cooler longer than air itself. Do NOT overfill the fridge because fridge needs space to circulate the cool air around the fridge.
U better be careful with them portable electric heaters!! they are the most common cause of house fires! acording to the news on TV..most people leave them on too long, like all night and they overheat or they get too close to bedspreads, drapes, sofas, anything that is please be careful with those portable heaters! I would never, ever use them myself!Y said:do u know how to renovate and
install pink "insulator stuff" inside all
windows and basement etc ?
Also, I noticed more stores
are selling these new portable electric heaters such as:
Dakota Portable Electric Ceramic Heater