for few years I been reading about Terri, I do feel for her and her parents also for her husband but ONE thing I can add or two!...
Michael told to Doctors, Nurses etc do not do any therapy. so They don't know if she's really braindead or not because No one has been working with her.. because Michael refused to hire any workers to do any therapy with her.. Only her parents has been very patiently waiting!
According to Florida law (in terri's website and also someone provide in here somewhere in these 7 pages) that Terri's parents can't take over because Michael refuse to divorce her! so.. He want's the $$$.. and He does NOT want to spend anymore money so He can keep the $ for him, his girlfriend and their children.. HE ACTUALLY is cheating on his own wife! If he doesnt want her in his life He should Divorce her and let her parents take over!!
Now for the general ADers here's my opinions:
If my children were brain dead and IS NOT able to do anything after I have done details works with therapist etc, I would pull plugs etc
BUT Terri she already had her life support pulled out years ago! and Look at her she's able to breath on her own! meaning she's trying so hard.. but in my view after working in a group home for almost 2 years. I can see it is alot of work for person to do therapy with a client..
Terri lives in a nursing home/hospice area in florida where michael put her there! and left her there doing nothing!! but I like to read more " update on what she has been doing not in past!" it is such a sad when no one can do something but doc just "check in and out" thats it.. They should do something...
I still can't vote for either let her starve to death or let her live.. because I don't have all the details to read "nowdays!"
Oh I also read in Terri's website I notice they add 2 or 3 more video of her I do see she may have a little improvement.. but Who knows If there's any improvement..
Let's hear today's decision at 5 pm or before..
aww darn thing that Terrifight's Website was down:
some copy and paste:
Thank you for visiting, the official website of the Terri-Schindler Schiavo Foundation and the Schindler family.
Due to unprecedented volumes of web traffic, the main site is temporarily offline. We apologize for any inconvenience as we work to overcome these technical difficulties.
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