Good posting there Cloggy, glad to see you got the idea that I am trying to put out there. I do wanna hear the positive sides, but not ALL the time ya know? Because then, when that happens, I truly think the message gets lost.
I agree. This is the case for both sides. In a way it's become a balancing act. Too much negativity is counteracted with too much positive. Both sides lose focus because they do not believe the other side.
So, meeting in the middle is ofcourse the way to go. There will still be a balance.
What I meant by that was, people are like well I wanted to give my child a chance to hear. Which is fine, I respect that. I may not agree with implantation of a child, but I respect that it wasn't my decision to make.
But, at the same time my point was what if a deaf mother, said make my child deaf, so my child can grow up knowing what it is like to be deaf.
YOu have to realise that in general terms, we are speaking of hearing parents of deaf children, since most deaf children are born from hearing parents. The situation will be different when the family is deaf...........
Sure it will never happen because who wants that?
My concern is, are some of these parents doing it for their own selfish reasons?
Cloggy, I am in no way saying that anyone here has done that. But, you and I both know that this has more than likely happened.
I am saying I worry that some of these parents out there say oh, I did it to help my child to be able to hear and experience sound. But, deep down inside they know their true motive was not to have to deal with a deaf child.
Some parents are great, but sadly, there are some that aren't.
Of course there are. And I am reacting to treating parents like they do not love their child, like they do not accept deafness, like they hate ASL etc. Most parents (hearing) have no clue about deafness. Put them in your place and read some of the ideas in some of the topics and imagine them reading this. The negativity and assumptions made are enough to put anyone off. So, I am trying to provide another insite. That of the parent with a deaf child...........
I do realize they say the younger they are implanted the better their chances are. But, trying to think of a way to say this without offending anyone. Because it is a concern of mine with a CHILD of mine.
If I had a deaf child and decided for implant and that child died on the operating table due to unknown circumstances before operating. Such as allergic reaction to the anethesia, maybe heart failure. I realize the chances are slim to almost none, but there still is that chance. That alone would scare me away from doing so.
I must say you are definitely braver than me. Because the only way I would put my child on an operating table is for a lifesaving procedure. They wanted to put tubes in my son's ears and I told them hell no! I know for a fact there is medications out there to try FIRST! The doctor then refused to work with us and told me he would no longer be my son's doctor. I said fine, no problem and went to another specialist who agreed surgery is a last resort for that condition and put him on medications which cleared it up right away.
I fear putting my child on the operating table unless it is absolutely necessary.
SO, like I said you are braver than me.
It's not braver, it's having a different view on risks. When a simple operation can help my child, great. Medicine can have sideeffects that are much harder to counteract. The body is extremely well equipped to heal mechanical damage like a cut. Syntetic damage or polution like medicine are sometimes very tough on a body. They might cure one thing and start something else.
So for us, the operation was an acceptble risk. Sure there are fears, but that's part of the territory of having children......
Whereas, with the CI itself I am very very undereducated. I know very little about them.
That's fine. This is the place to ask. Me about CI in children, Neecy about CI after wearing a HA for 20+ years, Drummer about how it didn't work for his son, and there many others.. There are lots of experts here..........
I will answer the other questions later if needed. I'm sure other will explain as well.
C U later,