Funny Thing About Rush Limbaugh

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There have been some comments about drug companies wanting to keep most drugs illegal. I believe the thinking is the drug companies will lose money by legalizing drugs such as heroin, cocaine, etc. I figure this: tobacco companies have made huge profits selling an addictive product that is harmful to health. Do you really think drug manufacturers would not jump at the chance to market heroin? Sure, they would not look good to the public, but they already have a poor image from overpriced medications designed to improve health so why would this matter? They could enjoy the increased volume of heroin and cocaine required as the addict/user has his/her dosage requirements increase; same as for the current illicit users. They could market these drugs on TV, same as Viva Viagra and all the other "Wheee, let's Party!" ads we see now. Do not think Pfizer and Dow and all these other companies would turn their backs on the goldmine of addiction.
There have been some comments about drug companies wanting to keep most drugs illegal. I believe the thinking is the drug companies will lose money by legalizing drugs such as heroin, cocaine, etc. I figure this: tobacco companies have made huge profits selling an addictive product that is harmful to health. Do you really think drug manufacturers would not jump at the chance to market heroin? Sure, they would not look good to the public, but they already have a poor image from overpriced medications designed to improve health so why would this matter? They could enjoy the increased volume of heroin and cocaine required as the addict/user has his/her dosage requirements increase; same as for the current illicit users. They could market these drugs on TV, same as Viva Viagra and all the other "Wheee, let's Party!" ads we see now. Do not think Pfizer and Dow and all these other companies would turn their backs on the goldmine of addiction.

No gold mine. No patent. comparatively cheap to make and easy to get.

The gold mine is having a patent on a drug no one else can legally produce so you can charge $400 a pill.

When the patent runs out on Viagra and any pharmaceutical can legally produce it the price will drop drastically.
No gold mine. No patent. comparatively cheap to make and easy to get.

The gold mine is having a patent on a drug no one else can legally produce so you can charge $400 a pill.

When the patent runs out on Viagra and any pharmaceutical can legally produce it the price will drop drastically.
Well, why not charge big money for heroin, if legalized? What would keep them from charging, say, half the current black market rate? If it was provided by Drug companies only, why would they not expect to get big returns? The other thing; if tobacco is taxed at the current rate, which is something like $4 per pack, and the cost to make cigarettes is about 30 cents a pack, what would the tax be for heroin? You telling me that the tax we collect from these legal junkies would offset the increase in addict-fueled thefts? I really cannot believe this topic still lives. Time to find a Utopia for legal drugs, a small island somewhere. :roll:
Well, why not charge big money for heroin, if legalized? What would keep them from charging, say, half the current black market rate? If it was provided by Drug companies only, why would they not expect to get big returns? The other thing; if tobacco is taxed at the current rate, which is something like $4 per pack, and the cost to make cigarettes is about 30 cents a pack, what would the tax be for heroin? You telling me that the tax we collect from these legal junkies would offset the increase in addict-fueled thefts? I really cannot believe this topic still lives. Time to find a Utopia for legal drugs, a small island somewhere. :roll:

yea... like The Beach (Leo DiCaprio movie)
I was just saying that drugs in general, legal or illegal, kill people. In the statistics I listed above, we see that tobacco and alcohol kill way more people than illegal drugs. I was asking everyone if it is because they are legal thus more widespread use or what? I am not sure how Jiro and Doug will think how the numbers of drug related deaths will change (if any) after legalization of all drugs. I personally think tobacco and alcohol will have a small decrease of deaths while the previously illegal drug related deaths will increase a lot, giving an overall increase of drug related deaths.

I am not against banning tobacco/alcohol, that would create a utilitarian society. Banning tobacco and alcohol is the "right" thing to do in terms of public health, but not morale. Plus it doesn't work (prohibition), humans NEED drugs, whether it be caffeine, alcohol, etc. Instead of going extreme and doing the anarchy approach "Hey legalize everything so that all drugs would be "clean" and we will make our own choices!" Sorry to say, but humans are stupid, which is why we even have laws in the first place. So I prefer the "pick your battles" approach where you pick the least dangerous drugs to be legal. Not sure if they made the right choices on the "least dangerous drugs".

Thanks for explaining. Makes good sense.

I wonder if we do should go to the extreme by legalizing all drugs. Maybe less people will be interested in trying them becuase a lot of people, especially teenagers, try them due to having the thrill of doing something illegal. No thrill in trying something that is legal. Maybe it wont make any difference.
Not true!! Giving out false information on stating that cocaine is a clean drug.

Again you are tripping!!!

Cocaine - Early research, Local anesthesia

ooooh I'm so so so sorry that you didn't like cocaine's long-term effect.... let's see.... let's see what many people have in their medicine chest and kitchen cabinet - :hmm:

What are its long-term effects?
Prolonged, heavy use of alcohol can lead to addiction (alcoholism). Sudden cessation of long term, extensive alcohol intake is likely to produce withdrawal symptoms, including severe anxiety, tremors, hallucinations and convulsions. Long-term effects of consuming large quantities of alcohol, especially when combined with poor nutrition, can lead to permanent damage to vital organs such as the brain and liver. In addition, mothers who drink alcohol during pregnancy may give birth to infants with fetal alcohol syndrome. These infants may suffer from mental retardation and other irreversible physical abnormalities. In addition, research indicates that children of alcoholic parents are at greater risk than other children of becoming alcoholics.

What are its long-term effects?
It is now well documented that smoking can cause chronic lung disease, coronary heart disease, and stroke, as well as cancer of the lungs, larynx, esophagus, mouth, and bladder. In addition, smoking is known to contribute to cancer of the cervix, pancreas, and kidneys. Researchers have identified more than 40 chemicals in tobacco smoke that cause cancer in humans and animals. Smokeless tobacco and cigars also have deadly consequences, including lung, larynx, esophageal, and oral cancer. The harmful effects of smoking do not end with the smoker. Women who use tobacco during pregnancy are more likely to have adverse birth outcomes, including babies with low birth weight, which is linked with an increased risk of infant death and with a variety of infant health disorders. The health of nonsmokers is adversely affected by environmental tobacco smoke (ETS). Each year, exposure to ETS causes an estimated 3,000 non-smoking Americans to die of lung cancer and causes up to 300,000 children to suffer from lower respiratory-tract infections. Evidence also indicates that exposure to ETS increases the risk of coronary heart disease.

Prescription Pain Relievers
What are their long-term effects?
Taken exactly as prescribed, pain relievers can manage pain effectively. But chronic use or abuse of opioids can result in physical dependence and addiction. Dependence means that the body adapts to the presence of the drug, and withdrawal symptoms occur if use is reduced or stopped. Symptoms of withdrawal include: restlessness, muscle and bone pain, insomnia, diarrhea, vomiting, and cold flashes with goose bumps ("cold turkey"). Tolerance to the drugs' effects also occurs with long-term use, so users must take higher doses to achieve the same or similar effects as experienced initially. Addiction is a chronic, relapsing disorder characterized by compulsive drug seeking and use.

Prescription Stimulants
What are their long-term effects?
Stimulants can be addictive in that individuals begin to use them compulsively. Taking high doses of some stimulants repeatedly over a short time can lead to feelings of hostility or paranoia. Additionally, taking high doses of a stimulant may result in dangerously high body temperatures and an irregular heartbeat. There is also the potential for cardiovascular failure (heart attack) or lethal seizures.

What are its long-term effects?
High doses of stimulants produce a predictable set of symptoms that include loss of appetite (may cause serious malnutrition), tremors and muscle twitching, fevers, convulsions, and headaches (may be severe), irregular heartbeat and respirations (may be profound and life threatening), anxiety, restlessness, paranoia, hallucinations, and delusions, excessive repetition of movements and meaningless tasks, and formicaton (sensation of bugs or worms crawling under the skin).
I was just saying that drugs in general, legal or illegal, kill people. In the statistics I listed above, we see that tobacco and alcohol kill way more people than illegal drugs. I was asking everyone if it is because they are legal thus more widespread use or what? I am not sure how Jiro and Doug will think how the numbers of drug related deaths will change (if any) after legalization of all drugs. I personally think tobacco and alcohol will have a small decrease of deaths while the previously illegal drug related deaths will increase a lot, giving an overall increase of drug related deaths.

I am not against banning tobacco/alcohol, that would create a utilitarian society. Banning tobacco and alcohol is the "right" thing to do in terms of public health, but not morale. Plus it doesn't work (prohibition), humans NEED drugs, whether it be caffeine, alcohol, etc. Instead of going extreme and doing the anarchy approach "Hey legalize everything so that all drugs would be "clean" and we will make our own choices!" Sorry to say, but humans are stupid, which is why we even have laws in the first place. So I prefer the "pick your battles" approach where you pick the least dangerous drugs to be legal. Not sure if they made the right choices on the "least dangerous drugs".

sorry but none of statistics and testimony by LEO support your theory. The statistic already shows that on-going drug war made drug dealers even richer than before. Do you know why? because the more pure the drug is, the more addicting it is... meaning more and more people are demanding for it!!!

there are so many factors that will benefit from legalizing and regulating the drugs:
1. it will obviously be less pure and powerful.
2. it will be done at clean, controlled environment
3. reduced cases of HIV/HEP/etc contractions
4. billions of tax money saved
5. thousand of lives saved (both officers and innocents)
6. less gang turf wars over drugs
7. drug dealers will be broke!
8. the drug users will be MORE informed about the drug they're using thus less OD deaths
9. we already have plenty of effective treatment centers (and that's where the celebrities and rich & powerful people go to!!!)

please do tell me what are the least dangerous drugs?
please do tell me what are the least dangerous drugs?
I found this warning about one of the more deadly substances....


Dihydrogen monoxide is colorless, odorless, tasteless, and kills
uncounted thousands of people every year. Most of these deaths are
caused by accidental inhalation of DHMO, but the dangers of dihydrogen
monoxide do not end there. Prolonged exposure to its solid form causes
severe tissue damage. Symptoms of DHMO ingestion can include excessive
sweating and urination, and possibly a bloated feeling, nausea,
vomiting and body electrolyte imbalance. For those who have become
dependent, DHMO withdrawal means certain death.

Dihydrogen monoxide:
* is also known as hydric acid, and is the major component of acid
* contributes to the "greenhouse effect."
* may cause severe burns.
* contributes to the erosion of our natural landscape.
* accelerates corrosion and rusting of many metals.
* may cause electrical failures and decreased effectiveness of
automobile brakes.
* has been found in excised tumors of terminal cancer patients.


Quantities of dihydrogen monoxide have been found in almost every
stream, lake, and reservoir in America today. But the pollution is
global, and the contaminant has even been found in Antarctic ice. In
the midwest alone DHMO has caused millions of dollars of property

Despite the danger, dihydrogen monoxide is often used:
* as an industrial solvent and coolant.
* in nuclear power plants.
* in the production of styrofoam.
* as a fire retardant.
* in many forms of cruel animal research.
* in the distribution of pesticides. Even after washing, produce
remains contaminated by this chemical.
* as an additive in certain "junk-foods" and other food products.

Companies dump waste DHMO into rivers and the ocean, and nothing can
be done to stop them because this practice is still legal. The impact
on wildlife is extreme, and we cannot afford to ignore it any longer!


The American government has refused to ban the production,
distribution, or use of this damaging chemical due to its "importance
to the economic health of this nation." In fact, the navy and other
military organizations are conducting experiments with DHMO, and
designing multi-billion dollar devices to control and utilize it
during warfare situations. Hundreds of military research facilities
receive tons of it through a highly sophisticated underground
distribution network. Many store large quantities for later use.


Act NOW to prevent further contamination. Find out more about this
dangerous chemical. What you don't know CAN hurt you and others
throughout the world.
sorry but none of statistics and testimony by LEO support your theory. The statistic already shows that on-going drug war made drug dealers even richer than before. Do you know why? because the more pure the drug is, the more addicting it is... meaning more and more people are demanding for it!!!

there are so many factors that will benefit from legalizing and regulating the drugs:
1. it will obviously be less pure and powerful.
2. it will be done at clean, controlled environment
3. reduced cases of HIV/HEP/etc contractions
4. billions of tax money saved
5. thousand of lives saved (both officers and innocents)
6. less gang turf wars over drugs
7. drug dealers will be broke!
8. the drug users will be MORE informed about the drug they're using thus less OD deaths
9. we already have plenty of effective treatment centers (and that's where the celebrities and rich & powerful people go to!!!)

please do tell me what are the least dangerous drugs?

1. Who determines the purity? Other synthetic drugs were made in order to SATISFY or SUPPRESS something health related, and their purity is determined by testing to find the minimum purity to do their job. What the cocaine/heroin's job? To GET HIGH. Do we find the minimum purity for this? What if it isn't enough? What if people want a higher grade?
2. I laugh at this. Aren't prescription pills done by a "clean and controlled environment"?
3. This may be possible.
4. Speculation. You cannot predict the $$ of the indirect consequences after.
5. Assuming that drugs are sold at a low purity, this is possible. I don't know enough about the correlation between the amount/purity of drugs and overdoses.
6. This is most likely possible.
7. This is the most possible of the list.
8. Misleading. It assumes that most people who OD are wide eye innocent teenagers who know nothing about drugs. Most of them are long time users who need more and more and they are around 40-50 years old. This applies for BOTH legal and illegal (see below **)
9. AA has a success rate of that ranges from 5% to 35%... what does that tell you? (Alcohol and Drug Rehabilitation - Betty Ford Center Ask Dr. West Sober Days and Drug Addiction - Alcohol Recovery Programs - Alcohol Treatment - Heroin Rehab - Cocaine Rehabilitation - Alcoholism Centers Alternative Help)

Heroin: Heroin Overdose Deaths --- Multnomah County, Oregon, 1993--1999
Legal Drugs: Overdose Death Rate Surges, Legal Drugs Are Mostly to Blame | DrugReporter | AlterNet

As for the least dangerous drugs, I would say tobacco and marijuana. Yes they can kill (slowly that is) but they are less likely to kill OTHERS, especially when compared to alcohol.
dihydrogen monoxide.. this chemical name doesn't make sense.

Water- H2O is consisted of one molecule of oxygen paired with two hydrogen atoms.

In chemical nomenclature, Di-hydrogen (2 H's) Mono-Oxide (single O) would relatively classify it as the same thing..

A need for a di and mono prefix are pretty much for pedantic purposes..
Or, the following figure should establish a better relationship between the context of what is going on:

The whole DHMO thing is a trivial joke intended for those who don't understand chemistry.

But, this isn't a drug so to go off on tangents on it should be done in a whole new thread ;)
I'd imagine you could still hit some people with that scare message, lol.
What's the point of Vicoden?

To kill pain...

What's the point of coccaine?

To get high...

Is getting high a medical need? No, so maybe that's why coccaine and other highly addictive drugs like it are illegal. No medical reason to take them.
But, this isn't a drug so to go off on tangents on it should be done in a whole new thread ;)
I'd imagine you could still hit some people with that scare message, lol.

I guess I was mocking the topic a bit..... :giggle:

Like Sherlock Holmes told Watson...

Keep digging!!!!


Like I have said before.

You complained about what is already legal. Right??? You are stating the stuff that is legal now is so destructive. It is more destructive than the illegal shit!!!

So by making it legal will put it right in the category of the current illicit drug.

I am saying you are posting over, and over the effects of alcohol, tobacco and Rx pills. You are stating how the legal drugs are more hazardous than illicit drugs. So legalizing such drugs you are speaking of would just enable people to abuse it more, and more death will result to it.

Even if it was legalized. Black markets and street dealers still will deal and make their money... That is how Rx drugs are dealt. Oxycontin and such are dealt on the street. Making it legal is not going to stop the street dealers. If one is to think that will happen is naive. People are always out there to make a quick buck.

can you imagine the destruction of legalizing these drugs you are speaking of.

I see a domino effect here.

Like Sherlock Holmes told Watson...

Keep digging!!!!


Like I have said before.

You complained about what is already legal. Right??? You are stating the stuff that is legal now is so destructive. It is more destructive than the illegal shit!!!

So by making it legal will put it right in the category of the current illicit drug.

I am saying you are posting over, and over the effects of alcohol, tobacco and Rx pills. You are stating how the legal drugs are more hazardous than illicit drugs. So legalizing such drugs you are speaking of would just enable people to abuse it more, and more death will result to it.

Even if it was legalized. Black markets and street dealers still will deal and make their money... That is how Rx drugs are dealt. Oxycontin and such are dealt on the street. Making it legal is not going to stop the street dealers. If one is to think that will happen is naive. People are always out there to make a quick buck.

can you imagine the destruction of legalizing these drugs you are speaking of.

I see a domino effect here.

no. no. and no. you have failed to see a very simple point. TRY AGAIN!
What's the point of Vicoden?

To kill pain...

What's the point of coccaine?

To get high...

Is getting high a medical need? No, so maybe that's why coccaine and other highly addictive drugs like it are illegal. No medical reason to take them.

sadly true. but then again - who are we to say you cannot get high? why do we provide condom? Why do you want sex education for young kids? are you encouraging kids to have sex at such young age? let's face it - no matter what we do.... kids will have sex at young age. So what can we do about it? provide them with education and condom to make it safe (with minimal risk) for them. It's a win-win for all... even though we don't want our kids to have sex at young age.

so what we can do for people who want to get high? Do you want them to snuff some spray-paint can? do you want drug dealers to purify the drugs to dangerous level? Do you want many neighborhoods to be terrorized by drug gang wars?
no. no. and no. you have failed to see a very simple point. TRY AGAIN!


Silly boy! :)

You have no idea of the consiquences!!

Just because you are angry over the legal tabacco and alcohol. That both can be purchased at the local Wal Mart. The very same you mentioned is soo destructive to society. You want to add the illicit drugs to that catagory. (throwing fuel to the fire)

To get your point across about how corrupted our government is!
Is that the only way you can do that??

You have no clue!!

So no! No! NO!

You don't get it!!
1. Who determines the purity? Other synthetic drugs were made in order to SATISFY or SUPPRESS something health related, and their purity is determined by testing to find the minimum purity to do their job. What the cocaine/heroin's job? To GET HIGH. Do we find the minimum purity for this? What if it isn't enough? What if people want a higher grade?
the reason why people want a higher grade is because the drug dealer did so. that's why there are many OD deaths. but do you think drug dealers care? They know people cannot control themselves once they get a taste of purified high-grade stuff - they will keep coming for more (uncontrollably)... which leads to violent crimes & spread of HIV/HEP/etc. Again - once it's legalized, it will be regulated by medical professional because they know the limit.... thus less OD deaths. This concept works very well for clinics that dispense syringes, marijuana, and methadone.

2. I laugh at this. Aren't prescription pills done by a "clean and controlled environment"?
we're talking about illicit drugs, not prescriptions. but yes - we need to do something about people abusing prescription drugs but I don't see how... but I do see how we can fix this futile Drug War.

4. Speculation. You cannot predict the $$ of the indirect consequences after.
If you ACTUALLY my source that I have provided in post #247 - it has explained this at great length. some of it are written by economists, experts and analysts... along with Drug Enforcement officers and policymakers.

5. Assuming that drugs are sold at a low purity, this is possible. I don't know enough about the correlation between the amount/purity of drugs and overdoses.
My answer isn't talking about OD deaths. I'm talking about LIVES NEEDLESSLY lost to drug wars - Police Officers and Innocents.

8. Misleading. It assumes that most people who OD are wide eye innocent teenagers who know nothing about drugs. Most of them are long time users who need more and more and they are around 40-50 years old. This applies for BOTH legal and illegal (see below **)
:ty: for providing me an ammunition that supported my statement! :cool2:

what tells me is that we should fund the effective treatment centers with the tax incurred from drug sales. Jude Thaddeus Session II and Saint Jude Retreat House have 65% success rate. again :ty: for giving me an ammunition that supported my statement! :cool2:

Silly boy! :)

You have no idea of the consiquences!!

Just because you are angry over the legal tabacco and alcohol. That both can be purchased at the local Wal Mart. The very same you mentioned is soo destructive to society. You want to add the illicit drugs to that catagory. (throwing fuel to the fire)

To get your point across about how corrupted our government is!
Is that the only way you can do that??

You have no clue!!

So no! No! NO!

You don't get it!!
You have not provided ONE IOTA of source that support your statement. Lot of your posts are emotional and illogical. I'm sorry but I have to ask you because it sounds like you were affected by this. Did you lose a loved one due to illicit drug?

btw - Wal Mart does not sell alcohol.
sadly true. but then again - who are we to say you cannot get high? why do we provide condom? Why do you want sex education for young kids? are you encouraging kids to have sex at such young age? let's face it - no matter what we do.... kids will have sex at young age. So what can we do about it? provide them with education and condom to make it safe (with minimal risk) for them. It's a win-win for all... even though we don't want our kids to have sex at young age.

so what we can do for people who want to get high? Do you want them to snuff some spray-paint can? do you want drug dealers to purify the drugs to dangerous level? Do you want many neighborhoods to be terrorized by drug gang wars?

Again. Holy shit dude!

Drug education and sex education is very important! Give the kids and adults the tools of knowledge.

Kids are constantly educated about the danger of alcohol and tabacco. The legal items than harm ones health.


You simply are blindsided.

So no.

You are willing to enable more people to drugs than our every day criminal.
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