early vote for President US 2008 - D

Who is strong 2008 Presidential candidates for D?

  • Biden, Joe

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Clinton, Hillary

    Votes: 37 60.7%
  • Dodd, Chris

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Edwards, John

    Votes: 4 6.6%
  • Gravel, Mike

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Kucinich, Dennis

    Votes: 2 3.3%
  • Obama, Barack

    Votes: 17 27.9%
  • Richardson, Bill

    Votes: 1 1.6%

  • Total voters
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Iowa's results:

"Barack Obama was declared the winner of the Iowa Democratic presidential caucuses Thursday night, less than two hours after voting began.

With 96 percent of the precincts reporting Thursday evening, Obama had 38 percent of the vote while John Edwards had 30 percent and Hillary Clinton had 29 percent. Bill Richardson had 2 percent."
You Decide 08! » Obama, Huckabee Win Iowa Presidential Caucuses
I'm somewhat ignorant on this process.

Um, does that mean Obama is offically the main candidate for the presidency race?

Or is Clinton still in with a chance?

And does cacusus in every state do this?
I'm somewhat ignorant on this process.

Um, does that mean Obama is offically the main candidate for the presidency race?

Or is Clinton still in with a chance?

And does cacusus in every state do this?
This is just the first step. Each of the 50 states either holds a caucus (party meeting) or a primary (election) to decide which candidates their state will support at the national conventions of their parties. The delegates that are selected from Iowa's caucus will cast their votes at the national convention later this year.

Next caucus will be in Wyoming on Saturday. My state, South Carolina, will have a primary election on Jan. 19. Each state has a different date for its caucus or primary. Some states use the caucus system, some states use the primary system.

The Iowa selections are not the final ones. Iowa is just the earliest state caucus. Yes, Clinton still has a chance to be selected the Democrat candidate at the national convention.

The 2008 Democratic National Convention
so far... two candidates have dropout.

Joe Biden and Chris Dodd. That narrow to 6 so far.
I voted for Hillary Clinton it is has nothing to do with the woman power. It has to do with her experience. :P

So yesterday I voted her. Ha she won in NH vote. :D
I am myself Pro-Hillary Clinton for President! Sen. Clinton has wonderful experiences in her leadership for many years and very emphazies on her leadership. WHY??? She has listing of her leadership here:

* Former First Lady of President Bill Clinton for 8 years

* Been a lawyer for many years

* Former Arkansas Governor's first lady for 8 years

* Been a senator D-NY since 2000

* Proud to be Democrat

* support her husband, Bill Clinton

* mother for a daughter Chelesa

* being a woman!

Why not Sen. Clinton run for President 2008? Worth to count on her leadership and past experiences! I am voting for Sen. Clinton for President 2008!

I wouldn't vote for her because she was a mother. When Bill was president
and their daughter got ill at school, they asked to call her mother and Chelsea
said, "Umm you better call my dad, my moms kinda busy." WHAT? Just who
was really president?

I wouldn't vote for her because she was a former first lady. She should
have left that no good rotten adulterer! Instead she hung onto him
to ride in on his presidential coat tails.

I'm sick and tired of lawyers as politicians. We got too many of em
anyway, why gunk up politics with em?

A woman? Who starts to slip in the poles and goes "boohoo" you
should vote for me because I'm so emotional about this country.
Really! What would we have done if a man had cried like this!
Laughed him right out of office thats what. The woman would
have her finger on THE BUTTON for crying out loud. Do you
really want a PMSing woman in charge of nukes? If a woman
runs, let her have total control of her emotions! I don't want
some sobbing cry baby in charge of my country!
Friday, January 25, 2008

Soros nation: Hedge fund operator controlling Democratic politicians, media
By Cliff Kincaid

Our media have treated us to endless replays of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama attacking one another’s corporate ties.

Obama said Clinton had been a corporate lawyer on the board of Wal-Mart, while Clinton countered that Obama did favors for a slumlord who contributed to his political campaign. But there’s more to this than charges and counter-charges and a desperate race for the White House. It is apparent that both of these candidates are “corporate Democrats” with substantial ties to the business community. But haven’t we been told by the media that the Republicans are the party of Big Business?

In fact, a review of the public record for the 2008 election cycle shows that Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are in the top five of all politicians, on the presidential and congressional levels, in receiving financial contributions from the controversial, mysterious and secretive hedge fund industry. Overall, data from the Center for Responsive Politics shows that hedge funds prefer Democrats over Republicans by a margin of 79-21 percent. Democrats have received $4.2 million and Republicans $1.1 million from hedge funds. What the hedge fund operators want from the politicians is what all of us desire¯less taxation, regulation and oversight. But they have the money to get their way, even though they can hold the fate of entire nations and their economies in their hands.

It is significant that one of the richest men in the world, billionaire George Soros, is a hedge fund operator and convicted inside trader who pours millions of dollars into the Democratic Party, its front groups and candidates. He has put money into the coffers of both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. He will be able to pull the strings if either is elected president.

The other Democratic candidate, John Edwards, has not received money from Soros but actually worked for a hedge fund before he started going around the country blasting special interests. He is number five on the list of receiving hedge fund money.

One hedge fund pouring large amounts of money into Hillary Clinton’s political activities hired her daughter Chelsea. It is no surprise that Senator Clinton has balked at supporting a congressional proposal to tax hedge funds....
World Tribune — Soros nation: Hedge fund operator controlling Democratic politicians, media
I vote Barack Obama. I don't like Hilary Clinton, she stays with Bill for 1 and just lots of other things to many to list and I don't have time to list. I think Obama should get it. I think he is most honest of the Dems running.
psst... Hillary Clinton would like to get CI on every deaf children, free cost.

So, are you really support H. Clinton? :eek3:
it wasn't on any online, I saw on TV news during her speech. I'm have difficult to find the source over website.

Oh, I'm surprised after you said like that.

I prefer to get source about what Hillary said.
it wasn't on any online, I saw on TV news during her speech. I'm have difficult to find the source over website.

Do you recall the name of the TV news? Is it local? National?
local tv news

Do you remember the name of the local tv station? If you do, you may find it there. I am sure it would take forever to locate it. Have fun searching the archives if it is up to you. ;)
Very interest, Obama on health, he would want all children require to have health insurance. If parents doesn't have for children, will get fine.

on same-sex marriage, he is against but support civil union, and doesn't want to ban amendment content gay-marriage.

Iraq, he want to withdrawn alot of solider.

Illegal immigrant, he support mexica border wall, gain restrict on illegal labor and children

Abortion right, he support 100%

tax, he will do same as Bush do, cut tax on certain income.

He is younger in current president campaign.
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