I had a young relative who started with pot after graduating from college. From there, he went to harder drugs and alcohol. He was hooked, had some DUI's, got into trouble with family. Eventually, he went to long-term rehab, and now lives a productive clean and sober life. (I've condensed the story for space.) In addition to the rehab period, he lived with us for several months as a "half-way" environment, getting far away from his home state and old friends (bad influences). He needed a completely new start in life.
My dad was an alcoholic. He never quit drinking, and eventually died at age 66 from liver disease. His last few years were terrible, physically and mentally.
My MIL's health (rather, lack of health) is showing the results of tobacco addiction. She quit smoking only when she had to be on oxygen, 24/7. Terrible.
Yes, I can find lots of examples of people whose lives suffered from the abuse of chemicals. Funny, I can't think of any whose lives benefitted from using tobacco, alcohol, pot, or any other drugs.
Not to mention, how much money is spent on tobacco, alcohol, and drugs.
Dang, were you talking smack about me? Lol.
I don't think weed is a gateway to harder drugs unless one is genetically inclined. I have been clean and sober since Oct. 31, 2007. Some kids wanted me to guard them while they went trick-or-treating, and at first I said No, but their tearful disappointment made me so and think---what in hades was I doing, to prefer being drunk than to be with happy children? They dressed me as the Clint Eastwood character in those old spaghetti westerns, complete with toy pistols. It was a blast!