Get the Fluke!
It's built-in fuse and not worry about destory the multimeter again if turned Ohms during voltage drop by accident just blow up the fuse and no harm to anything to multimeter.
My father own Fluke (forget what model) for almost 20 years and it still work great. Fluke measure up to 1000V ac and dc, and 20A.
Why he bought it because he need one for test on high volt capacitors from 80's to 90's TV for repair.
I got shocked from DSLR's capacitors few times. It's 330v DC that's worse than outlet 110v AC. Geez.
Now I hope I don't get shock from ignition coil pack (from vehicle) which it's 10,000v to 30,000v. Thank god mostly newer use COP (coil on plug) that's mean it don't use ignition coil pack anymore (more safely and easy to test)
I kept putting off buying Fluke Digital voltmeter. I was planning on buying one 15 years ago. Then the newer model have handheld oscilloscope and all the nice amenities l wanted cost over $800 and was planning on saving money for that but ended up needing for something else.. My friend from Ireland bought Fluke 80 series and love it. At my work, many Electronic Technicians buy Fluke.
I currrently have Telectronix oscilloscope that I haven't used it for 10 years. It's sitting collecting dust until I find something useful.
I've been shocked with Ignition coil before. Yeah, It's lot worst than 120v ac.. Back in mid 80's I"ve asked my oldest brother to hold Sparkplug attached with wire for me. I fired up the engine and watch him jumping up and down. I was being mean to my brother cuz he's gullible (I was the youngest in the family tho).

I've been shocked many time before, often 120v. Several times Ignition coil (Some time on small engine and few time automotive).
My worst experience was a minibike got throttle stuck and I had to stop the engine by covering bare sparkplug clip on sparkplug with my hand and hold it till it dies Ouch!!.... (If I pulled the sparkplug wire out of sparkplug, spark would keep jumping to sparkplug, keeping engine running and I was on runaway minibike crashing under my brother's 64 Chevrolet Impala and I had to act real fast before I damage the engine. I went zzzt zzt zzt zzt zzt zzt zt zt

I got :Owned
One time 1,400v ac on back of old 50's style oscilloscope tube which I thought the socket wasn't plugged in correctly and I pushed it while it's on. My finger stuck on for a second and I yanked out. Ouch!! It did burn "pin hole" on my finger but not deep. (in fact that I replaced 1/2 amp fuse to solid billet fuse of same size which may be around 100 amp cuz it kept blowing out 1/2 amp and don't care if oscilloscope catch on fire on 100amp billet fuse. I was crazy back then so that's why) I threw the oscilloscope away cuz it's no good plus replacement tube diode (similiar to 50's or 60's TV transistor tube) were expensive to replace for old equiptment. Ain't worth it.
Every high voltage shock felt like a hammer banging inside of my arm.
The latest shock I had was 6 years ago when I was hooking up new outdoor light and forgot to turn off or trip the fuse. I touched live wire (white and black) and went zzzztt

. I immedialy let it go and my wife saw everything what I did

. She said Be careful!! It was just a minor shock to me which isn't bad cuz my hands were dry..
I did accidentally cut 120v live wire with my new wire cutter while re-arranging wiring in basement and it blew with firecracker bang and cause hole on my cutter

but didn't get shocked.
My durango and jeep use COP . It's very nice to have it!! But be extra careful when removing and placing it on flat surface. If dropped COP, good luck replacing expensive COP.