Ex's Violent Temper

diehardbiker65 said:
I see now, me overlooked.... Yea, these bats can make guys even more angry and lead them to increase the violence. It is NOT worth it.

If you know where to strike. Women can learn how to attack the head repeatedly brutally with a baseball bat and eye gouge him, also knowing how to not let the evil man take the baseball away from her. Just hitting someone's head once is not enough and may not be a manstopper. Be a Deaf Savage. Extreme Brutality and Being Aggressive is the key here.

Since your in Canada, laws in America varies from state to state. In some way, you may be right... other way your wrong. I am not critizing you, more of FYI. Some states in the USA have the law that do NOT even allowed to fight back, only police can. Sometimes police are NOT even allowed to defend themselves and can be sued by crooks! Happens? Oh you can bet! It already happened in my home state!

Warrant for misdeamnor is really meaningless! If it is felony warrant, then police will do anything. But believe it or not, some states got the law that protects bystander, meaning that police can NOT arrest anyone who knew but do NOTHING becuase they are just bystander!

Banjo said:
You have to call the authorities on your husband especially when there's already a warrant for his arrest. This only put you in a more difficult position now that you've been in contact with the fugitive and not reporting it.

People who don't report to the authorities about a fugitive can get into big trouble with the law if they find out about it. You may already be in potential legal troubles right now because you already posted the details on a public forum which cannot be erased completely. These information can be recovered via web caches.

You had to defend yourself from your ex-boyfriend by damaging his nose. Just do what you have to do... report it to the authorities... now before you get yourself sent to jail.

No, I'm not joking. It happen to the best of us all of the times. Not only to mention that you also have children, think of how they will be if the cops come to your doorstop with a warrant for your arrest just because you didn't inform the authorities.

I'm not trying to scare anybody here, but that's the potential situation I'm seeing right now. Hurry and do something before it's too late!
diehardbiker65 said:
more of FYI.

Now you are saying FYI ? When I already said FYI and you attacked me for posting something that is for your information. ( FYI )

Diehardbiker, you are being a hypocrite. No two ways about it.
It's not her husband its her ex boyfriend, and this isn't the FIRST time he ever had a warrant, he had prenty of them yet we have told the cops on him many times in the past, but the cops told us he will be caught one day if he gets pull over...Why does Cheri have to waste her time to keep calling the cops, when they told her before that when he gets caught they will arrest him, they could have gone to his work anytime they wanted to, but they didn't...:dunno:
CutePommie said:
diehardbiker65 said:
No, he is just blind![/QUOTE

would you like me to be as Heath's Rehab support worker since i work for deafblinduk ... ;)

Don't need anybody and I am not blind, just Deaf nothing wrong with that and I sure ain't a British person in need of the mind doctor services. :)
Heath said:
If you know where to strike. Women can learn how to attack the head repeatedly brutally with a baseball bat and eye gouge him, also knowing how to not let the evil man take the baseball away from her. Just hitting someone's head once is not enough and may not be a manstopper. Be a Deaf Savage. Extreme Brutality and Being Aggressive is the key here.

IN other words, you're advocating murder. Did you know that the US law forbids this? If Cheri were to follow your advice, she would be arrested for murder, lose her children, and have to serve maybe 15 to 25 years in prison, and be labeled as a murderer for the rest of her life?
Well said!

There was story that happens in NYC that a taxi driver defended himself from thief, he ended up gone to jail for 15 years, and have Felony on his record for the rest of life! Not worth it!

DreamDeaf said:
IN other words, you're advocating murder. Did you know that the US law forbids this? If Cheri were to follow your advice, she would be arrested for murder, lose her children, and have to serve maybe 15 to 25 years in prison, and be labeled as a murderer for the rest of her life?
No!!! I am not adovacting murder. Use your common sense !!! For self defense !!! You are out of your mind , no not murder :crazy: for self defense, yes Ok !!!! :thumb:
Heath said:
CutePommie said:
Don't need anybody and I am not blind, just Deaf nothing wrong with that and I sure ain't a British person in need of the mind doctor services. :)

i dont care what you think of me as british .... am proud of being a british..
Okay, This seems like this is going to go on forever....

I have stated my position with a voice of reason, concern and logic.

This thread is running very high on emotions , commonsense is being thrown out the window and nobody is really thinking logically enough here.

To calm down this thread.... I am leaving this thread alone. :) Please have a good day :thumb:
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I am the Cheri's Knight and taking her away to the neverland

now are you the new boyfriend of cheri's? DieHardBiker65
Heath said:
No!!! I am not adovacting murder. Use your common sense !!! For self defense !!! You are out of your mind , no not murder :crazy: for self defense, yes Ok !!!! :thumb:

Sorry, YOU'RE the one out of your mind...many of those positions are guaranteed to kill if hit hard with a baseball bat, not twice, not three times, but just once.

All it takes one good whack with a wooden baseball bat in one of those spots...instant cellmate.

I know.

I've attended self-defense classes for quite a few years, and in many instances they tell us to use our hands and feet, and use a screaming voice...and show us how to immobilize our attacker.

In two of those classes, they showed us the very same poster you just posted in here, and we were told that those were sure killing points...and while we were told we could defend ourselves by using those points, we also had to be aware that if we used excessive force, well...you get the picture.

Ive defended myself many times, since that ex-boyfriend of mine ages ago, but Ive not resorted to a baseball bat since then. Ive learned how to use my hands, fingers, fingernails, feet, shoeheels, legs, and how to scream at the top of my voice while doing all that - and been successful, although there were times when I did get hurt myself.

So don't tell me I dont know how, because I do so know how...and I'm tired of you hijacking threads and making yourself seem self-important.

You need to back off - Cheri set this thread up so she could vent her frustration, not for you to tell her what to do and look like a Mr. Know-It-All.

Back off. Period.
In most jurisdictions, self-defense occuring in one's home is defensible. I'm not advocating that willy-nilly---each situation is different.