First of all I like to say that I have had said more than three times that I would appreciate not discussing
CI issues only in this topic because it has nothing to do with it . The topic is about
ALL Devices and how they do not help us to hear everything. I wont waste my time, money, and/or energy to conform deaf children into hearing children that u are wishing for. I dont appreciate this kind of audist attitude at all.
The reason is that everybody knows that they have to love themselves first before anyone else. So therefore why do you want to destroy Deaf children s true identity from the start with your very negative views about deafness? You have no right to cross anyone s boundaries, that is our Deaf rights.
Deaf children are able without DEVICES. Thats all there is to it. How many different ways must it be said before you understand?????
No wonder Deaf children have issues with emotional and mental abuse every single day that we are struggling to adapt into a hearing child, that is not right. Once you are deaf that is that. PERIOD! No one can fix our deafness so they should not be destroying our Deaf children 's residual hearing because doctors are not experts on deafness, it cannot be fixed. PERIOD!
How dare you think Audism people know everything about our deafness while you dont know what about ASL or what it is like to be deaf from the start in many ways because you pretend to be hearing and do not know the truth after you got so much influence by them. Do they respect you for who you are? You hate yourself and make other people hate our strong point of view about our Adaptation and true language that works for us to combine with BI and BI language. It is so amazing it works for their deaf and hearing children that I have seen. We are bit different from you with our Deafness and feel many things that we depend on adaptations that is very healthy. As for my hearing children that I respect their true identity as well as I accepted that since they were born. I taught them first language of ASL and deaf culture so that they can adapt to accept all kind of miniority people in this diverse world. So therefore Deaf children have the right to be part of this diverse world, and not hearing world only. Audist people keep trying to change us Deaf people and end up giving us a negative view of ourselves and cause mental and emotional problems.
They do this for hearing peoples sakes but it will not change us or how we feel about being deaf as is. I don't appreciate how some people are always trying to change us..they should walk in our shoes for a little while and then maybe they will have new found respect for the Deaf culture. They cannot change my mind..all that many deaf people have experienced in our life abuse by some people..they will never forget. Therefore deaf people have the ultimate right to be part of the diverse world that we exist in. You cant handle it. Some of you never learned ASL or were involved in deaf culture therefore you have no right to comment negatively, or be destructive. Also, some of you have no good faith in yourselves for being deaf and shouldnt be negative about yourselves. ASL and oralist extremists affect our deaf community for no reason. Some CI radicals are negative and think that WE are the failures but in all actuality they are. Two groups against us but we are strong and believe in ourselves against all odds because we can do anything except hear if you'll let us.
Another thing.... many people are under the impression that ASL is the reason why some of us cannot write english but it is because we were forced to lipread and listen with devices that set us back in our literacy. That is the whole reason. Now you can understand why devices Do NOT help us hear in many ways. Also SEE doesnt help us either because it is a gutter language. People dont even know how to commmunicate with us or understand us or our deaf thinking that is different from you.
The funny thing is.. My eyes tell me that many Deaf parents have no problem with hearing children even their friends because they are more open and being themselves. They think it s wonderful to use our hands and willing to learn / understand our Deaf cultures in different countries that is what they have in their true language that is somewhat part of ASL .. It was so amazing that combines with all kind of Deaf languages that fits into. It is such a beautiful language that we have in our hands that is our gifted communication that is very important for us to have our one true language that combines with Signed English for us to have a very successful literacy. It s all about SIGNS, READING, CREATIVE THINKING, and WRITING that we depends on our eyes (visual) , brain that fits our deafness without having any interference in our learning process. I want it back where it started from and when it was very successful.
While Hearing parents have been struggling with their Deaf children that are sign impaired and nelgect their importance of healthy emotional and mental issues. DEaf children should be allowed to be happy or adapt their own ways, not by hearing s ways. It doesn't make sense to have deaf kids be conformed into hearing individuals after all the never ending problems. And for Deaf oralists who complain that they cant communicate and feel bad for themselves so they turn into wanna be hearing people after all they don't feel good about themselves...What's up with that? It just doesn't make sense...this is a serious problem.
Also I would like to say that I am not strongly religious and dont believe in pushing religion on others or destroying their personal beliefs about God and the bible...but I am discouraged by the pro CIers who are atheists trying to use God in their posts as far as saying that deafness is a negative thing. That is manipulative and inappropriate. Where do these people get off bringing up God in their posts while not even believing in him? Especially Cloggy and Boult. They are very sacrilegious in this way. Now you understand why I strongly feel that CI plants purposely used negative comments about our deafness this is very evil and I cannot respect that. Thats is how they make the big $$$$$bucks$$$$. They dont care about the Deaf children or parents only the money their insurance companies are going to pay for the CI procedure.
Heavies from politics are shouting the message to businesses to be more marketable to make profits rise.
I know many hearing people do not know about us deaf people who can do anything except hear and the purpose of our deaf culture. We Deaf people and Deaf leaders have tried / worked so hard to educate and help you understand deaf issues...but to no avail because audist people destroyed the image of our deaf community and the people in it. They have all kinds of money and power. Thats an evil thing like a cult like CI corporations.
DEAF CHILDREN ARE BEING DESTROYED because they arent "good enough" for you. Where is the faith?
