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See for yourself, how many people there.
I believe that the number of people drinking is about the same amount of people smoke weeds.
Weeds is NOT the gateway to harder dope, it is the prohibition itself as a gateway to drug problem. PERIOD.
Weeds will eventually be legal in most states within few years, and will prove that weeds isn't gateway dope after all. The reason behind why few people decided to go to harder dope path, two possible reasons, one they do like smoke weeds, but the problem is that THC stays in body for days, weeks or even worse months and they can be easily detect if they were asked to do random dope test. So, move up to harder dope, they stay in body no more than 3 days, perfect for them to hide BUT what they don't know is that their life is going downhill. Other reason is that these are just stupid people that can't be happy with booze, weeds, and fags and want to go beyond their limitation. Same with other kinds of activities like jumping off the bridge.
I have know many many people who smoke weeds NEVER wanted go beyond toward harder dope. I even know those who don't really like drink booze, but rather smoke weeds.
Before you decide blame on weeds as source of problem. Please research history on prohibition, what happened before, during and after with booze and Weeds. You will be surprised to find that there is no difference between booze and weeds.
And that video already proves it.
I personally wish they would outlaw booze and legalize weeds because weeds are much safer than booze and I know it. I have smoked weeds and ride motorcycle without any issues many times when I was young and I personally never liked booze or any drugs other than weeds. And if weeds is truly a gateway dope, I won't be here at all.
Bottom line, I think marijuana is one of most misunderstood drug of all. I don't think it is really hallucination, maybe first few hits yeah but they were not even mild at all comparing to LSD/Acid. I don't like LSD at all, and decided not to go any farther than that. I even witness people snorting coke, smoke crack, even shoot heroin whatever they get. Man, they are just sicko and yes, that is when I smoke weeds and they offer me other dope, I turned it away and no thanks. Thank god, I haven't seen actual person taking Meth and don't want to be around them AT ALL.
You all can say whatever, but the truth is, Marijuana will be legal eventually, so far two states already legalized it, more states are following them.
And FINALLY, most importantly, DEA can not come up with evidence that Cannabis had cause a single death from direct cause of smoking em. Secondly, they failed to come up with evidence that war on drugs did decrease the dope... actually the opposite is true. And WHY are we feeding our money to greedy cartels? Have you had any idea whats happening in south America? Especially between Mexico and south America? It is all about killing, killing killing a lot of deaths down there they are doing this for one reason, and that is government harassment with drug cartels and MIND you, many of Cartels were already caught, YET flow of drugs have not decrease AT ALL but increased as well. A Philadelphia cop admitted that during 80's when there was raid, causing many addict to go crazy finding more dope, comparing to today when there is raid, addicts now acts as if nothing happens and they had no trouble find more dope. This proves that the law is NOT working.
Instead of making Cartel rich, help Uncle Sam make money so that they can properly use them for treatment and aid those who fall in addict trap instead of throwing them in jail, wasting our money. Legalize weeds will more likely not cause them to go to stronger dope (I know not all of them but the number is likely to be in low percentage).